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Balanced Wealth (3.5e Variant Rule)

Revision as of 13:49, 23 March 2010 by Ghostwheel (talk | contribs)
Author: Ghostwheel (talk)
Date Created: September 13, 2009
Status: Complete
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Balanced Character Wealth by Level


As it stands, Character Wealth by level (CWBL, page 135 of the 3.5 DMG) is horribly skewed in favor of casters. Where attackers need all of the Big Six magical items (magic armor, a magic weapon, a ring of protection, an amulet of natural armor, a cloak of resistance, and an item that boosts an ability score), casters for the most part only need two (cloak of resistance and an item that boosts an ability score), especially if they stay out of melee.

This variant attempts to fix this problem, one which gives casters a boost beyond their class abilities and spells. Rather than characters buying whatever they want, instead the total amount of wealth they gain is lowered and in its place they gain access to free equipment depending on their level. At level 20, taking out the value of all the Big Six using half the price of a Belt of Magnificence for the ability modifiers (come out to 300k gp) from the level 20 CWBL (which is 760k gp) we're left with 460k, around 60.5% of the previous CWBL. Thus, we reduce the CWBL of characters across the board by around 60.5%, give or take a few gp for whole numbers.

Another potential problem automatically fixed by this variant is when characters are below the CWBL they should be at, according to the DMG. With this variant, characters always have at least the minimum level-equivalent equipment that they need to get through a fight.

How it Works

Replace Table 5-1, page 135 of the 3.5 DMG with the following table. At the appropriate levels, characters are able to influence items to gain the bonuses as marked below by meditating for an hour upon their items. For example, if a character had a nonmagical ring, a chain shirt, and a shortsword, they may meditate for a single hour to influence the items to become magical. Only a single item can be attuned at a time for each bonus (see the exceptions below), and characters must relinquish their influence upon an item (a full-round action) before they may begin influencing a new one. The items only benefit the character who has influenced them, reverting to their usual state in the hands of anothe being.

The exception to the rule of one item attuned per enhancement refers to weapons and armor, which may be split to multiple items. For every additional item attuned, the bonus decreases by 1. Thus, a level 20 character with two shortswords can influence both, and they each become +4 shortswords. The same thing with a level 20 character who wants to influence a suit of armor and a shield, influencing both to become +4 items.

With their spare gold, characters may still buy any item they wish. Should they wish to enchant the items that they've influenced further, they must pay the difference between what the items would cost if they had bought them normally without influencing them, and their new enhancement cost. For example, if a character has influenced a weapon to +4 and wishes to add another +1 enhancement bonus as well as the Flaming, Frost, and Shocking qualities, they must pay the difference between a +4 weapon (32000 gp) and the cost of their newly enchanted weapon (+5 Flaming Frost Shocking weapon, effectively a +8 weapon, or 128000 gp), which comes out to 96000 gp.

Balanced CWBL Table

Table: Balanced CWBL

Level New Wealth (in GP) Equipment Granted
Armor Enhancement Weapon Enhancement Deflection Natural Armor Enhancement Resistance Enhancement bonus to all ability scores
1 180 +1
2 540 +1
3 1600 +1 +1
4 3200 +1 +1
5 5400 +2
6 7600 +2 +2
7 11500 +2
8 16000 +2 +2
9 22000 +3 +3
10 30000 +3
11 40000 +3
12 53000 +3 +3 +4
13 67000 +4
14 91000 +4
15 121000 +4 +5
16 157000 +4 +4
17 206000 +5
18 266000 +5 +6
19 351000 +5
20 460000 +5 +5

Note: When using this variant, you should also lower the amount of treasure given out by encounters by around 39.5% to keep characters at the new wealth.

This variant works extremely well in tandem with the rules presented in Complete Gear.

Variant to Magic Weapons

With this variant comes the option of making magical weapons both simpler and cooler. No character in a fantasy story has a +5 Shocking Screaming Flaming Frost Shocking Axe, right? In fact, few characters have a weapon that's simply "magic"--weapons slice more easily, shriek with an unnerving sound, or explode in bursts of energy. Just "magic" is dull, and can easily be replaced with more interesting abilities. Rather, they have magical sword of fire, axes covered in rimefrost, and hammers that crackle with lightning. This variant uses the above rules, but completely does away with the magical equivalent of "wealth" that characters have, instead substituting them for the number of magical items of a certain level of power that characters will have.

Similarly, characters aren't usually festooned with dozens of magical items as though they were some sort of crazy Christmas tree. Instead, they have a few items that allow them to do interesting things, each one special in its own right. A character might have boots of flying, gloves that allow them to examine the past owners of an object, a cloak that fools the eye, and so on. In this variant, characters are limited to using up to five magical items at a time, and magical items are divided into three categories: least, lesser and greater magic items. Magical items must be willfully donned, with the intent to use them to stop a tricksy enemy from forcing a character to lose one or more of their magical abilities simply by handing off a trinket of little worth. Furthermore, items count towards the limit of five magical items per character for two minutes after they have been taken off to prevent a character from changing clothes mid-combat in an effort to gain the bonuses from a different item.

"Magical items" and their limit in this case refers to effects that are continuous (including weapons, armor, or clothing with special effects) or whose activation time is a move action, swift action, immediate action, or free action. Items that require a standard action or longer to use, such as a wand, staff, or potion, do not count against the character's magic item limit. Furthermore, "miscellaneous" bonuses to stats such as Sacred bonuses to ability scores, Insight bonuses to attack, or Luck bonuses to saves or AC are gone from magic items, the tables above supplementing them with naturally-given bonuses to such statistics.

  • Least magic items are the most common, and their worth usually ranges anywhere from as little as one gold to 4,000 pieces. They often replicate the effects of spells of first and second level.
  • Lesser magic items are often wielded by might heroes, and their worth usually ranges anywhere from around 4,000 gold to 25,000 gold. They often replicate the effects of spells from third and fourth level.
  • Greater magic items are very rare, and wielded by paragons of their kind. Their worth usually ranges anywhere from 25,000 to 200,000 gold. They often replicate the effects of spells from fifth and sixth level

Note that the DM is the final arbiter on what rank a specific magic item gets. Characters can gain the benefits of a number of magic items of specific ranks as shown in the table below. However, remember that one can only gain the benefits of up to five magic items at a time.

Level Rank of Item
Least Lesser Greater
3 1
4 1
5 2
6 3
7 4
9 1
10 1
11 2
12 3
13 4
15 1
16 1
17 2
18 3
19 4

Rather than use the old rules for things like magical arms and armor, these are a examples on how magical weapons scale with one's character. So instead of having a +3 Shocking Flaming Corrosive sword, which deals 1d6 damage of each of the above types, a +3 Flaming sword would deal 3d6 fire damage instead. Weapons may choose one damage enhancement and one boost enhancement; with only one enhancement, the weapon is considered a Least magic item, and with two the weapon counts as a Lesser magic item. Armors may have only one enhancement at a time.

Damage Enhancement Examples:

  • Flaming - Deals an additional +1d6 fire damage per +1 enhancement bonus the player adds to their weapons.
  • Frost - Deals an additional +1d6 cold damage per +1 enhancement bonus the player adds to their weapons.
  • Corrosive - Deals an additional +1d6 acid damage per +1 enhancement bonus the player adds to their weapons.
  • Shocking - Deals an additional +1d6 electricity damage per +1 enhancement bonus the player adds to their weapons.
  • Screaming - Deals an additional +1d4 sonic damage per +1 enhancement bonus the player adds to their weapons.
  • Anarchic - Deals an additional +1d6 damage against lawful creatures per +1 enhancement bonus the player adds to their weapons.
  • Axiomatic - Deals an additional +1d6 damage against chaotic creatures per +1 enhancement bonus the player adds to their weapon .
  • Bane - Deals an additional +3d6 damage against creatures of a specific type per +2 enhancement bonus that the player adds to their weapons.
  • Collision - Deals an additional 5 damage per +2 enhancement bonus that the player adds to their weapons.

Boost Enhancement Examples:

  • Merciful - The damage from this weapon may be made nonlethal should the character chooses.
  • Speed - Weapon grants an additional attack on a full-attack action if the weapon has an enhancement bonus of at least +3 (does not stack with haste or any similar effects).
  • Wounding - Deals 1 point of con damage for every +2 enhancement bonus the player adds to their weapons.
  • Changeling - As a swift action, the character may have the weapon change into any other weapon of the same size.
  • Ghost Touch - The weapon affects Incorporeal creatures normally, without any chance of missing.
  • Keen - The threat range of the weapon doubles.
  • Spell Storing - The weapon may hold a single spell which is triggered upon a hit.
  • Bursting - On a critical hit, the weapon deals an extra 1d8 damage for every multiplier above one that the weapon possesses. (x2 is +1d8, x3 is +2d8, x4 is +3d8, and so on.)
  • Brilliant Energy - If the weapon has at least an enhancement bonus of +4, the weapon sheds light and ignores armor bonuses to AC and nonliving matter.

You get the idea. This way, weapons stay magical and powerful throughout gameplay, and the player doesn't have to upgrade them at the local magic-mart with new additions and enhancements.

A few examples for armor:

  • Fortification - Gain a 25% chance of being immune to sneak attack and critical hits at +1 enhancement bonus the player adds to their armor. This upgrades to 50% at +3 enhancement, and 100% at +5
  • Spell Resistance - Gain SR 9 + 2 for every +1 enhancement bonus the player adds to their armor. Thus, at +3 armor enhancement, this armor grants a SR of 15
  • Blinding - Twice per day, anyone within 20' of the wielder must make a Reflex saving throw or be blinded for 1d4 rounds. The DC of this is equal to 12 + 2 for every +1 enhancement bonus the player adds to their armor
  • Fire resistance - Gain Fire Resistance of 5 for every +1 enhancement bonus the player adds to their armor
  • Acid resistance - Gain Acid Resistance of 5 for every +1 enhancement bonus the player adds to their armor
  • Cold resistance - Gain Cold Resistance of 5 for every +1 enhancement bonus the player adds to their armor
  • Sonic resistance - Gain Sonic Resistance of 5 for every +1 enhancement bonus the player adds to their armor
  • Electricity resistance - Gain Electricity Resistance of 5 for every +1 enhancement bonus the player adds to their armor

Extrapolate these examples to whatever bonus you have in mind, making sure to keep the ability gained in line with the level the character would be when they would be able to gain the ability normally.

Ghostwheel's Homebrew (310 Articles)
3.5 Classes Berserker, Cosplayer, Daywalker Paragon, Iaijutsu Master, Magus Portalus, Marshal, Rage Mage, Reaper, Sharpshooter, Spellthief, Pathfinder Variant, Thaumaturge, Toxinblade, Trapsmith, Variant, Xenophile
3.5 Feats Access Divine Power, Access Divine Spells, Accomplished, Accurate Opportunist, Acolyte of the Skin, Adaptable Technique, Adjusted Accuracy, Aegis of Health, Tome, Arcane Champion, Assassinate, Augmented Thaumaturge, Barreling Charge, Bladeblast, Blood of Stone, Bolster Technique, Careful Movement, Charismatic Prodigy, Cleave, Grimoire, Close Miss, Combat Reflexes, Greater, Combat Reflexes, Grimoire, Combat Reflexes, Improved, Compensate for Size, Copy Technique, Cross-Style Training, Dabbler, Danger Intuition, Dash, Death From Afar, Defensive Roll, Defensive Strike, Deft Opportunist, Diehard, Grimoire, Distracting Barrage, Divine Stalker, Dragoon Charge, Endurance, Grimoire, Euphoric Blade, Expose Weakness, Extended Psychic Strike, Focused Energy, Fortune's Friend, Furious Blow, Gatecrasher, Gatling Spell, Goad, Greater Spellthief, Greater Spring Attack, Gripping Vise, Heavy Build, Heedful Charge, Hidden Manifestation, Hostile Mind, Improved Charge, Improved Mage Knight, Improved On Your Knees, Improved Wild Talent, Incredible Focus, Intervene, Intimidating Brute, Iron Tide, Know-It-All, Last to Fall, Living Weapon, Mage Knight, Magekiller, Tome, Mana Engine, Master Blaster, Master Creature Killer, Master of Concoctions, Metamana Fuel, Mystic Arts Synthesis, Mystic Theurge, On Your Knees, Overwhelming Blow, Penetrating Strike, Phantom Health, Pounce, Power Attack, Grimoire, Power Charge, Precise Marksman, Primal Enchanter, Psyblade, Purple Dragon Knight, Quick Reconnoiter, Ranged Feint, Ranged Flanking, Ranged Threat, Renewed Zealousness, Shadow Pounce, Sharpshooter, Shielded in Life, Short Haft, Skill Trick Mastery, Spell Cascade, Spell Parry, Spell Reflection, Spellcutting Strike, Spellthief, Spiritual Weapon... further results
3.5 Traits Ambidextrous, Avenger, Exceptional Luck, Hulking Brute, Mixed Blood, Opportunist, Preacher, Psychic Potential, Radical Upbringing, Raised by Wolves, Sight Without Sight, Skilled, Trapspringer, Unnatural Aura, Unorthodox Tutelage, Versatile, Void Born
3.5 ACFs Barrage Sharpshooter, Grimoire Fighter, Grimoire Paladin, Grimoire Ranger, Grimoire Rogue, Grimoire Soulknife, Grimoire Tenken, Grimoire Totemist, Psychic Soulknife, Trapspringer Bard, Trapspringer Sharpshooter, Wildmagic Thaumaturge
3.5 Variant Rules Alignments by Color, Alternative Iterative Attacks, Background-Based Skills, Balanced Skills, Balanced Wealth, Broken Shields, Capped Modifiers and DCs, Condensed Skills, Custom Weapon Creation, Dual Preparation Casting, E20, Expanded Movement Options, Failure is not the End, Grace Points, Healing Surges, Lengthened Spellcasting, Limited Spell Levels, Magical Focus Implements, Masterwork Variant, Monstrous Player Characters, New Level-Dependent Benefits, Original Race Rebuilding, Prepared Spontaneous Casting, Recharging Magic, Recharging Power Points, Refillable Potions, Rituals, Scaling Item DCs, Simplified Experience, Simplified Races, Simplified Skills, Simplified Social Interaction, Simplified Special Attacks, Stacking Ability Modifiers, Standardized Bonus Types, Taking Stock, The Edge, Turn Undead, Variant Reach, Vow of Poverty, Wounds
3.5 Optimized Builds Arcane Warrior, Basic Blaster Wilder, Basic Combat Rogue Guide, Bladesinger, Clever Critfighter, Dragoon, Eternal Blade of the Revenant, Feral Shifter, Glaive of the Dungeon Crasher, Glaive of the Hellfire Warlock, Grapplemancer, Healing Personified, Hero of Time, Knightly Charger, Low Level Nova, Machine Gun Assassin, Mindspider Infiltrator, Mobile Blender, Mobile Glaive, Nightcrawling Shadowpouncer, Psionic Monk, Righteous Rager, Sacred Fist of the Silver Flame, Shower of Arrows, Sublime Singer, Ubermount, Whirling Eater of Souls
Guide to Roles in the Party (3.5), Talk

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