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D&D Publication ListEdit

This is a navigation page for all known D&D and d20-oriented publications.

Unfortunately, this page is woefully incomplete. If you see a publication not here, please add one with at minimum its name and edition.

Publication LinksEdit

  • Basic Rules Publications
    All publication pages for the Basic Rules of Dungeons and Dragons can be found on this page.
  • 1e Publications
    All publication pages for Advanced Dungeons and Dragons 1st edition can be found on this page.
    • 1e Modules
      Modules created for Advanced Dungeons and Dragons 1st edition can be found on this page.
  • 2e Publications
    All publication pages for Advanced Dungeons and Dragons 2nd edition can be found on this page.
    • 2e Modules
      Modules created for Advanced Dungeons and Dragons 2nd edition can be found on this page.
  • 3e and 3.5e Publications
    All publication pages for Dungeons and Dragons edition 3.5 and 3.0 can be found on this page.
    • 3e and 3.5e Adventures
      Adventures and modules created for Dungeons and Dragons edition 3.5 and 3.0 can be found on this page.
  • 4e Publications
    All publication pages for Dungeons and Dragons edition 4 can be found on this page.
    • 4e Adventures
      Adventures and modules created for Dungeons and Dragons edition 4 can be found on this page.
  • 5e Publications
    All publication pages for Dungeons and Dragons edition 5 can be found on this page.
    • 5e Adventures
      Adventures and modules created for Dungeons and Dragons edition 5 can be found on this page.
  • One D&D Publications
    All publication pages for One D&D can be found on this page.
  • Publishers
    All of the publishers and authors of D&D related products are linked to here.
    • TSR
      TSR, Inc. was an American game publishing company most famous for publishing the Dungeons & Dragons role-playing game. The company was purchased in 1997 by Wizards of the Coast, which no longer uses the TSR name for its products. All the D&D related items published under the TSR name can be found here.
    • Wizards of the Coast
      D&D is currently published by Wizards of the Coast. All the D&D related items published by wizards of the coast can be found here.
  • Published Campaign Settings
    All of the published campaign settings ever made for d20 and D&D are linked to here.
  • d20 Adaptations
    This section lists variants of the d20 System by third party publishers.
  • Periodicals
    These are periodicals dedicated to D&D and d20 games.
  • Novels
    These are novels published for D&D and its settings.

Complete Publication List
907 publications
Publication System Publisher
A Collection of Fantastic Weapons d20 3am Games
A Dozen and One Adventures Dungeons and Dragons 2e TSR
A Guide to the Ethereal Plane Dungeons and Dragons 2e TSR
A Hero's Tale Dungeons and Dragons 2e TSR
A Paladin in Hell Dungeons and Dragons 2e TSR
A Practical Guide to Monsters None Mirrorstone, Wizards of the Coast
A Question of Ethics Dungeons and Dragons 3e Wizards of the Coast
A Tale Manifesting Dungeons and Dragons 3e Wizards of the Coast
AD&D Adventures in Space Dungeons and Dragons 2e TSR
Acquisitions Incorporated Dungeons and Dragons 5e Wizards of the Coast
Advanced Bestiary Dungeons and Dragons 3.5e Green Ronin
Advanced d20 Rulebooks Dungeons and Dragons 3.5e Green Ronin
Adventure Pack I Dungeons and Dragons 1e TSR
Adventurer's Vault Dungeons and Dragons 4e Wizards of the Coast
Adventures in Blackmoor Dungeons and Dragons 1e TSR
Against the Cult of the Reptile God Dungeons and Dragons 1e TSR
Against the Giants Dungeons and Dragons 1e TSR
Against the Giants: The Liberation of Geoff Dungeons and Dragons 2e TSR
Age of Mortals Dungeons and Dragons 3.5e Sovereign Press
Alchemist's Eyrie, The Dungeons and Dragons 3e Wizards of the Coast
All That Glitters Dungeons and Dragons 1e TSR
Amber and Ashes Novel Wizards of the Coast
Amber and Blood Novel Wizards of the Coast
Amber and Iron Novel Wizards of the Coast
And the Gods Will Have Their Way Dungeons and Dragons 2e TSR
Arabian Adventures Dungeons and Dragons 2e TSR
Arcane Shadows Dungeons and Dragons 2e TSR
Arena of Thyatis Dungeons and Dragons 1e TSR
Arms and Equipment Guide Dungeons and Dragons 2e TSR
Arms and Equipment Guide Dungeons and Dragons 3e Wizards of the Coast
Assassin Mountain Dungeons and Dragons 2e TSR
Assault on Nightwyrm Fortress Dungeons and Dragons 4e Wizards of the Coast
Assault on Raven's Ruin Dungeons and Dragons 1e TSR
Assault on the Aerie of the Slave Lords Dungeons and Dragons 1e TSR
Asticlian Gambit Dungeons and Dragons 2e TSR
Astral Adventurer's Guide Dungeons and Dragons 5e Wizards of the Coast
Avengers in Lankhmar Dungeons and Dragons 1e TSR
Axe of the Dwarvish Lords Dungeons and Dragons 1e TSR
Bad Light Dungeons and Dragons 3.5e Wizards of the Coast
Bad Moon Waning Dungeons and Dragons 3.5e Wizards of the Coast
Baldur’s Gate Descent into Avernus Dungeons and Dragons 5e Wizards of the Coast
Baltron's Beacon Dungeons and Dragons 1e TSR
Barrow of the Forgotten King Dungeons and Dragons 3.5e Wizards of the Coast
Base of Operations, The Dungeons and Dragons 3e Wizards of the Coast
Bastion of Broken Souls Dungeons and Dragons 3e Wizards of the Coast
Before the Mask Novel TSR
Bestiary of Dragons and Giants Dungeons and Dragons 1e TSR
Bestiary of Krynn Dungeons and Dragons 3.5e Sovereign Press
Betrayal Novel Wizards of the Coast
Beyond the Crystal Cave Dungeons and Dragons 1e TSR
Beyond the Moons Novel TSR
Birthright Campaign Setting Dungeons and Dragons 2e TSR
Black Flames Dungeons and Dragons 1e TSR
Black Opal Eye Dungeons and Dragons 2e TSR
Black Rain Dungeons and Dragons 3e Wizards of the Coast
Black Spine Dungeons and Dragons 2e TSR
Blade of Vengeance Dungeons and Dragons 1e TSR
Blizzard Pass Dungeons and Dragons 1e TSR
Blood of the Yakuza Dungeons and Dragons 1e TSR
Bloodstone Pass Dungeons and Dragons 1e TSR
Boo's Astral Menagerie Dungeons and Dragons 5e Wizards of the Coast
Book of Erotic Fantasy Dungeons and Dragons 3.5e Valor Project
Book of Exalted Deeds Dungeons and Dragons 3.0e Wizards of the Coast
Book of Vile Darkness Dungeons and Dragons 3e Wizards of the Coast
Border Watch Dungeons and Dragons 2e TSR
Brothers Majere Novel TSR
Burning Plague, The Dungeons and Dragons 3e Wizards of the Coast
Caravans Dungeons and Dragons 2e TSR
Castle Amber Dungeons and Dragons 1e TSR
Castle Caldwell and Beyond Dungeons and Dragons 1e TSR
Castle Greyhawk Dungeons and Dragons 1e TSR
Castle Whiterock Dungeons and Dragons 3.5e Goodman Games
Cave of the Spiders Dungeons and Dragons 3.5e Wizards of the Coast
Champions of Ruin Dungeons and Dragons 3.5e Wizards of the Coast
Chaositech Dungeons and Dragons 3.5e White Wolf Publishing
Child's Play Dungeons and Dragons 2e TSR
Chosen of the Gods Novel TSR
Chronomancer Dungeons and Dragons 2e TSR
Cities of Bone Dungeons and Dragons 2e TSR
Cities of the Sun Dungeons and Dragons 2e TSR
City State of the Invincible Overlord Dungeons and Dragons 3.5e Necromancer Games, Judges Guild, Sword & Sorcery Studios, White Wolf Publishing
City of Delights Dungeons and Dragons 2e TSR
City of Peril Dungeons and Dragons 3.5e Wizards of the Coast
City of Splendors: Waterdeep Dungeons and Dragons 3.5e Wizards of the Coast
City of the Gods Dungeons and Dragons 1e TSR
Cityscape Dungeons and Dragons 3.5e Wizards of the Coast
Classics Vol. 2 Dungeons and Dragons 1e TSR
Cleric's Challenge Dungeons and Dragons 2e TSR
Cleric's Challenge II Dungeons and Dragons 2e TSR
Complete Adventurer Dungeons and Dragons 3.5e Wizards of the Coast
Complete Arcane Dungeons and Dragons 3.5e Wizards of the Coast
Complete Champion Dungeons and Dragons 3.5e Wizards of the Coast
Complete Divine Dungeons and Dragons 3.5e Wizards of the Coast
Complete Mage Dungeons and Dragons 3.5e Wizards of the Coast
Complete Psionic Dungeons and Dragons 3.5e Wizards of the Coast
Complete Scoundrel Dungeons and Dragons 3.5e Wizards of the Coast
Complete Warrior Dungeons and Dragons 3.5e Wizards of the Coast
Conan Against Darkness! Dungeons and Dragons 1e TSR
Conan Unchained! Dungeons and Dragons 1e TSR
Corsairs of the Great Sea Dungeons and Dragons 2e TSR
Creature Catalogue Dungeons and Dragons 1e TSR
Crown of Ancient Glory Dungeons and Dragons 1e TSR
Crumbling Hall of the Frost Giant Jarl, The Dungeons and Dragons 3e Wizards of the Coast
Crypt of Lyzandred the Mad Dungeons and Dragons 2e TSR
Crystal Spheres Dungeons and Dragons 2e TSR
Curse of Strahd Dungeons and Dragons 5e Wizards of the Coast
Curse of Xanathon Dungeons and Dragons 1e TSR
Dalamar the Dark Novel Wizards of the Coast
Danger at Dunwater Dungeons and Dragons 1e TSR
Dangerous Delves Dungeons and Dragons 4e Wizards of the Coast
Dark Clouds Gather Dungeons and Dragons 1e TSR
Dark and Hidden Ways Dungeons and Dragons 1e TSR
Dark and Stormy Night, A Dungeons and Dragons 3.5e Wizards of the Coast
Darkness and Light Novel TSR
Dawn of the Emperors: Thyatis and Alphatia Dungeons and Dragons 1e TSR
Day of Al'Akbar Dungeons and Dragons 1e TSR
Dead Gods Dungeons and Dragons 1e TSR
Dead in Thay Dungeons and Dragons Next Wizards of the Coast
Death's Reach Dungeons and Dragons 4e Wizards of the Coast
Death's Ride Dungeons and Dragons 1e TSR
Deep Dwarven Delve Dungeons and Dragons 1e TSR
Deep Horizon Dungeons and Dragons 3e Wizards of the Coast
Deities & Demigods Dungeons and Dragons 1e TSR
Demihuman Deities Dungeons and Dragons 2e TSR
Demon Queen's Enclave Dungeons and Dragons 4e Wizards of the Coast
Demonweb Dungeons and Dragons 4e Wizards of the Coast
Descent into the Depths of the Earth Dungeons and Dragons 1e TSR
Descent into the Lost Caverns of Tsojcanth Dungeons and Dragons 5e Wizards of the Coast
Descent into the Lost Cavers of Tsojcanth Dungeons and Dragons 5e Wizards of the Coast
Desert Sands Dungeons and Dragons 3e Wizards of the Coast
Desert of Desolation Dungeons and Dragons 3.5e Wizards of the Coast
Destiny of Kings Dungeons and Dragons 1e TSR
Destiny of Kings Dungeons and Dragons 2e TSR
Die Vecna Die Dungeons and Dragons 1e TSR
Die Vecna Die! Dungeons and Dragons 2e TSR
DnD Next Playtest Packet 20130128 Dungeons and Dragons Next Wizards of the Coast
Doc's Island Dungeons and Dragons 1e TSR
Domains of Delight Dungeons and Dragons 5e Wizards of the Coast
Domains of Dread Dungeons and Dragons 2e TSR
Downfall Novel Wizards of the Coast
Draconian Measures Novel Wizards of the Coast
Draconomicon Dungeons and Dragons 3.5e Wizards of the Coast
Dragon/Dragon 395 Dungeons and Dragons 4e Wizards of the Coast
Dragon Compendium Dungeons and Dragons 3.5e Paizo Publishing
Dragon Dawn Dungeons and Dragons 2e TSR
Dragon Heist Dungeons and Dragons 5e Wizards of the Coast
Dragon Keep Dungeons and Dragons 2e TSR
Dragon Knight Dungeons and Dragons 1e TSR
Dragon Magic Dungeons and Dragons 3.5e Wizards of the Coast
Dragon Mountain Dungeons and Dragons 1e TSR
Dragon of Icespire Peak Dungeons and Dragons 5e Wizards of the Coast
Dragon's Crown Dungeons and Dragons 1e TSR
Dragonlance Adventures Dungeons and Dragons 1e TSR
Dragonlance Campaign Setting Dungeons and Dragons 3.5e Wizards of the Coast
Dragonlance Classics Volume 1 Dungeons and Dragons 2e TSR
Dragonlance Classics Volume 3 Dungeons and Dragons 2e TSR
Dragonlance Shadow of the Dragon Queen Dungeons and Dragons 5e Wizards of the Coast
Dragonmarked Dungeons and Dragons 3.5e Wizards of the Coast
Dragons Rest Dungeons and Dragons 2e TSR
Dragons of Autumn Twilight Novel TSR
Dragons of Deceit Dungeons and Dragons 1e TSR
Dragons of Desolation Dungeons and Dragons 1e TSR
Dragons of Despair Dungeons and Dragons 1e TSR
Dragons of Faith Dungeons and Dragons 1e TSR
Dragons of Flame Dungeons and Dragons 1e TSR
Dragons of Glory Dungeons and Dragons 1e TSR
Dragons of Hope Dungeons and Dragons 1e TSR
Dragons of Ice Dungeons and Dragons 1e TSR
Dragons of Krynn Dungeons and Dragons 3.5e Magaret Weis Productions
Dragons of Light Dungeons and Dragons 1e TSR
Dragons of Mystery Dungeons and Dragons 1e TSR
Dragons of Spring Dawning Novel TSR
Dragons of Summer Flame Novel TSR
Dragons of Triumph Dungeons and Dragons 1e TSR
Dragons of Truth Dungeons and Dragons 1e TSR
Dragons of War Dungeons and Dragons 1e TSR
Dragons of Winter Night Novel TSR
Dragons of a Fallen Sun Novel Wizards of the Coast
Dragons of a Lost Star Novel Wizards of the Coast
Dragons of a Vanished Moon Novel Wizards of the Coast
Dragons of the Dwarven Depths Novel Wizards of the Coast
Dragons of the Highlord Skies Novel Wizards of the Coast
Dragons of the Hourglass Mage Novel Wizards of the Coast
Dragontown Grotto Dungeons and Dragons 3.5e Wizards of the Coast
Dreadmire Dungeons and Dragons 3e Spellbinder Games
Drums on Fire Mountain Dungeons and Dragons 1e TSR
Dry Spell Dungeons and Dragons 3.5e Wizards of the Coast
Dungeon Crawl Classics
Dungeon Delve Dungeons and Dragons 4e Wizards of the Coast
Dungeon Master's Basic Rules v3 Dungeons and Dragons 5e Wizards of the Coast
Dungeon Master's Guide Dungeons and Dragons 2e TSR
Dungeon Master's Guide Dungeons and Dragons 3.5e Wizards of the Coast
Dungeon Master's Guide Dungeons and Dragons 4e Wizards of the Coast
Dungeon Master's Guide Dungeons and Dragons 5e Wizards of the Coast
Dungeon Master's Guide II Dungeons and Dragons 3.5e Wizards of the Coast
Dungeon Masters Guide Dungeons and Dragons 1e TSR
Dungeon of the Mad Mage Dungeons and Dragons 5e Wizards of the Coast
Dungeoneer's Survival Guide Dungeons and Dragons 1e TSR
Dungeonland Dungeons and Dragons 1e TSR
Dungeons and Dragons Miniatures
Dungeons of Despair Dungeons and Dragons 1e TSR
Dungeonscape Dungeons and Dragons 3.5e Wizards of the Coast
Dwarven Kingdoms of Krynn Dungeons and Dragons 2e TSR
Dwarves Deep Dungeons and Dragons 2e TSR, Inc
Dwellers of the Forbidden City Dungeons and Dragons 1e TSR
Dymrak Dread Dungeons and Dragons 1e TSR
Earth, Air, Fire, and Water Dungeons and Dragons 2e TSR
Earthshaker Dungeons and Dragons 1e TSR
Eberron Campaign Guide Dungeons and Dragons 4e Wizards of the Coast
Eberron Campaign Setting Dungeons and Dragons 3.5e Wizards of the Coast
Eberron Player's Guide Dungeons and Dragons 4e Wizards of the Coast
Eberron Rising from the Last War Dungeons and Dragons 5e Wizards of the Coast
Egg of the Phoenix Dungeons and Dragons 1e TSR
Elder Evils Dungeons and Dragons 3.5e Wizards of the Coast
Elfshadow Novel TSR
Emperor of Ansalon Novel TSR
Empire of Blood Novel Wizards of the Coast
Encyclopaedia Arcane: Nymphology Dungeons and Dragons 3.5e Mongoose Publishing
Encyclopedia Magica Dungeons and Dragons 2e TSR
Environmental Impact Dungeons and Dragons 3.5e Wizards of the Coast
Errata Monster Manual 2.0 Dungeons and Dragons 5e Wizards of the Coast
Errata Player's Handbook v2.0.2 Dungeons and Dragons 5e Wizards of the Coast
Errata Spelljammer Adventures in Space Dungeons and Dragons 5e Wizards of the Coast
Ettin's Riddle, The Dungeons and Dragons 3e Wizards of the Coast
Evil Tide Dungeons and Dragons 2e TSR
Expanded Psionics Handbook Dungeons and Dragons 3.5e Wizards of the Coast
Expedition to Castle Ravenloft Dungeons and Dragons 3.5e Wizards of the Coast
Expedition to the Barrier Peaks Dungeons and Dragons 1e TSR Hobbies, Inc
Expedition to the Demonweb Pits Dungeons and Dragons 3.5e Wizards of the Coast
Expedition to the Ruins of Greyhawk Dungeons and Dragons 3.5e Wizards of the Coast
Explorer's Guide to Wildemount Dungeons and Dragons 5e Wizards of the Coast
Eye for an Eye, An Dungeons and Dragons 3e Wizards of the Coast
Eye of Doom Dungeons and Dragons 1e TSR
Eye of Pain Dungeons and Dragons 2e TSR
Eye of Tralder Dungeons and Dragons 1e TSR
Eye of the Serpent Dungeons and Dragons 1e TSR
Eye of the Sun, The Dungeons and Dragons 3.5e Wizards of the Coast
Eye of the Wyvern Dungeons and Dragons 1e TSR
Eye to Eye Dungeons and Dragons 2e TSR
Eyes of the Lich Queen Dungeons and Dragons 3.5e Wizards of the Coast
Faction War Dungeons and Dragons 2e TSR
Fait Accompli Dungeons and Dragons 3.5e Wizards of the Coast
Faiths and Pantheons Dungeons and Dragons 3e Wizards of the Coast
Falcon's Revenge Dungeons and Dragons 1e TSR
Falconmaster Dungeons and Dragons 2e TSR
Fallen Angel Dungeons and Dragons 3e Wizards of the Coast
Fane of the Drow Dungeons and Dragons 3.5e Wizards of the Coast
Fang, Break, and Claw Dungeons and Dragons 3e Wizards of the Coast
Fantastic Locations
Fantastic Locations: City of Peril Dungeons and Dragons 3e Wizards of the Coast
Fantastic Locations: The Frostfell Rift Dungeons and Dragons 3.5e Wizards of the Coast
Fate of Istus Dungeons and Dragons 1e TSR
Feast of the Goblyns Dungeons and Dragons 2e TSR
Fields of Ruin Dungeons and Dragons 3.5e Wizards of the Coast
Fiend Folio Dungeons and Dragons 1e TSR
Fiend Folio Dungeons and Dragons 3e Wizards of the Coast
Fiendish Codex I Dungeons and Dragons 3.5e Wizards of the Coast
Fiendish Codex II Dungeons and Dragons 3.5e Wizards of the Coast
Fighter's Challenge II Dungeons and Dragons 2e TSR
Fighters Challenge Dungeons and Dragons 2e TSR
Five Coins for a Kingdom Dungeons and Dragons 1e TSR
Five Shall Be One Dungeons and Dragons 2e TSR
Flames of the Falcon Dungeons and Dragons 2e TSR
Flints Axe Dungeons and Dragons 2e TSR
Force of Nature Dungeons and Dragons 3.5e Wizards of the Coast
Forest Maker Dungeons and Dragons 2e TSR
Forgotten Realms Campaign Setting Dungeons and Dragons 2e TSR
Forgotten Realms Campaign Setting Dungeons and Dragons 3e Wizards of the Coast
Fortress of the Yuan-Ti Dungeons and Dragons 3.5e Wizards of the Coast
Freedom Dungeons and Dragons 2e TSR
Frigid Demise, A Dungeons and Dragons 3e Wizards of the Coast
From the Ashes Dungeons and Dragons 2e TSR
Frostburn Dungeons and Dragons 3.5e Wizards of the Coast
Frozen Whispers Dungeons and Dragons 3e Wizards of the Coast
GameMaster Publications
Gargoyle Dungeons and Dragons 2e TSR
Gazetteer of the Known Realms Dungeons and Dragons 3.5e Goodman Games
Ghost of Lion Castle Dungeons and Dragons 1e TSR
Ghosts of Aniel Dungeons and Dragons 3e Wizards of the Coast
Ghostwalk Dungeons and Dragons 3e Wizards of the Coast
Glacial Rift of the Frost Giant Jarl Dungeons and Dragons 1e TSR
Goblins' Return Dungeons and Dragons 2e TSR
Gold & Glory Dungeons and Dragons 2e TSR
Golden Voyages Dungeons and Dragons 2e TSR
Grasp of the Emerald Claw Dungeons and Dragons 3.5e Wizards of the Coast
Greyhawk Dungeons and Dragons Oe TSR
Greyhawk Adventures Dungeons and Dragons 1e TSR
Greyhawk Player's Guide Dungeons and Dragons 2e TSR
Greyhawk Ruins Dungeons and Dragons 2e TSR
Greyspace Dungeons and Dragons 2e TSR
Guildmasters' Guide to Ravnica Dungeons and Dragons 5e Wizards of the Coast
Hail the Heroes Dungeons and Dragons 2e TSR
Hall of the Fire Giant king Dungeons and Dragons 1e TSR
Halls of the Minotaur Dungeons and Dragons 3.5e Goodman Games
Harbinger House Dungeons and Dragons 2e TSR
Harvest of Evil, A Dungeons and Dragons 3e Wizards of the Coast
Hasken's Manor Dungeons and Dragons 3.5e Wizards of the Coast
Haunting Lodge Dungeons and Dragons 3e Wizards of the Coast
Heart of Nightfang Spire Dungeons and Dragons 3e Wizards of the Coast
Heart of the Enemy Dungeons and Dragons 2e TSR
Hellspike Prison Dungeons and Dragons 3.5e Wizards of the Coast
Hero Series
Heroes and Fools Novel TSR
Heroes of Battle Dungeons and Dragons 3.5e Wizards of the Coast
Heroes of Horror Dungeons and Dragons 3.5e Wizards of the Coast
Heroes of Steel SAGA TSR
Hoard of the Dragon Queen Dungeons and Dragons 5e Wizards of the Coast
Hollow World Dungeons and Dragons (Basic Rules) TSR
Holy Orders of the Stars Dungeons and Dragons 3.5e Sovereign Press
Horror on the Hill Dungeons and Dragons 1e TSR
House of Harpies Dungeons and Dragons 3e Wizards of the Coast
Howl from the North Dungeons and Dragons 2e TSR
Icewind Dale Rime of the Frostmaiden Dungeons and Dragons 5e Wizards of the Coast
Icy Heart, An Dungeons and Dragons 3e Wizards of the Coast
Idylls of the Rat King Dungeons and Dragons 3.5e Goodman Games
Ill Wind in Friezford Dungeons and Dragons 3.5e Wizards of the Coast
In Search of Adventure Dungeons and Dragons 1e TSR
In Search of Dragons Dungeons and Dragons 2e TSR
In Search of the Unknown Dungeons and Dragons 1e TSR
In the Cage: A Guide to Sigil Dungeons and Dragons 2e TSR
In the Phantom's Wake Dungeons and Dragons 1e TSR
Incants of Ishcabeble Dungeons and Dragons 2e TSR
Into the Frozen Waste Dungeons and Dragons 3e Wizards of the Coast
Into the Maelstrom Dungeons and Dragons 1e TSR
Into the Void Novel TSR
Iron Crypt of the Heretics Dungeons and Dragons 3.5e Goodman Games
Isle of the Ape Dungeons and Dragons 1e TSR
Iuz the Evil Dungeons and Dragons 2e TSR
Jakandor, Island of War Dungeons and Dragons 2e TSR
Jakandor, Isle of Destiny Dungeons and Dragons 2e TSR
Jakandor, Land of Legend Dungeons and Dragons 2e TSR
Journey to The Rock Dungeons and Dragons (Basic Rules) TSR
Journeys through the Radiant Citadel Dungeons and Dragons 5e Wizards of the Coast
Kara-Tur Trail Map Dungeons and Dragons 2e TSR
Kara-Tur: The Eastern Realms Dungeons and Dragons 1e TSR
Kaz the Minotaur Novel TSR
Keep on the Shadowfell Dungeons and Dragons 4e Wizards of the Coast
Kendermore Novel TSR
Kindred Spirits Novel TSR
King of the Giantdowns Dungeons and Dragons 1e TSR
King of the Trollhaunt Warrens Dungeons and Dragons 4e Wizards of the Coast
King's Festival Dungeons and Dragons 1e TSR
Kingdom of Nithia Dungeons and Dragons 2e TSR
Kingdom of the Ghouls Dungeons and Dragons 4e Wizards of the Coast
Knight's Sword Dungeons and Dragons 1e TSR
Knightly Orders of Ansalon Dungeons and Dragons 3.5e Sovereign Press
Knights of the Crown Novel TSR
Kobold Quarterly Dungeons and Dragons 4e, Pathfinders Open Design
Krynnspace Dungeons and Dragons 2e TSR
Labyrinth of Madness Dungeons and Dragons 2e TSR
Land of Fate Dungeons and Dragons 2e TSR
Lathan's Gold Dungeons and Dragons 1e TSR
Legacy of Blood Dungeons and Dragons 1e TSR
Legend of the Silver Skeleton Dungeons and Dragons 3.5e Wizards of the Coast
Legends of the Hero-Kings Dungeons and Dragons 2e TSR
Legends of the Twins Dungeons and Dragons 3.5e Sovereign Press
Legions of Thyatis Dungeons and Dragons 1e TSR
Lest Darkness Rise Dungeons and Dragons 3.5e Wizards of the Coast
Libris Mortis Dungeons and Dragons 3.5e Wizards of the Coast
Light of Xaryxis Dungeons and Dragons 5e Wizards of the Coast
Living Greyhawk Gazetteer Dungeons and Dragons 3e Wizards of the Coast
Living Greyhawk Official Listing of Deities for Use in the Campaign Dungeons and Dragons 3.5e Wizards of the Coast
Locathah Rising Dungeons and Dragons 5e Wizards of the Coast
Lochfell's Secret Dungeons and Dragons 3.5e Wizards of the Coast
Lord Soth Novel TSR
Lord of the Iron Fortress Dungeons and Dragons 3e Wizards of the Coast
Lord of the Rose Novel Wizards of the Coast
Lords of Madness Dungeons and Dragons 3.5e Wizards of the Coast
Lost Laboratory of Kwalish Dungeons and Dragons 5e Wizards
Lost Mine of Phandelver Dungeons and Dragons 5e Wizards of the Coast
Lost Ships Dungeons and Dragons 2e TSR
Lost Tomb of Martek Dungeons and Dragons 1e TSR
Mad Monkey vs. the Dragon Claw Dungeons and Dragons 1e TSR
Madness at Gardmore Abbey Dungeons and Dragons 4e Wizards of the Coast
Magic Item Compendium Dungeons and Dragons 3.5e Wizards of the Coast
Magic of Eberron Dungeons and Dragons 3.5e Wizards of the Coast
Magic of Faerûn Dungeons and Dragons 3.5e Wizards of the Coast
Magic of Incarnum Dungeons and Dragons 3.5e Wizards of the Coast
Magic of Rokugan Dungeons and Dragons 3e AEG
Manual of the Planes Dungeons and Dragons 1e TSR
Manual of the Planes Dungeons and Dragons 3e Wizards of the Coast
Manual of the Planes Dungeons and Dragons 4e Wizards of the Coast
Marauders of Nibenay Dungeons and Dragons 2e TSR
Marauders of the Dune Sea Dungeons and Dragons 4e Wizards of the Coast
March of the Sane Dungeons and Dragons 3.5e Wizards of the Coast
Mark of Amber Dungeons and Dragons 2e TSR
Masque of the Red Death Dungeons and Dragons 2e TSR
Master Player Screen Dungeons and Dragons 1e TSR
Master of the Desert Nomads Dungeons and Dragons 1e TSR
Masters of the Wild Dungeons and Dragons 3e Wizards of the Coast
Matters of Vengeance Dungeons and Dragons 3.5e Wizards of the Coast
Maze of the Riddling Minotaur Dungeons and Dragons 1e TSR
Merchant House of Amketch Dungeons and Dragons 2e TSR
Midnight on Dagger Alley Dungeons and Dragons 1e TSR
Miniatures Handbook Dungeons and Dragons 3.5e Wizards of the Coast
Ministry of Winds Dungeons and Dragons 3e Wizards of the Coast
Minsc and Boo's Journal of Villainy Dungeons and Dragons 5e Arcanum Worlds, Wizards of the Coast
Mists of Kyrnn Dungeons and Dragons 1e TSR
Monster Manual Dungeons and Dragons 1e TSR
Monster Manual Dungeons and Dragons 3.5e Wizards of the Coast
Monster Manual Dungeons and Dragons 3e Wizards of the Coast
Monster Manual Dungeons and Dragons 4e Wizards of the Coast
Monster Manual Dungeons and Dragons 5e Wizards of the Coast
Monster Manual 2 Dungeons and Dragons 4e Wizards of the Coast
Monster Manual 3 Dungeons and Dragons 4e Wizards of the Coast
Monster Manual II Dungeons and Dragons 1e TSR
Monster Manual II Dungeons and Dragons 3e Wizards of the Coast
Monster Manual III Dungeons and Dragons 3.5e Wizards of the Coast
Monster Manual IV Dungeons and Dragons 3.5e Wizards of the Coast
Monster Manual V Dungeons and Dragons 3.5e Wizards of the Coast
Monster Mythology Dungeons and Dragons 2e TSR
Monsters of Faerûn Dungeons and Dragons 3e Wizards of the Coast
Monsters of the Multiverse Dungeons and Dragons 5e Wizards of the Coast
Monstrous Compendium Dungeons and Dragons 5e Wizards of the Coast
Monstrous Compendium/Vol 1 Spelljammer Creatures Dungeons and Dragons 5e Wizards of the Coast
Monstrous Compendium/Vol 2 Dragonlance Creatures Dungeons and Dragons 5e Wizards of the Coast
Monstrous Compendium/Vol 3 Minecraft Creatures Dungeons and Dragons 5e Wizards of the Coast
Monstrous Compendium Al-Qadim Appendix Dungeons and Dragons 2e TSR
Monstrous Compendium Annual Volume One Dungeons and Dragons 2e TSR
Monstrous Compendium Annual Volume Three Dungeons and Dragons 2e TSR Inc.
Monstrous Compendium Dragonlance Appendix Dungeons and Dragons 2e TSR
Monstrous Compendium Forgotten Realms Appendix II Dungeons and Dragons 2e TSR
Monstrous Compendium Greyhawk Adventures Appendix Dungeons and Dragons 2e TSR
Monstrous Compendium Kara-Tur Appendix Dungeons and Dragons 2e TSR
Monstrous Compendium Spelljammer Appendix Dungeons and Dragons 2e TSR
Monstrous Compendium Spelljammer Appendix II Dungeons and Dragons 2e TSR
Monstrous Compendium Volume One Dungeons and Dragons 2e TSR
Monstrous Compendium Volume Three Forgotten Realms Appendix Dungeons and Dragons 2e TSR
Monstrous Compendium Volume Two Dungeons and Dragons 2e TSR
Monstrous Manual Dungeons and Dragons 2e TSR
Moonlight Madness Dungeons and Dragons 2e TSR
Mordenkainen's Fantastic Adventure Dungeons and Dragons 1e TSR
Mordenkainen's Fiendish Folio Volume 1 Dungeons and Dragons 5e Wizards of the Coast
Mordenkainen's Tome of Foes Dungeons and Dragons 5e Wizards of the Coast
Mystery of the Snow Pearls Dungeons and Dragons 1e TSR
Mythic Odysseys of Theros Dungeons and Dragons 5e Wizards of the Coast
Mythic Races Dungeons and Dragons 3.0 Fantasy Flight Games
Needle Dungeons and Dragons 1e TSR
Nehwon Dungeons and Dragons 2e TSR
Netheril: Empire of Magic Dungeons and Dragons 2e TSR
New Beginnings Dungeons and Dragons 2e TSR
Night Below Dungeons and Dragons 2e TSR
Night of Blood Novel Wizards of the Coast
Night of the Seven Swords Dungeons and Dragons 1e TSR
Night of the Shark Dungeons and Dragons 1e TSR
Night of the Vampire Dungeons and Dragons 2e TSR
Nightrage Dungeons and Dragons 2e TSR
Nights Dark Terror Dungeons and Dragons 1e TSR
Nightstorm Dungeons and Dragons 1e TSR
Nightwail Dungeons and Dragons 1e TSR
Ninja Wars Dungeons and Dragons 2e TSR
Oak Lords Dungeons and Dragons 2e TSR
Oasis of the White Palm Dungeons and Dragons 1e TSR
Ochimo: The Spirit Warrior Dungeons and Dragons 1e TSR
On Hallowed Ground Dungeons and Dragons 2e TSR
One Grung Above Dungeons and Dragons 5e Wizards of the Coast
One Last Riddle Dungeons and Dragons 3e Wizards of the Coast
Orcs of Stonefang Pass Dungeons and Dragons 4e Wizards of the Coast
Oriental Adventures Dungeons and Dragons 1e TSR
Oriental Adventures Dungeons and Dragons 3e Wizards of the Coast
Out of the Abyss Dungeons and Dragons 5e Wizards of the Coast
Palace of the Silver Princess Dungeons and Dragons 1e TSR
Palace of the Vampire Queen Dungeons and Dragons 1e TSR
Palanthas SAGA TSR
Patriots of Ulek Dungeons and Dragons 2e TSR
People's Names None McFarland & Company, Inc
Pharaoh Dungeons and Dragons 1e TSR
Planar Handbook Dungeons and Dragons 3.5e Wizards of the Coast
Planes of Chaos Dungeons and Dragons 2e TSR
Planes of Conflict Dungeons and Dragons 2e TSR
Planes of Law Dungeons and Dragons 2e TSR
Planescape Campaign Setting Dungeons and Dragons 2e TSR
Planescape Monstrous Compendium Appendix Dungeons and Dragons 2e TSR
Planescape Monstrous Compendium Appendix II Dungeons and Dragons 2e TSR
Planescape Monstrous Compendium Appendix III Dungeons and Dragons 2e TSR
Player Character Record Sheets Dungeons and Dragons 1e TSR
Player's Basic Rules v.3.4 Dungeons and Dragons 5e Wizards of the Coast
Player's Companion Elemental Evil Dungeons and Dragons 5e Wizards of the Coast
Player's Guide to Faerûn Dungeons and Dragons 3.5e Wizards of the Coast
Player's Handbook Dungeons and Dragons 1e TSR
Player's Handbook Dungeons and Dragons 2e TSR
Player's Handbook Dungeons and Dragons 3.5e Wizards of the Coast
Player's Handbook Dungeons and Dragons 3e Wizards of the Coast
Player's Handbook Dungeons and Dragons 4e Wizards of the Coast
Player's Handbook 2 Dungeons and Dragons 4e Wizards of the Coast
Player's Handbook 3 Dungeons and Dragons 4e Wizards of the Coast
Player's Handbook II Dungeons and Dragons 3.5e Wizards of the Coast
Player's Strategy Guide Dungeons and Dragons 4e Wizards of the Coast
Poor Wizard's Almanac and Book of Facts Dungeons and Dragons 1e TSR
Powers & Pantheons Dungeons and Dragons 2e TSR
Practical Planetology Dungeons and Dragons 2e TSR
Prestige Class
Price of Courage Dungeons and Dragons 3.5e Sovereign Press, Margaret Weis Productions
Primrose Path Dungeons and Dragons 3.5e Wizards of the Coast
Prince of Lankhmar Dungeons and Dragons 2e TSR
Prince of Undeath Dungeons and Dragons 4e Wizards of the Coast

... further results