Simplified Social Interaction (3.5e Variant Rule)

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Author: Ghostwheel (talk)
Date Created: September 3, 2010
Status: Complete
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Simplified Social Interaction

There are a number of problems with the social interaction system as it stands now in D&D 3.5:

  1. Not everyone can play the social minigame. That is, some people need to sit out while one person is completely the center of attention.
  2. People sometimes resort to skill checks rather than attempting to roleplay out social interaction.
  3. Certain characters can have absurd checks to abilities as it currently stands, well over +100 by level 20.
  4. Situational modifiers from the DM mean very little when characters already automatically pass diplomacy/bluff/intimidate DCs.
  5. Certain characters are forced to be the party "face", investing in social skills rather than others in which they might prefer investing, simply so that people will like the party.

In order to fix this, the whole social interaction system needs to be overhauled. However, while this might sound daunting, the solution is actually one that's quite simple, and keeps the traditional D&D mechanic of a modifier against a DC. Furthermore, this system allows all characters to RP, rather than simply the party "face".

How it Works

For social interaction (not for combat abilities), characters describe what their character does and roll an appropriate ability check of their choice (adding one-half their level to the check) that coincides with the description of what they do against the DC described below according to their level. Thus, for example, a barbarian might impress someone with a feat of strength, while a rogue might dazzle the eye and distract people while convincing them of something by flipping around shiny bits of metal or daggers, and a cleric might perceive a creature's psyche well enough to know exactly what to say in order to convince them to do something. This encourages everyone to participate in social encounters, and makes for a more descriptive challenge, rather than simply having the party face say, "I roll diplomacy. Does that succeed?"

Note that there are times when a character uses something out-of-the-ordinary in order to boost their check, such as a barbarian raging or a druid wildshaping in order to increase their effective ability score. To limit just how far a character can push themselves on the RNG, characters take a circumstance penalty equal to one-third their bonus to the check from sources such as class abilities, feats, and similar abilities. Thus, if a barbarian foams at the mouth while bending a steel bar, someone might be more impressed yet at the same time be alarmed by the character's aggressiveness. If the barbarian in question got a +6 bonus to to Strength from raging (+3 modifier), he'd take a -2 circumstance penalty (3/4 the bonus rounded down) from his startling appearance.

Social DCs by Level
Level 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
DC 12 13 14 15 15 17 17 19 19 21 21 23 23 24 25 26 26 28 28 30

Note that circumstances should change the modifier of the check. On very easy challenges reduce the DC by 4, on very hard challenges increase the DC by 4, and on nearly impossible challenges increase the DC by 8. Characters may not assist others on the check made. The DM should also award a +2 bonus or -2 penalty depending on specific circumstances and roleplaying should he deem it necessary.

Another Use for Diplomacy and Sense Motive

While Intimidate and Bluff have combat uses that are still usable, under this system diplomacy and sense motive become virtually useless under this system. Rather than just throw them away, we'll give them new ability uses in combat.

Diplomacy: Endear

You can use diplomacy to endear yourself to an enemy, having them take pity on you for a moment and throwing their attack off course. To do so, make a diplomacy check opposed by your target's modifier level check (1d20 + their HD + their Wisdom modifier) as a standard action. If you win, the target takes a -2 penalty to all attacks and DCs of abilities that target you. You can only endear yourself to an enemy who can both hear and see you.

Sense Motive: Study

You can use a sense motive check to gain valuable information against an enemy in order to study their defenses so that you might better penetrate them. To do so, make a diplomacy check opposed by your target's modifier level check (1d20 + their HD + their Wisdom modifier) as a standard action. If you win, you gain a +2 bonus to all attacks and and DCs of abilities that target them. You may only study an enemy who you can see and who you threaten in melee.

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3.5 Classes Berserker, Cosplayer, Daywalker Paragon, Iaijutsu Master, Magus Portalus, Marshal, Rage Mage, Reaper, Sharpshooter, Spellthief, Pathfinder Variant, Thaumaturge, Toxinblade, Trapsmith, Variant, Xenophile
3.5 Feats Access Divine Power, Access Divine Spells, Accomplished, Accurate Opportunist, Acolyte of the Skin, Adaptable Technique, Adjusted Accuracy, Aegis of Health, Tome, Arcane Champion, Assassinate, Augmented Thaumaturge, Barreling Charge, Bladeblast, Blood of Stone, Bolster Technique, Careful Movement, Charismatic Prodigy, Cleave, Grimoire, Close Miss, Combat Reflexes, Greater, Combat Reflexes, Grimoire, Combat Reflexes, Improved, Compensate for Size, Copy Technique, Cross-Style Training, Dabbler, Danger Intuition, Dash, Death From Afar, Defensive Roll, Defensive Strike, Deft Opportunist, Diehard, Grimoire, Distracting Barrage, Divine Stalker, Dragoon Charge, Endurance, Grimoire, Euphoric Blade, Expose Weakness, Extended Psychic Strike, Focused Energy, Fortune's Friend, Furious Blow, Gatecrasher, Gatling Spell, Goad, Greater Spellthief, Greater Spring Attack, Gripping Vise, Heavy Build, Heedful Charge, Hidden Manifestation, Hostile Mind, Improved Charge, Improved Mage Knight, Improved On Your Knees, Improved Wild Talent, Incredible Focus, Intervene, Intimidating Brute, Iron Tide, Know-It-All, Last to Fall, Living Weapon, Mage Knight, Magekiller, Tome, Mana Engine, Master Blaster, Master Creature Killer, Master of Concoctions, Metamana Fuel, Mobile Wall, Mystic Arts Synthesis, Mystic Theurge, On Your Knees, Overwhelming Blow, Penetrating Strike, Phantom Health, Pounce, Power Attack, Grimoire, Power Charge, Precise Marksman, Primal Enchanter, Psyblade, Purple Dragon Knight, Quick Reconnoiter, Ranged Feint, Ranged Flanking, Ranged Threat, Renewed Zealousness, Shadow Pounce, Sharpshooter, Shielded in Life, Short Haft, Skill Trick Mastery, Spell Cascade, Spell Parry, Spell Reflection, Spellcutting Strike, Spellthief... further results
3.5 Traits Ambidextrous, Avenger, Exceptional Luck, Hulking Brute, Mixed Blood, Opportunist, Preacher, Psychic Potential, Radical Upbringing, Raised by Wolves, Sight Without Sight, Skilled, Trapspringer, Unnatural Aura, Unorthodox Tutelage, Versatile, Void Born
3.5 ACFs Barrage Sharpshooter, Grimoire Fighter, Grimoire Paladin, Grimoire Ranger, Grimoire Rogue, Grimoire Soulknife, Grimoire Tenken, Grimoire Totemist, Psychic Soulknife, Trapspringer Bard, Trapspringer Sharpshooter, Wildmagic Thaumaturge
3.5 Variant Rules Alignments by Color, Alternative Iterative Attacks, Background-Based Skills, Balanced Skills, Balanced Wealth, Broken Shields, Capped Modifiers and DCs, Condensed Skills, Custom Weapon Creation, Dual Preparation Casting, E20, Expanded Movement Options, Failure is not the End, Grace Points, Healing Surges, Lengthened Spellcasting, Limited Spell Levels, Magical Focus Implements, Masterwork Variant, Monstrous Player Characters, New Level-Dependent Benefits, Original Race Rebuilding, Prepared Spontaneous Casting, Recharging Magic, Recharging Power Points, Refillable Potions, Rituals, Scaling Item DCs, Simplified Experience, Simplified Races, Simplified Skills, Simplified Social Interaction, Simplified Special Attacks, Stacking Ability Modifiers, Standardized Bonus Types, Taking Stock, The Edge, Turn Undead, Variant Reach, Vow of Poverty, Wounds
3.5 Optimized Builds Arcane Warrior, Basic Blaster Wilder, Basic Combat Rogue Guide, Bladesinger, Clever Critfighter, Dragoon, Eternal Blade of the Revenant, Feral Shifter, Glaive of the Dungeon Crasher, Glaive of the Hellfire Warlock, Grapplemancer, Healing Personified, Hero of Time, Knightly Charger, Low Level Nova, Machine Gun Assassin, Mindspider Infiltrator, Mobile Blender, Mobile Glaive, Nightcrawling Shadowpouncer, Psionic Monk, Righteous Rager, Sacred Fist of the Silver Flame, Shower of Arrows, Sublime Singer, Ubermount, Whirling Eater of Souls
Guide to Roles in the Party (3.5), Talk
AuthorGhostwheel +
Identifier3.5e Variant Rule +
RatingUnrated +
TitleSimplified Social Interaction +