3.5e Feats Category Format/Moderate
From Dungeons and Dragons Wiki
- Ability Reassignment
- Ability Training
- Ablative Armor
- Abode of Earth
- Abyssal Sight
- Accelerated Progression
- Acceleration Combat
- Accurate Opportunist
- Acquire Mind Blade
- Active Sonar
- Adamantine Stomach
- Adapt Psychic Knife
- Adaptive Dodge
- Adaptive Energy Resistance
- Adaptive Eyesight
- Adaptive Weapon
- Additional Spirit Bond
- Adept Hexer
- Advanced Cosmic Radiance
- Advanced Dark Companion
- Advanced Sword Technique
- Aerial Grapple
- Aged Well
- Agile Brawler
- Aim through Clouds
- Aiming
- Airship Improvement
- Alchemical Bite
- Alchemical Enchantment
- Alchemical Extract
- Alertness, Balmz
- Align Psychic Knife
- All Sides Defense
- All-Around Sight
- Alter Gender
- Alternative Tradition
- Always on Lookout
- Amateur Spellcaster
- Ambidextrous
- Ambush Spell
- Anger Point
- Anima Toughness
- Animal Avatar
- Animal Friend
- Animal Sight
- Animal Tongue
- Anointed Champion
- Anticipate Action
- Apprenticeship
- Aquatic Acrobatics
- Aquatic Stealth
- Arcane Dabbler
- Arcanopath
- Arm Block
- Armed Wrestler
- Armor Focus
- Armorborn
- Artist of Fast Draw
- As Young As You Feel
- Ascended Super Saiyan
- Ascetic Artist
- Ascetic Juggernaut
- Ascetic Wilder
- Assured Strike
- Athletic, Balmz
- Automated Hand
- Average Initiative
- Average Out
- Awareness
- Baast's Nimble Grace
- Bad Boss
- Bad Moon Rising
- Bad Touch Style
- Bark of My Bones
- Barrage of Fists
- Bat Out of Hell
- Batman In Plain Sight
- Battle Braggart
- Beauty Idol
- Beauty Model
- Big Bonk Style
- Bigger Boom
- Binding Growth
- Black Belt
- Black Blood Spell
- Blade Buster
- Blade of Selene
- Blinding Maneuver
- Blood Bank
- Bloody Toughness
- Boardshield Style
- Body of Iron
- Bolster Technique
- Bomb Focus
- Bondage Specialist
- Bonus Spell Slot
- Born Cursed
- Born Hunter
- Born Knight
- Born Psionic
- Born Scholar
- Born Thief
- Born Tinkerer
- Born Tough
- Bottoms Up
- Brace For Impact
- Breath Weapon Substitution
- Broad Mastery
- Broad Practice
- Brutal Disarm
- Bubble Bullet
- Buff Body
- Bulky Build
- Bundle of Terror
- Burning Feet
- Burning Rage
- Burning Zeal
- Butt Stroke
- Cacophonous Spell
- Calligraphy
- Caltrop Attack
- Cantrip Training
- Captivating Performance
- Caravaneer
- Careful Movement
- Careful Somatic Casting
- Carrot Encouragement
- Cartographer
- Caster Focus
- Cerulean Skill
- Challenge-Obsessed
- Charismatic Prodigy
- Chessmaster's Gambit
- Chew Gam Style
- Chthonic Grip
- Class Proficiency
- Clear Sky
- Cleave and Smite Evil
- Cleaving Launch
- Clever Duelist
- Cling to Life
- Cloaked Glide
- Codex Endurance
- Colourful Flag
- Combat Action Focus
- Combat Healer
- Combat Reflexes, Grimoire
- Combat Rogue
- Compensate for Size
- Compensate for Wind
- Competent Blacksmith
- Competent Healer
- Competent Musician
- Competent Patrolman
- Competent Sailor
- Competent Scholar
- Complete Exotic Proficiency
- Concentrating Words
- Condition Resistance
- Congregate Monk
- Conspiracy Hound
- Constricting Fiend
- Construct Toughness
- Contagious Evasion
- Contagious Mettle
C cont.
- Contemplative Focus
- Continued Mind Enhancement
- Controlled Spell Immunity
- Controlled Touch
- Cool Idol
- Corded steel muscles
- Corpse Toughness
- Craft Magical Image
- Craft Quicktrap
- Create More Water
- Critical Eye
- Critical Strike Mastery
- Critical Toughness
- Cross-Style Training
- Crowded Vessel
- Crusher Claw
- Crushing Slam
- Crushing Submission
- Cure Time
- Cursed Bloodline
- Cursed Rage
- Cute Idol
- Cyan Focus
- Cyan Initiative
- Damage Reduction Adaptation
- Dancing Blossom Stance
- Dancing Edge Style
- Danger Intuition
- Dark Knowledge
- Dark Mage
- Dauntless Vigor
- Deadtouched
- Deathless Energy Drain Immunity
- Deformity, Agile Intestines
- Deformity, Blood
- Deformity, Digesting Saliva
- Deformity, Gastroshot
- Deformity, Malformed Beak
- Deformity, Patchwork Body
- Deformity, Preying Talons
- Demonic Fury
- Demonologist
- Depraved Physiognomy
- Devastating Claws
- Devoted Extremist
- Dimensional Body Storage
- Disgruntled Smite
- Disguise in Plain Sight
- Dodge Improved
- Dodge, Sulacu Variant
- Dodge, Swift
- Dodgy Sort of Fellow
- Donkey Bite
- Donkey Kick
- Double Donkey Kick
- Double Pincer
- Draconic Heritage, Incarnum
- Draconic Legacy, Incarnum
- Drag and Push
- Dragon Surge
- Dragon Warrior
- Dragonblessed Commander
- Dragonscales Monk
- Dread Thrust
- Drench
- Drift Mastery
- Drink Life a Dwarf
- Drink Mixer
- Drive Charge
- Drone Expert
- Dry Cleaning
- Dual Mind Blade
- Dual Providence
- Dual Stinger Style
- Durable Shield
- Ear Worm
- Efficient Casting
- Efficient Corpsecrafting
- Efficient Crafting
- Eldritch Ascetic
- Eldritch Break
- Eldritch Dragon
- Eldritch Power
- Eldritch Skin
- Elemental Aura
- Emergency Reinvoke
- Endless Life
- Enduring Toughness
- Energy Ablation
- Energy Bite
- Energy Resistance
- Energy-Resistant Shield
- Enervation Explosion
- Enfeebling Charm
- Enhanced Body
- Enhanced Ki Pool
- Enhancement Power Attack
- Enlarge Psychic Knife
- Enlarged Mounted Archery
- Enspelled Plushie
- Epic Perfected Dodge
- Eternal Mindspring of the Psionic Mind
- Evasion Artist
- Even Luckier Than Before
- Evershifting Mark
- Exalted Damage Reduction
- Exalted Magus
- Exalted Rage
- Exalted Turning
- Excellent Trainee
- Exceptional Trainee
- Exotic Armourer
- Expand Astral Car
- Expand Spell
- Expanded Armored Ability
- Expanded Word Focus
- Expeditious Dodge Improved
- Expendable Familiar
- Experienced
- Expert Crossbow Handling
- Expert Learning
- Exploit Opening
- Extended Familiar
- Extended Shot
- Extra Bombs
- Extra Damnation Points
- Extra Divine Blessing
- Extra Dragon Secret
- Extra Explosive Potential
- Extra Martial Recovery
- Extra Rage, Variant
- Extra Reflexes
- Extra Shape
- Extra Surging
- Extremophile
- Eyes of Haze
- Fairy-touched
- Fake Provocation
- False Face
- False Honor
- False Swipe
- Familiar Companion
- Far Throw
- Fast Spell Retraining
- Fast Talker
- Favorite Landscape
- Favorite Weather
- Fear Leads To Anger
- Fearful Bravery
- Feet Shooter
- Fencing
- Fey Circle Magic
- Fey Skirmisher
- Field Expertise
- Fighter Trainee
- Fighting Boar Form
- Fighting Caster
- Find the Weak Spot
- Fist of Justice
- Fist of the Forest
- Fists of Steel
- Flexible Achiever
- Fluid Dodge
- Flurry of Steps
- Focused Mind
- Focused Rider
F cont.
- Fog Bank
- Foliar Efficiency
- Forbidden Knowledge
- Forceful Casting
- Forceful Invocation
- Freehand Shield
- From the Brink of Death
- Gallant Herald
- Gallipot of My Blood
- Gamball
- Gangsta Archery
- Gear Tainted Soul
- Gecko Step
- Ghostflame Spell
- Ghostly Hands
- Giant Weapon Training
- Gokiburi Grip
- Gokiburi Persistence
- Gokiburi Sensitivity
- Grab Air
- Grafted Arsenal
- Graham Body
- Gravity Field
- Grazing Dodge
- Great Grip
- Great Ricochet
- Greater Armor Focus
- Greater Find the Weak Spot
- Greater Improvised Weapons
- Greater Ongoing Rage
- Greater Spell Tenacity
- Grim Desperation
- Gsillan Beckon
- Guerrilla
- Guide Dog
- Gyakukaiten Stance
- HM Slave
- Hammer & Nail Style
- Hands Full of Weapons
- Hard Freeze
- Hard Light
- Hard to Kill
- Harmonic Casting
- Harvesting Strike
- Hateful Magic
- Health Surge
- Heart Shaped Box
- Heart of Pure Darkness
- Heart of the Enemy
- Heavy Build
- Heavy Kick
- Heavy Power Attack
- Heavy Xiphos Style
- Heedful Charge
- Hero
- Hero's Blade
- Heroic Spirit
- Hidden Manifestation
- Hidden Potential
- Hide in Crowd Sight
- High Risk Dodging
- Holy Water Specialist
- Honorable Extremist
- Honorary Canin
- Hoof to Face Style
- Hope's Power
- Hoplite Combat
- Horsebreaker Training
- Human Bastard
- Human Charm
- Human Durability
- Human Proficiency
- Human Shape
- Human Tool Use
- Huēyitepōl Mihcalini
- Hydraulic Acrobatics
- Hydromancy
- I Have a Punning Clan
- Iaijutsu Dash
- Ice Trail
- Ignorance is Strength
- Ikkaiten Stance
- Illuminator, Elan
- Illusionary Opportunist
- Illusory Familiar
- Imagined Performance
- Impetus Spell
- Improve Breath Weapon
- Improved Anima Toughness
- Improved Animal Companion
- Improved Bombs
- Improved Bull Rush, Variant
- Improved Charge
- Improved Crossbow Sniper
- Improved Damage Reduction
- Improved Damage Reduction Adaptation
- Improved Darkvision-CE
- Improved Deflect Arrows
- Improved Domain Preparation
- Improved Ectoplasmic Lash
- Improved Feint, Variant
- Improved Feral Strike
- Improved Find the Weak Spot
- Improved Hit Die
- Improved Improvised Weapons
- Improved Ink Sac
- Improved Ki Strike
- Improved Masterwork
- Improved Mounted Archery
- Improved Mystic Facsimile
- Improved Peripheral Vision
- Improved Rapid Natural Attack
- Improved Rapid Pact Making
- Improved Rearm
- Improved Resistance
- Improved Shield Bash, Variant
- Improved Shieldsurfing
- Improved Snap Kick
- Improved Stigmata
- Improved Unleash of the Runebearer
- Improved Vehicle Maneuverability
- Improved Weapon Aptitude
- Improved Weapon Finesse
- Improved Whip Proficiency
- Improvised Combatant
- Improvised Initiative
- Incarnum Immortality
- Increased Biocapacity
- Increased Bonus Casting
- Increased Monk AC
- Increased Monk Armor
- Increased Monk Speed
- Indigo Channeling
- Inertial Movement
- Inertial Shot
- Influence Resistance
- Inhuman Reflex
- Innate Seduction
- Insectile
- Insightful Combatant
- Insomnia
- Inspired Panache
- Instant Mealtime
- Intense Practice
- Intermediate Spellcaster
- Intimidating Brute
- Intuitive Initiative
- Inventory
- Invincibility Frames
- Ionize
- Ionize - Amplified
- Ionize - Charged
- Ionize - Supercharged
- Iris Mantle
- Iris Pact
- Iron Grip
- Iron Skin
- Iron Tide
- Iron Will Balmz
- Ironwall Technique
- Irresistible Incarnum
- It Was Meant For Me
- Item Focus Spell
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