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! Name !! Type !! Description !! Prerequisites

Latest revision as of 02:46, 8 May 2019

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Unquantifiable Balance Feats[edit]

50/50LuckYou always have a 50% chance of defending.1st level only
A Feast UnknownNecromantic CreationYou have partaken of the feast most foul and count yourself a king among the ghouls.You must have consumed the rapidly cooling flesh of an intelligent mortal creature. Must be evil.
A Shard of EternitySpelltouchedYou gain a +1 Inherent Bonus to all ability scores.Must have been exposed to a wish spell.
Absorb AllySpelltouchedYou can absorb fallen allies, taking their dying energy to empower yourself.Must have been exposed to death knell, 13 HD
Accelerate InitiativeFighterYour initiative keeps rising even after you've rolled.None
Access Divine PowerGeneralEither through faith or some trickery, you gain access to a domain power which would not normally be yours to use.None
Access Divine Spell-LikesGeneralAs Access Divine Spells, but gain them as 1/day spell-like abilities.Access Divine Power or Divine Blooded
Access Divine SpellsGeneralYou gain further access to your domain of specialization, unlocking the secrets of its inner circle.Access Divine Power
AccomplishedGeneralThis feat does nothing, but take heart for you can now follow your dreams and live in harmony, harmony--oh love!None
Acquire Class AbilityGeneralAn alternative to gestalt.Character level 6
Acquire DomainGeneralYou gain a domain in a divine class that does not normally gain domains.Be able to cast 1st level divine spells and have access to less than two domains.
Adjusted Pact MakingPactModify the length of time you remain bound to a vestige.Soul binding class feature, Skilled Pact Making, base Will save +6
Alien InfiltratorXenothericYou are an alien infiltrator from a distant world, allowing you to mesh very well with the primitives.Shapechanger subtype.
Altered Frequency SpellMetamagicSilence your Sonic spells, just enough to make it unaudible.Silent Spell
Always SkillfulGeneralYou always have the skills per level of your most skillful class.None
Anthropomorphic CompanionGeneralYour animal companion becomes an anthropomorphic humanoid with a pair of hands able to perform tasks and wield weapons.Animal Companion class feature
ArtificerProwessYou are a true master of spell trigger magic items.Arcana 4+ ranks, Caster Level 6
Assassin Casting GreaterGeneralGain spellcasting of 3rd level assassin spells.Assassin Casting LeastAssassin Casting Lesser, Disguise 8 ranks, Hide 12 ranks, Move Silently 12 ranks, 10 HD
Assassin Casting LeastGeneralGain spellcasting of 1st level assassin spells.Disguise 4 ranks, Hide 8 ranks, Move Silently 8 ranks, 6 HD
Assassin Casting LesserGeneralGain spellcasting of 2nd level assassin spells.Assassin Casting Least, Disguise 6 ranks, Hide 10 ranks, Move Silently 10 ranks, 8 HD
Assassin Casting SuperiorGeneralGain spellcasting of 4th level assassin spells.Assassin Casting LeastAssassin Casting Lesser, Disguise 10 ranks, Hide 14 ranks, Move Silently 14 ranks, 12 HD, Assassin Casting Greater
AstroadaptationXenothericYou can survive in the near vacuum of space.Con 15, Must not have to breathe, Natural Armor +5 or higher
Augmented ThaumaturgeGeneralYou gain access to, or further your development in a magical field.None
Basic HairstyleGeneralHave a default hairstyle always present, though never as strong as the real deal.Hairbinder 8th
BloodlineGeneralYou manifest a minor bloodline.None
Bloodline, GreaterGeneralYour bloodline reaches the pinnacle of its power.None
Bloodline, ImprovedGeneralYour bloodline is improved.None
Bonus PowerGeneralGain an extra power-spell.Powerful Class Ability Level 3rd level (or higher)
Bound CastleSpelltouchedYou are bound to a structure, and its presence is entirely dependant on your own well being.either Craft Wondrous Item or LandlordSBG, Exposure to mage's magnificent mansion, 9 HD
Branching School MagicGeneralA class feature that applies to a single school of magic now applies to another.Spell Focus
Breath WeaponFiendYou have a magical breath weapon.Character level 6
Brew Twisted PotionItem CreationYou make potions out of people's corpses. You sick, twisted bastard.Brew Potion, must be evil.
Broaden SpellcastingGeneralYou add spells from another spell list to your own spell list.Able to cast spells.
Burnt SpellMetamagicMake a spell much stronger at the cost of yourself.None
Busy MulticlasserMulticlassYou can multiclass a lot without making you horrible at everything.Must have at least 3 levels in one base class and 1 level in another.
Can't Die, Won't DieFighterYou are extremely hard to put down.DiehardWhy Won't You Die
Chaos Doll MagicRacialAdd Chaos spells to your class spell list.Plushie subtype, chaotic alignment, Caster level 1st
Child of featHeritage1st level only, Must have same alignment as your tutelary god
Clan CommanderLeadershipTeamwork Leadership, Character level 10th
Cling OnFighter, TacticalGain some grapple options based on holding on for dear life.Clever WrestlerCW or Improved Grapple or Grab special ability
CommodoreGeneralBeing in charge of one ship makes you a Captain. You have several.Airship Pilot 2nd level
Conjure AllySpelltouchedYou are capable of summoning a single creature known to you, who persists longer than most.3 HD, exposure to a summon monster spell
Construct CompanionGeneralYour familiar or animal companion is now a construct.Craft Construct or Knowledge Engineering 4 ranks
ConsumerGeneralGain additional funds specifically for consumable goods.None
Continued TrainingMulticlassYou continue training with one of your classes, even after you multiclass.None
Controlled CurseRacialYou can slow down the effect of your curse considerably.Accursed Mark racial feature
Copy EyeGeneralYou can copy maneuver you see other initiator initiates.One Doppelganger's Shadow, Martial Lore 4 Ranks
Copy TechniqueFighterYou pick up new tricks quickly and easily, able to rely on your companions for the ability to adapt to any situation.BAB +1, Intelligence 13
Craft ConstructItem CreationGain the ability to craft constructs and golem manuals.Craft 4 ranks, Use Magic Device 4 ranks
Craft Mundane ItemItem CreationYou are an expert working with mundane items.Craft (any) 4 ranks
Craft of the SoulstealerGeneralBy studying stolen souls, you have learned to fully tap their power for your magical creations.Three or more item creation feats, caster level 6
Create GeoglyphItem CreationLearn to create land-bound spells that affect very large areas.Caster Level 12th
Crystalize PowerMetapsionicTurn any damaging power into physical damage.None
Cyclonic SpellMetamagicBecome a master of winds by gaining more flexibility with Air spells.Ability to cast Air spells, Knowledge (nature) 4 ranks.
DabblerGeneralYour studies let you dabble in powers you would not normally possess.3rd level character
Dabbling WarlockGeneralYou have limited use of a single least or lesser invocation.Spellcraft 4 Ranks
Dark AtonerGeneralYou retain all class features of an evil paladin while good or neutral aligned.AntipaladinPathfinderBlack KnightBlackguard or Paladin of Slaughter/Tyranny 1st, Non-Evil Alignment
Deep DivinationGeneralYou have have the ability to dig deeper than normal with your divination.Must be able to cast augury or divination or their psionic equivalent.
Deformity, HiveDeformity, VileYou are host to insects.Con 13, Willing DeformityBoVD
Destined by HeraMinionYou had to pick Hera, did you?Favored of Hera
Device GadgeteerItem CreationYou gain the ability to craft and maintain special magic items.Int 17+
Direct Undead ControlNecromantic CreationTake control of undead in your control pool, empowering them with your abilities and spirit.Must be able to control undead via spells or rebuking.
Disguised CharacterGeneralYou are two persons in one bodyCharacter Level 15, Disguise 19 ranks or the ability to transform in another form, Disguised Class.
Disguised ClassGeneralSwitch between different sets of classesCharacter Level 10, Disguise 14 ranks or the ability to transform in another form, Disguised Feats.
Disguised FeatsGeneralAs a second identity or an additional style, you gain two sets of featsCharacter Level 6, Disguise 10 ranks or the ability to transform in another form.
Dismiss the UnrealGeneralYou are so perceptive you can almost always see through illusion.Spot or listen 15 ranks, Skill Focus (Spot or Listen), Base will bonus +7
Doppelganger CohortFighterYou gain a cohort who is the same levels as you, but half strength.Fighter level 6th
Doppledasein UnionRacialBoth doppledasein fuse into a single being.1st level only, Must be a doppledasein and have the twin ability.
Dream RealityRacialA dreamtouched human can interact with the unreal.Dreamtouched Human
Drop DeadGeneralYou can drop dead whenever you want!Must be alive.
Dual ClassingMulticlassA universally applicable multiclass feat.Two different base classes.
Effect ExtensionGeneralYou can extend almost any effect that come upon you.None
Energize PowerMetapsionicTurn any damaging power into energy damage.None
Epic Telekinetic ChampionEpicTelekinetic Champion
Essentia InfusionItem CreationYou can create magic items that gain in effectiveness if essentia is invested into them.Essentia Pool 1, Any Item Creation Feat.
Eternal ShikaiGeneralThough sheer spiritual pressure, a harmonic connection, or other feat, it seems that you are always in shikai state even when relaxed.Must have Shikai class ability.
Evolving Sorcerous LoreGeneralWhen you learn a spell you learn all other version of that spell.Must be able to cast spells spontaneously.
Expanded Racial TraitRacialGain additional racial or template traits.Must have alternative racial or template traits from which to choose from.
Extra Body SlotGeneralYou gain a floating body slot which you can bind magic items to.None
Extra Class AbilityGeneralYou gain an additional ability from a class list.See Below
Extra Daily SpellGeneralCast a daily spell once more per day.1 Powerful Casting Daily spell
Extra Stolen FeatGeneralYou can draw more from your pool of stolen talents.Must have the spirit thief template.
Fall to PiecesUndeadIf you're hit by a huge blow you can fall to pieces to negate most of it. The problem is getting back together...Must be a corporeal undead
Faustian ProdigyGeneralYou are not limited to one deity, demon lord or archdemon for abilities, feats, PrCs and whatnot.Charisma 15, Knowledge (The Planes) 9 ranks
Favored of an OlympianMinionYou are favored by one of the God of Olympus.None
Feral SummoningGeneralYou can summon creatures for longer than most. They aren't very friendly, though.None
Fey PactMonstrousYou recognize the power that words freely said hold.Fey or Outsider Type
Gnomish IllusionRacialYou gain additional spell-like abilities.Gnome
Gravetender's VowGeneralTreat things that have died as Undead.None
Great Ability VariantEpicVariant epic ability increase.None
Greater Reverse WeaknessGeneralYou have reversed all your weaknesses.Reverse Weakness
Greater Soulmeld FocusGeneralAdd 1 to the DC of your soulmeld effect, stack with Soulmeld FocusSoulmeld Focus
HauntedGeneralYou are haunted by a powerful spirit, which guide you and influence you.1st Level Only
Hidden SorceryGeneralGain a single 1st level sorcerer spell 2/day.Cha 11, 1st level only
Highest InitiativeFighterYou will always be a match for the fastest foes.None
Human AdaptabilityRacialYou gain a floating bonus feat which can be swapped out.Human
Human FlexibilityRacialGain a racial feature from another ECL 1 humanoid, and count as any humanoid subtype.Human
I Know a GuyGeneralYou’re in a tight spot, but you know someone who could potentially help. If they don’t double cross you.None
Ideal CreatureGeneralRemove some minor racial penalties and get some racial bonuses.No Flaws (see text)
Improv ArtistFighterYou lighten up any battlefieldPerform (Comedy), (Improv), or (Slapstick) 6 ranks, BAB +3
Improved Copy TechniqueFighterLearn to copy techniques much faster, even if its from your enemy.Copy Technique
Incarnum DevotionDomainGain temporary soulmeld.None
Incognito UndeadGeneralYou gain the ability to appear as if you were still living. In addition, you can temporarily become alive again, at the cost of your abilities.Undead Type gained through a template
Independent Mage of the Arcane OrderMetamagicYou do not need to be a member of the Arcane Order to access their Spellpool.Must be able to prepare 2nd level spells.
Inhabit CorpseUndeadYou can use your possession ability on dead bodies.Must have the Possession ability.
Intelligent DesignGeneralYour constructs have limited intellect.Must be able to create or summon construct in some way.
Intense TrainingFighterSolve intense mad problem with a single feat.None
Intuitive ReaderGeneralWhen you read a book, you understand it deep down.Wisdom 12
Iris FavoredIncarnumGain access to some spell from one of your deity’s domain depending on invest essentiaCon 13, Deity’s weapon focus
Just A Flesh WoundGeneralAct as if you had all appendages.Con 13, Born with two legs and two arms, Diehard
KillzerkerFighterFor a short time you can "killzerk" and gain the benefits of the Two-Weapon Fighting chain while doing so, and some fast healing.BAB +1, Dex 13, Con 13 or Rage 1/day
LA ProgressionMulticlassYour level adjustment dice stack with one of your base class for the purpose of determining level-dependent abilities.Must have one or more level adjustment dice and one class level
Lasting SpellMetamagicNot quite Persistent Spell, Lasting Spell still increases spell duration significantly.None
Learned ReaderGeneralYou have lived inside of a book most of your youth and now you reap the reward.Intelligence 12
Local StyleRacialYour fighting style is the paragon of how your race wages war.None
Loser of The GameGeneralYou just lost The Game, and now you must spread it.Must have knowledge of The Game
Luck of the MonkeyLuck, SkillYou are a bit curious on how monkeys are so lucky. Now you know.
Magic of the Planetary AlignmentMetamagicYou have 1 chance on 1,382,400 to make your spell near invincible.Non-Evil alignment, Caster 8th level., Magic of the Stars Canvas OR Profession (Astrologer) 12 ranks
Maneuvers TurquoiseIncarnumTemporarily replace Warblade maneuvers.Con 13, Warblade level 1st.
Master of ConcoctionsGeneralYou've mastered poisons to the extent that they are virtually irresistible by weaker foes.Poison Use class feature or 8 ranks in Craft (Alchemy)
Master of MirrorsGeneralYou gain Dark Mirror early and gain the ability to create multiple clones.Psychic Shadowstrike +1d8
Master of the PrimordialGeneralYour mastery over raw chaos rivals that of the oldest gods, allowing you to shape it into entire planes of existence.Reality Shaper, 18+ ranks in Craft
Memetic DNAXenothericYour alien biology holds the code to even your basic memory and experiences.None
Memories of DeathGeneralYou retain your memories perfectly after you are slain and brought back from the dead.Must be a native to the Prime Material Plane
Mending RebirthRacialSelf-Reincarnate racial feature
Mentalize PowerMetapsionicTurn any damaging power into psychic mind-affecting damage.None
Metamagic ExpertiseMetamagicYou may add one free metamagic spell level to your spell by extending its casting time to 1 round.One metamagic feat. Must be able to cast 3rd-level spells.
MetawordMetamagicYou can get metamagic for the use of utterances.None
Mindless AngerFuryWhen you rage, you become mindless. This can be good or bad.Ability to Rage, BAB +5
Monastic AdeptMulticlassYou are best monk.At least 3 level in the monk class or variant.
Monstrous TrainingMonstrousYou gain class level benefits from racial hit dice.must have two or more Racial Hit Dice., 1st Level Only
MoongazerGeneralMust be able to cast 1st level divination spells.
Motivated PrayerGeneralYour granted maneuvers are no longer randomly granted to you.CrusaderToB or Paladin of the Sublime Way
Multiclass ProgressionMulticlassStack two classes together for the purpose of determining class features with some limitations.Must have at least one level in two classes.
Necessary EvilGeneralRetain the class abilities of an "evil" class despite being good.Good alignment, at least one level in a class that requires you to be evil.
NecroquestGeneralYou can grant undead an overriding quest, or yourself if you happen to fall in battle.Animate Dead as a spell known or spell-like ability
Nuclear SpellMetamagicMix force, fire, acid and sonic damage to destroy your opponents.Caster level 12th
Opportunity ReactionTacticalConvert your attacks of opportunity into various possibilities.Combat Reflexes, Dex 17
Overflowing KiGeneralYou possess nearly unlimited pool of ki, requiring simple focus to regenerate.Character Level 7th, Ki Pool class featurePathfinder
Partial AdvancementGeneralYou gain partial advancement from one prestige class.None
Partial ConcentrationGeneralConcentration spells last for 1 additional round. If you return to concentrating on the spell before the end of the next round, you are treated as never having broken concentration.Concentration 9 ranks
Persistence in DeathGeneralContinue to live for several rounds more before you die.Con 13, Diehard
Physical IncarnationRacialYou gain the Evil and Damned subtypes as well as other bonuses and a single flaw.1st Level Only, Tiefling Race
Physical ManifestationPsionicGain access to a series of unique powers which drain hit points instead of power points.Con 13, Psychic Warrior 1st
PossessedGeneralYou are actually a possessing spirit, inhabiting a body which is not yours.1st level only
Power of the AntGeneralEven when at your smallest, you are still the strongest.None
Practiced MulticlasserMulticlassTwo of your class features stack with your levels in another class.At least two levels in two base classes, 15+ in two ability scores
PressureMonstrousYour spiritual presence wears people down faster than normal, expending their resources at an accelerated rate.Cha 13
Promising StudentGeneralA sufficiently gifted teacher can foster your unlocked potential.Dormant Talent class featureMetamorphosis class feature..
Quick BuffGeneralYou apply a personal buff as a swift action.5 HD
Racial TalentRacialYour racial hit dice count towards scaling class features.Racial Hit Dice
Radiance AbsorptionRacialYou absorb light and radiation and can draw power from solarite.Must be immune to [Light] effect as a virtue of your race.
Reality ShaperGeneralYou can shape primordial chaos into powerful magic items.Three or more Item Creation feats, caster level 10th+
Reckless SummoningMetamagicSummon stronger creatures, but lacking any sort of control.Able to cast a [Summoning] spell.
Reincarnation CycleGeneralYou always reincarnate as the same race and may extend the same benefit to other creatures. If you are not resurrected you eventually reincarnate on your own.1st level only or able to cast reincarnate as a spell
Remote Death ThroesGeneralYou can intentionally trigger your death throes before you're dead, having the effect go off in a remote location.Death Throes ability
Remote LimbsMonstrousYou can control your limbs if they have been lopped off, and put them on again.Regeneration or Undead Type
Remove WeaknessGeneralYou remove up to -2 of a racial penalty.Race with a racial penalty.
ReprogramGeneralPatterns affect mindless creatures.Caster Level 7th
Rushed ActionGeneralA limited number of time per day, you may rush an action which take up to 1 minute as a 1 round action.None
Scholar of the Old LoreGeneralYou have studied the Old Lore and learned a lot about ancient history. Additionally you can channel a surge of knowledge, altough it is taxing for your body.At least 3 knowledge skill 8 ranks.
Scholarly BardGeneralYou use Intelligence rather than Charisma for your bard class features.Bard 1st
Self AdvancementGeneralYour effective HD increases by +2 for the purpose of things which scale off HD.None
ShardseekerGeneralYou can see Polarity Shards easily.You must have touched a Polarity Shard in the past.
Share Class FeatureGeneralYou can lend a single class feature of your choice to a creature bonded to you, like an animal companion or familiar.None
Share IntellectGeneralYour familiar, animal companion, special mount, or other similar feature gains your mental ability scores.3 HD, Must have a familiar, animal companion, special mount, or similar feature.
SidekickGeneralYou have a sidekick/combat butler/servant etc.Character level 5th
Skill GeniusGeneralIf somebody can learn how to do it, you can try to do it without learning how.None
Skilled Weapon WielderFighterYou are especially good at using a single type of weapon, so much that you wield it like a trained warrior.Proficiency with selected weapon, base attack bonus +1
Soul ReaderGeneralWhen you read a book, it forever becomes part of your soul.Charisma 12
Specialist ContactGeneralYou know a guy who can do nice things.Character Level 6th
Spell-Like ImbuingMetamagicArcane Archers can normally only use spells with their abilities. Now they can.Imbue Arrow or a similar ability and at least one Spell-like ability.
Stacking Damage ReductionGeneralYou can stack damage reduction together.None
Stolen PowersGeneralYou have stolen your powers from the Gods, and do not need to heed their commands.Must be able to cast divine spells.
Stoning GazeFiendYou turn people you view into stone.Character level 9
Stout ProdigyGeneralYou can use your Constitution instead of mental ability score for certain class features.None
Sublime PracticeMulticlassMulticlass Initiator level increase.BAB +3, One Maneuver
Summon SpecializationGeneralSummon a specific type of outsider or elemental with bonuses.Able to cast any summon monster spell.
Supercell ReactorReserveYou can charge items with your electricity magic.Must be able to cast a 1st level spell with the [electricity] descriptor
Supreme DilettanteGeneralYour powers of dabbling allow you to to achieve similar mastery to those who have spent their whole lives honing a single skill.Character level 5
Swift SpellMetamagicYou can cast spells more efficiently, more quickly, but with less staying power.None
Synchronize Magic ItemGeneralAttune magic items to use your own save DCs.None
Teamwork LeadershipGeneralCharacter level 6th
Tips To Help You Find A High Quality Steam And Pressure WasherGeneralIf you have the clarity about your needs, then finding the right pressure washer would not be a problem for you.None
Traditional TeachingsGeneralYou regain an ability traded through an alternate class feature or archetype.Character level 3rd
Tranquil MeditationMantra, PsionicThis mantra make it easier to enter psionic focus and grant minor benefits, however also carries penalties.Autohypnosis or Concentration 6 Ranks
True GenesisGeneralEffects of Genesis Ritual stack.Cha 31, Able to use Genesis Ritual
True ImmunityGeneralYou are really, truly, very immune to things.innate immunity to an element, effect, or condition
Unapproachable SavesGeneralYou gaina +10 bonus on all saving throw, however as you succeed it slowly vanish throughout the day.Great FortitudeIron Will and Lightning Reflexes
Uncanny EyesGeneralYou learn a creature's qualities after observing them.Spot 4 Ranks
UnconventionalGeneralChoose almost any ability score to base your abilities around!None
Unconventional Human LearningHeritage, RacialYour thirst for knowledge gives you access to additional unconventional abilities, which you master as you learn and experience.Human, 1st level only, INT 11 or more
UndercastGeneralYou can precisely control the power level of your spells.Caster Level 2
Unfinished BusinessGeneralOops I forgot to do something.Drop Dead
UnforgottenGeneralWhen nobody remembers you, you return to life.Undead, Aberration, Elemental, or Outsider type
Variant Body AssemblageNecromantic CreationGain the ability to create and control undead.Ability to cast 1st level necromancy spells
Variant LeadershipGeneralLeadership without a cohort, but instead you gain other benefits.Character level 6th
Vestige DabblerGeneralGain the ability to bind a 1st level vestige.Knowledge (Arcana) 7 ranks, Knowledge (The Planes) 7 ranks
Vital Energy ProjectionGeneralYou can fire you cure and inflict spell as rays and possibly other shapes by expending other spells.Must be able to cast cure or inflict spell
Volt AbsorbMonstrousYou can absorb incoming electricity damage, granting temporary hit points to yourself.Immunity to Electricity
Weaponize Bio-EnergyXenothericYou can use your bio-energy to power energy weapons.None
Wild SpellcasterGeneralYou can boost the caster level of your spells, at the risk of incurring unknown chaos.Able to cast spells
Witch-Knight InitiateGeneralYou stack your eldritch knight and witch level together for the purpose of your class features.Witch 1st, Diverse Training
Wizard GirlfriendFighterYou have a wizard girlfriend, she is more useful than you are.Fighter Level 6th
Zodiacal SpellMetamagicAs a master stargazer you can channel the power of constellations to empower your spells.Profession (astrologer) 4 ranks

Unquantifiable Balance Epic Feats[edit]

Access DomainEpicYou gain an additional domain.Knowledge Religion (24 ranks), able to cast 9th-level divine spells.
Epic Telekinetic ChampionEpicTelekinetic Champion
Wild VersatilityEpicThis feat changes to feat specially tailored for your WildshapeWis 23, Alternate Form Special Ability (such as Wild Shape)

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