True Strike (TOToM Spell)

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Author: MisterSinister (talk)
Date Created: 15th November 2010
Status: Finished
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True Strike Paladin, Ranger Divination 1
This spell grants its users a prenatural, if momentary, awareness of the relative positions of themselves and their opponent, allowing them to make attacks that are terrifyingly precise.
Immediate reaction Simple ? V
Range: Personal
Target: You
Duration: 1 round (see text)
Saving Throw: None
This spell causes the user's next attack roll (provided it is made within the same round that the spell is used) to count as if the user had rolled a 20 on their attack roll. Note that this does not cause a critical threat.
Enhanced: The attack also ignores any incorporeal miss chance that it had.
Diminished: The attack is treated as if the user had rolled a 15 on their attack roll instead.
Immune: No effect.
Augment 1: The spell also causes a critical threat. This must be rolled to confirm as normal. If the spell is diminished, it only causes a critical threat if a 15 normally would.
Items: Heartseeking amulet

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Sourcebooks Liber Demonica
Classes Abyssal Blackguard, Adept, Liber Demonica, Barbarian, Sublime, Battle Scholar, Blood Warlock, Fleshcrafter, Liber Demonica, In-Denial FATALite, Jedi, Possessed, Priest, Ravaged By Abaddon, Ravaged By Dagon, Ravaged By Demogorgon, Ravaged By Fraz-Urb'luu, Ravaged By Graz'zt, Ravaged By Malcanthet, Ravaged By Obox-ob, Ravaged By Orcus, Ravaged By Pale Night, Ravaged By Pazuzu, Shadow Magister, Shadow Theurgist, Stranger in the Night, Warlock, Abyssal, Warrior, Liber Demonica
Character Options Abaddon's Hatred, Adamantine Body, Tome, Alchemical Mastery, Armour Training, Assassination Training, Attack on the Run, Baphomet's Stature, Bloodseeking Spell, Burst of Speed, Child of Night, Combat Expertise, MS Variant, Combat Reflexes, MS Variant, Dark Awareness, Darkest Shadow Devotee, Demogorgon's Insanity, Diabolic Disciple, Dodge, MS Variant, Exalted Spell Learning, Fraz-Urb'luu's Duality, Graft Flesh, Graz'zt's Shadows, Improved Combat Maneuver, Improved Feint, MS Variant, Improved Unarmed Strike, MS Variant, Infinite Lotus Disciple, Juiblex's Slime, Orcus' Affinity, Pale Night's Veil, Pazuzu's Freedom, Perfect Lotus, Precise Shot, MS Variant, Ruination of Malcanthet, Servant of the Obyrith, Shadow Focus, Solar Resistance, Tentacles of Dagon, Thrall to Demon, Two-Weapon Defense, MS Variant, Two-Weapon Fighting, MS Variant, Venom of Obox-ob, Vision of the Lotus, Weapon Focus, MS Variant, Yeenoghu's Victory
Class Ability Components Abaddon's Prowess, Abaddon's Radiance, Abyssal Counsel, Abyssal Gift, Acid, Acid Sheath, Air, Liber Demonica, Anarchy, Anonymous Function Call, Apocalypse From The Sky, Artifice of Demogorgon, Ashe's Mind Lance, Ashe's Spell Seizure, Ashe's Transformative Counterspell, Axiom of Choice, Axiom of Determinancy, Beherit's Arrow, Bounded Infinity, Brutal Eyes' Vengeance, Chaos, Collapse Eternity's End, Conquest, Continuum Hypothesis, Corrupt, Dagon's Blessing, Dagon's Icy Grip, Delirium of Demogorgon, Demise Unseen, Detect Alignment, Diabolic, Diagonal Argument Proof, Draining of Orcus, Drown, Eclipse, Elush's Elemental Extraction, Elush's Epiphyseal Erosion, Elush's Explosive Exsanguination, Elush's Eye-Blasting Explosion, Elush's Leaden Investiture, Elush's Limb Calcification, Eratosthenes' Sieve Defence, Erzebet's Skull Bomb, Erzebet's Soul-Flensing Ligature, Evil, Exclusion of Pale Night, Expurgation of Juiblex, Eyes of the Obyrith, Faith's Reactive Nest, Fist of Baphomet, Flaying Wind, Floating-Point Instability Process, Gaze of Orcus, Good, Graz'zt's Schemes, Hatred, Healing, Hijack Spell, Hijacking Dispel, Hyperbolic Asymptote, Incompleteness Theorem, Infinite Lotus, Insanity, Integer Understanding, Interval of Confidence, Invigoration, Irrational Number Inculcation, Ishara's Enticing Directive, Ishara's Fiery Ring, Ishara's Fiery Transfiguration, Itharius' Unerring Strike, Jealousy of the Abyss, Lamashtu's Lantern, Law, Lesharr's Entrapment, Lesser Miracle, Logic-Overriding Postulate, Lust, Lust's Immolation, Malcanthet's Beckoning, Malcanthet's Chains, Mass Drown, Mathematical Induction Principle, Natural Number Understanding, Nealan's Disturbing Image, Nealan's Erotic Gaze, Nealan's Erotic Touch, Nealan's Unbuckling, Nerameshu's Weather Possession, Norton's Bone-Freezing Explosion, Pain, Pale Night's Veil, Pazuzu Splits the Skies, Phantasmagorical Image, Quickness of Pazuzu, Rapture of Rupture, Real Number Understanding, Reality is but a Stream, Shadow, Shadow of Azzagrat, Shadows of the Mage-Lords... further results
Equipment Babau Skin, Balor Blood, Bar-lgura Arm, Bayonet, Blunderbuss, MS Variant, Bomb, Chakram, Infinite Lotus, Demon Armour, Greater, Demon Armour, Lesser, Demon Heart, Demon Weapon, Least, Demon Weapon, Lesser, Demonic Essence, Greater, Demonic Essence, Least, Demonic Essence, Lesser, Demonic Essence, Moderate, Demonic Essence, Superior, Duskdagger, Eye of the Obyrith, Face of the Obyrith, Feet of the Nalfeshnee, Hellfire Gatling Cannon, Hellfire Jezzail, Hellfire Shot-Glaive, Hellfire Thrower, Hellfire Warpspitter, Jaw of the Abyss, Jezzail, Lightsaber, Standard, Maurezhi Tongue, Mobius Whip, Molydeus Snake, Para-Bow, Pistol, MS Variant, Sacrificial Sac, Swordplane, Third Eye of Damnation, Tri-Dagger, Vocal Cords of the Vrock
Variant Rules Ability Arrays, Better Full Attacks, Better Hit Points, Better Initiative, Condensed Skills, Cross-Discipline Maneuvers, Declaratory Initiative, Fixed Bonus Types, Masterwork Guns, More Stable Saves, New Level-Dependent Benefits, Revised Size, Simplified Items, Simplified Skills
For GMs Abaddon, Celestial Chicken, Chicken, Dire Chicken, MS Variant, Fiendish Chicken, Graz'zt, Malcanthet, Shadow Demon, Young Lava Dragon
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Article BalanceUnquantifiable +
Augment1 +
AuthorMisterSinister +
ClassPaladin + and Ranger +
ComponentV +
DescriptorSimple +
IdentifierTOToM Spell +
Level1 +
RangePersonal +
RatingUnrated +
SchoolDivination +
SummaryMakes your next attack strike true. +
TitleTrue Strike +