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Author: The-Marksman (talk)
Date Created: October 2017
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A Bandit is a reconnaissance specialist trained in an elite branch of the military whose job it is to obtain, distribute, and share vital combat and battlefield information on the enemy and on combat circumstances and environmental conditions.

Making a Bandit

Abilities: As a Bandit's job is to look and listen from a distance, Wisdom — which is tied to the Listen and Spot skills — is the most important ability for the Bandit. Wisdom is also responsible for allowing the Bandit to use her Survival skill to track someone. Wisdom also determines how often she can use the useful spell-like abilities that she gains every 4 levels. Dexterity is next most important because a Bandit is also responsible for using Disable Device and Open Locks when needed and also for the ranged attack rolls which most Bandits prefer.

Characteristics: When information about the enemy is needed, the military call in a Bandit. She gathers information by mounted or on foot reconnaissance patrols to track and report enemy movement and activities. The job of a Bandit is to operate as one of the first personnel in an area, provide forward reconnaissance and spotting for the military, and to navigate any necessary terrain, unnoticed, to find and relay key information about the enemy to commanders and leaders in the field. A Bandit is also highly trained in battle field tactics, warfare and the intricacies of battle.

Races: Humans make exceptional Bandits because their diverse nature allows them to learn more skills than other equally experienced Bandits. Elves and Half-Elves are the most common Bandits because of their ability to see in limited light and naturally keen senses. Dwarves and Halflings make respectable Bandits, Dwarves especially so in subterranean environments and Halflings because of their natural coordination. Due to their larger size and lower intelligence, Half-Orcs don't often find themselves suited to the job of a Bandit.

Alignment: Because of the military environment in which they are trained, Bandits tend to be almost exclusively lawful; however, some people can complete the training as a Neutral alignment, but these people are generally viewed as mavericks or even difficult to work with. A Chaotic Bandit is all but unheard of.

Starting Gold: 5d4 × 10 gp (125 gp).

Starting Age: "Complex" or "As Wizard"

Table: The Bandit

Hit Die: d8

Level Base
Attack Bonus
Saving Throws Special Speed
Fort Ref Will
1st +0 +0 +2 +0 Weapon Finesse, Trapfinding, Track +0 ft
2nd +1 +0 +3 +0 Evasion, Reactive Instinct +1 +10 ft
3rd +2 +1 +3 +1 Cunning Strike, Poison Use, Trap Sense +1 +10 ft
4th +3 +1 +4 +1 Uncanny Dodge, Great Leap +10 ft
5th +3 +1 +4 +1 Devious Strike +1d6, Swift Stalker +10 ft
6th +4 +2 +5 +2 Master Tracker, Deft Hands +2, Trap Sense +2 +20 ft
7th +5 +2 +5 +2 Flawless Stride, Speed Climb +20 ft
8th +6/+1 +2 +6 +2 Camouflage, Improved Flanking +20 ft
9th +6/+1 +3 +6 +3 Improved Evasion, Trap Sense +3 +20 ft
10th +7/+2 +3 +7 +3 Skill Mastery, Devious Strike +2d6 +30 ft
11th +8/+3 +3 +7 +3 Improved Poison Use, Reactive Instinct +2 +30 ft
12th +9/+4 +4 +8 +4 Deft Hands +4, Trap Sense +4 +30 ft
13th +9/+4 +4 +8 +4 A Thousand Faces +30 ft
14th +10/+5 +4 +9 +4 Hide in Plain Sight, +40 ft
15th +11/+6/+1 +5 +9 +5 Devious Strike +3d6, Trap Sense +5 +40 ft
16th +12/+7/+2 +5 +10 +5 +40 ft
17th +12/+7/+2 +5 +10 +5 Free Movement +40 ft
18th +13/+8/+3 +6 +11 +6 Deft Hands +6, Trap Sense +6 +50 ft
19th +14/+9/+4 +6 +11 +6 Reactive Instinct +3 +50 ft
20th +15/+10/+5 +6 +12 +6 Devious Strike +4d6 +50 ft

Class Skills (8 + Int modifier per level, ×4 at 1st level)
Balance (Dex), Climb (Str), Craft (Int), Disable Device (Int), Disguise (Cha), Escape Artist (Dex), Gather Information (Cha), Hide (Dex), Jump (Str), Knowledge (local) (Int), Knowledge (nature) (Int), Listen (Wis), Move Silently (Dex), Open Lock (Dex), Profession (Wis), Ride (Dex), Search (Int), Sense Motive (Wis), Spot (Wis), Survival (Wis), Swim (Str), Tumble (Dex), Use Magic Device (Cha), Use Rope (Dex).

Class Features

All of the following are class features of the Bandit.

Weapon and Armor Proficiency: Bandits are proficient with all simple and martial weapons, and plus bolas, hand crossbows, kukris, spiked chains, and whips. Bandits are proficient with light armor, but not with shields.

Weapon Finesse: At fist level a Bandit gains Weapon Finesse as a bonus feat even if he doesn't meet the prerequisites. If he already has Weapon Finesse from another source he may instead select any feat for which he qualifies.

Trapfinding: Bandits can use the Search skill to locate traps when the task has a Difficulty Class higher than 20. Finding a nonmagical traps has a DC of at least 20, or higher if it is well hidden. Finding a magic trap has a DC of 25 + the level of the spell used to create it. Bandits can use the Disable Device skill to disarm magic traps. A magic trap generally has a DC of 25 + the level of the spell used to create it. a Bandit who beats a trap’s DC by 10 or more with a Disable Device check can study a trap, figure out how it works, and bypass it (with his party) without disarming it.

Track: At fist level a Bandit gains Track as a bonus feat even if he doesn't meet the prerequisites. If he already has Track from another source he may instead select any feat for which he qualifies.

Evasion (Ex): At 2nd level and higher, a Bandit can avoid even magical and unusual attacks with great agility. If he makes a successful Reflex saving throw against an attack that normally deals half damage on a successful save, he instead takes no damage. Evasion and Improved Evasion can be used only if the Bandit is wearing light armor or no armor. A helpless Bandit does not gain the benefit of evasion.

Reactive Instinct (Ex): Starting at 2nd level, a Bandit gains a +1 bonus on all initiative checks and on all Reflex saving throws. This bonus improves by an additional +1 at 11th and 19th levels (+2 at 11th level, +3 at 9th level). a Bandit loses this bonus when wearing medium or heavy armor or carrying a heavy load.

Cunning Strike (Ex): A Bandit is smart about when he choses to attack and how, always slipping in through an opponents guard by noticing openings and weakness in an opponents stance, posture, footing, over reaching for a swing, etc. Because of this, a Bandit can add their Intelligence score to all of their attack and damage rolls in addition to any normal strength bonus.

Poison Use (Ex): At 3rd level and higher, a Bandit never risks accidentally poisoning himself when applying poison to a weapon.

Trap Sense (Ex): At 3rd level, a Bandit gains an intuitive sense that alerts him to danger from traps, giving him a +1 bonus on Reflex saves made to avoid traps and a +1 dodge bonus to AC against attacks made by traps. These bonuses rise to +2 when the Bandit reaches 6th level, to +3 when he reaches 9th level, to +4 when he reaches 12th level, to +5 at 15th, and to +6 at 18th level. Trap sense bonuses gained from multiple classes stack and this ability stacks with the bonus to Reflex saves from his Reactive Instinct ability.

Uncanny Dodge (Ex): Starting at 4th level, a Bandit can react to danger before his senses would normally allow him to do so. He retains her Dexterity bonus to AC (if any) even if he is caught flat-footed or struck by an invisible attacker. However, he still loses his Dexterity bonus to AC if immobilized. If a Bandit already has uncanny dodge from a different class he automatically gains Improved Uncanny Dodge instead.

Great Leap (Ex): A 5th level Bandit is adept at jumping over and around various obstacles, and always makes Jump checks as if he was running and had the Run feat, enabling him to make long jumps without a running start and granting him a +4 bonus on the jump (see the skill description, page 77 of the Players Handbook). a Bandit loses this bonus when wearing medium or heavy armor or carrying a heavy load.

Camouflage (Ex): Beginning at 2nd level, a Bandit can use the hide skill in any sort of terrain, whether natural or not, even if the terrain doesn't grant cover or concealment. He loses this benefit when wearing medium or heavy armor.

Swift Stalker (Ex): Starting at 5th level, a Bandit can move at his normal speed while following tracks without taking the normal −5 penalty. He only takes a −10 (instead of the normal −20) when moving at up to twice his normal speed while tracking. a Bandit can also move stealthily even at a quick pace. He no longer takes a −5 penalty on Hide and Move Silently checks when moving at any speed up to his normal speed, and he takes only a −10 (instead of the normal −20) on Hide and Move Silently checks when running. (He still takes the normal −20 on such checks when charging).

Master Tracker (Ex): a Bandit gains the Urban Tracking feat as a bonus feat at 4th level, allowing him to more readily use Gather Information to locate and track people within communities. This feat can be found on page 154 in Races of Destiny or page 56 of the Unearthed Arcana. Also starting at 4th level, a Bandit is so good at following tracks that he can even track someone that is under the influence of a "Pass without Trace" spell or similar effect, though he takes a −10 on his Survival checks when doing so. a Bandit leaves absolutely no trail while traveling in natural surroundings and cannot be tracked. He may choose to leave a trail if so desired.

Deft Hands (Ex): a Bandit is amazingly good with his hands and excels at skills that require fine motor control. Starting at 6th level a Bandit gains a +2 bonus on Disable Device, Open Locks and Slight of Hand checks. This bonus increases by +2 every 6 levels there after to +4 at 12 level and +6 at 18th level.

Flawless Stride (Ex): Starting at 7th level, a Bandit can move through any sort of terrain that slows movement (such as undergrowth, rubble, overgrown areas, natural thorns, briars and similar terrain) at her normal movement speed and without taking damage or suffering any other impairment. This ability also allows him to run and charge in situations where others cannot. He may charge, or run over difficult terrain that normally slows movement or allies or neutral characters blocking his path. This ability enables him to run down steep stairs, leap down from a balcony, and tumble over tables to get to his destination. Depending on the circumstances, he still may need to make appropriate checks (Jump and Tumble, in particular) to successfully move over the terrain. This ability does not let him move more quickly through terrains that are enchanted or have been magically manipulated to impede movement. a Bandit loses this ability when wearing heavy armor, or carrying a heavy load.

Speed Climb (Ex): a Bandit of 7th level or higher can scramble up or down walls and slopes with great speed. He can climb at his speed as a move action with no penalty; however, he must begin and end his move on a horizontal surface (such as the ground or a flat rooftop). If he does not end his movement on a horizontal surface, he falls, taking falling damage as appropriate for his distance above the ground. a Bandit only needs to have one hand free to use this ability. a Bandit loses this ability when wearing heavy armor or carrying a heavy load.

Improved Evasion (Ex): At 9th level a Bandit gains Improved Evasion. This ability works like evasion, except that while the Bandit still takes no damage on a successful Reflex saving throw against attacks henceforth he henceforth takes only half damage on a failed save. A helpless Bandit does not gain the benefit of improved evasion.

Skill Mastery (Ex): At 10th level The Bandit becomes so certain in the use of certain skills that he can use them reliably even under adverse conditions. Upon gaining this ability, he selects a number of skills equal to 3 + his Intelligence modifier. When making a skill check with one of these skills, he may take 10 even if stress and distractions would normally prevent him from doing so. a Bandit may gain this ability multiple times from multiple classes, selecting additional skills for it to apply to each time.

Improved Poison Use (Ex): Starting at 11th level, a Bandit can apply poison to a weapon as a move action. (Normally, applying a poison is a standard action, like applying an oil.)

A Thousand Faces (Su): At 13th level, a Bandit gains the ability to change his appearance at will, as if using the disguise self spell. This affects the Bandit’s body but not his possessions. It is not an illusory effect, but a minor physical alteration of the Bandit’s appearance, within the limits described for the spell.

Hide in Plain Sight (Ex): While in any sort of terrain, whether natural or not, a Bandit of 9th level or higher may make use the Hide skill even while being observed.

Free Movement (Ex): a Bandit is relentless in her pursuit and can slip out of grapples, bonds and even the effects of confining spells easily. Starting at 10th level, this ability duplicates the effects of a "Freedom of Movement" spell at will.

Huma Bandit Starting Package

Weapons: Longbow (1d8, crit 20/x3),

Skill Selection: Pick a number of skills equal to 8 + Int modifier.

Skill Ranks Ability Armor
Climb 2 Str
Disable Device 4 Dex
Hide 4 Dex
Jump 2 Str
Listen 4 Wis
Move Silently 4 Dex
Open Locks 4 Dex
Search 4 Int
Spot 4 Wis
Survival 4 Wis

Feat: Nimble Fingers

Bonus Feats: Point Blank Shot for Human.

Gear: Studded Leather.

Gold: 5d4 X 10.

Epic Bandit

Table: The Epic Bandit

Hit Die: d8

Level Special
21st Epic Trap Sense +8, Bonus Feat
22nd Teamwork (Tactical Superiority)
23rd Bonus Feat
24th Attentiveness +8, Epic Trap Sense +10
25th Bonus Feat
26th Gate
27th Epic Trap Sense +12, Bonus Feat
28th Eternal Freedom
29th Bonus Feat
30th Attentiveness +10, Epic Trap Sense +14

8 + Int modifier skill points per level.

Epic Trap Sense: (Ex): The epic Bandit’s bonus on Trap Sense increases by +2 at every three levels higher than 18th.

Bonus Feats: The epic Bandit gains a bonus feat at 21st level and every other level there after. These feats are selected from the Bandit class feat list presented above. Alternatively your DM may also allow class appropriate epic feats as well.

Teamwork (Tactical Superiority): (Su): When a Bandit uses her Tactical Genius ability her bonus she grants all allies within 100 feet who can see or hear her a number of temporary hit points equal to 20 + twice her number of epic levels and a bonus on Attack and Damage Rolls, a Dodge bonus to AC and a bonus on all saves equal to 5 + her number of epic levels. This effect lasts for the round that the Bandit uses it and for 10 rounds there after.

Gate (Sp): The scope of the problems that an epic Bandit deals with involves having to move ahead to other planes to Bandit out the surroundings. A 26th level Bandit gains the ability to cast "Gate" a number of times per day equal to her Wisdom modifier (minimum of once per day) with a couple of exceptions.

Firstly, the Bandit may only cast this spell using the first "Planar Travel" effect for making an inter-dimensional doorway, a Bandit cannot use this ability to summon other creatures. Since the Bandit does not have the ability to use the summoning effect, the Bandit does not pay the experience point cost for this spell. Secondly, the Gate stays open for the appropriate number of rounds, but does not require the Bandit's focus, concentration or even the Bandit's presence to function. This effect has a caster level equal to her Bandit class level.

Eternal Freedom: (Su) A Bandit is so attuned with slipping out of grapples, bonds and even the effects of confining spells that starting at 26th level, she is always considered to be under the effects of an "Eternal Freedom" spell, except that it is always active. This spell, located on page 80 of the Epic Level Handbook grants permanent immunity to the following spells, effects and spell-like abilities: entangle, hold, imprisonment, paralysis, petrification, sleep, slow, stunning, temporal stasis and web.

Campaign Information

Playing a Bandit

Religion: Bandits have diverse and personal views on religion, and no one particular religion stands out from any other as being common for the class. However it is common for Bandits to pay homage to deities of nature as much of her job finds her travelling through the wilderness and she feels at home in such locations. She does not see nature in the way a Druid or a Ranger does, being something to be revered or protected. Rather she see terrain over which she must do her job. Although most Bandits do enjoy the beauty of nature, she does not draw power from it the way these other classes do.

Other Classes: Bandits gets along well with most all classes. Her beliefs and job does not directly conflict with any given class and she enjoys both doing reconnaissance for a slow, loud group of adventurers, ensuring that each area they venture to is safe and also she enjoys even more subtle quieter groups where others are as naturally nimble and quiet as she is. She also enjoys most parities who are willing to heed her tactical advice in combat and the feeling of being able to help lead them to victory.

Role: A Bandit plays multiple roles in a party. Primarily like her job description, with her fast movement speed and bonuses on navigating terrain a Bandit does reconnaissance ahead of the group to check for dangers and often volunteers for first watch at night to secure the perimeter before going to bed. Her stealth and trapfinding abilities make her the natural choice for entering and searching dangerous areas. Assisting as a back-up melee combatant or ranged expert in battle she likes to find a place from which she can both give an ally her enhanced flanking bonus and view the battle field to use that information to provide tactical information for her allies to give them an advantage.

Advancement: Bandit's who choose to take levels in other classes tha Bandit would most likely do so to either gain more combat abilities like with Order of the Bow Initiate2 Dark Hunter2 or Darkwood Stalker2. Alternatively she might take a more focused section of her profession to enhance. Such as enhancing her trapfinding with Dungeon Delver1 or enhancing her tracking skill by use of Bloodhound1 or Justicar2. Enhancing her infiltration ability by use of Spy Master1 or even her agility with use of Thief Acrobat1 or Exemplar1.

1: Found in Complete Adventurer
2: Found in Complete Warrior

Bandits in the World

A Bandit is never taken by surprise, he always knows what to do when anything unexpected happens.
—Jay Peterson, Human Navy Admiral

Adventures: Most Bandits find themselves as adventurers as part of the military organization that trained them, whether serving as a reconnaissance specialist for a larger military force, or even posted at a tower or fort to watch for enemy movements. Most PC Bandits have since left behind their position within the military for whatever personal reason that leads them to become adventurers, as where others while still an active member of the military are assigned to the adventuring group as a Bandit or guide because the adventurers goals align with the kingdoms goals which leads to a longer mutually beneficial relationship.

Notables: One of the most notable Bandits in history is James Houlton, a Huma Bandit from a large kingdom that was reassigned from his post in the kingdom to an adventuring group who was helping repel an invasion of devils. At the height of the battle James lead the adventurers through the devil's portal and Bandited ahead of the adventurers to gather the information on the devil leader's location and defenses which allowed the adventurers to find an opening to get access to and eventually confront and kill the devil leader. This caused a the devils to become disorganized which led to their eventual downfall.

Organizations: While Bandits don't have a specific organization of their own, a vast majority of all Bandits receive military training at the start of their career and serve as reconnaissance specialist and outriders for the organization or kingdom that trained them.

NPC Reactions: Most NPCs view Bandits as a member of the local military, even if the she is not currently still with the military. Such NPCs tend to view the Bandit fondly and with some level of cordial respect. Especially even more so if she is still active member of the local military that is tasked with protecting them.

Bandit Lore

Characters with a lore skill or ranks in Knowledge (History) can research Bandits to learn more about them. When a character makes a skill check, read or paraphrase the following, including information from lower DCs.

Knowledge (Local)
DC Result
5 Bandit's are reconnaissance specialists that move ahead at blazing speeds in front of a military to get information for battles and wars. Bandits are also experts at find traps and following the tracks and trails of enemies.
10 Bandit's are also master tacticians trained in battle tactics and wars and use this to guide their companions to tactical advantages in battles. Bandits also learn a small selection of spells they can cast to facilitate their job.
15 Bandits also are masters at traversing difficult terrain and can even follow trails and sneak around quickly with ease. Bandits can even see in almost pitch blackness and smell enemies coming.
20 Anyone making this level of success can learn about most any Bandit ability, and even stories about specific Bandits, how a Bandit is trained and even the current location of a specific Bandit provided she's not in hiding.

Bandits in the Game

Sample Encounter:

James Houlton

CR 14

Male Human Bandit 14
LN Medium Humanoid (Human)
Init/Senses +10 (4 dex, 4 class, 2 feat)/Darkvision 60 ft, Scent and Blindsense 30 ft; Listen +23 (+5 to pinpoint invisible creature), Spot +23
Aura Allies gain +4 bonus on saves VS traps and can have tracks hidden within 30 ft.
Languages Common, Undercommon, Dwarven, Elven, Orc, Draconic
AC 23, touch 18, flat-footed 19; +4 (Battle Intuition)
(+5 armor (+1 chain shirt), +4 dex)
Miss Chance Improved Evasion
hp 91 average or 140 maxed (14d8 (63) HD); +28 from ()
Fort/Ref/Will +6/+13/+8; Trap Sense +4
Speed 70 ft. (6 squares), climb 70 ft
Melee +1 rapier +9 1d6 + 2 (+1 (str), +1 (int), +1 (Magic) ) / 18-20 ×2)
Ranged hand crossbow +9 1d4 / 19-20 ×2 30 ft. range
Space/Reach 5 ft./5 ft.
Base Atk/Grp +10/+11
Combat Gear +1 Rapier, hand crossbow, chain shirt
Spell-Like Abilities (CL 14th The save DC is Intelligence-based):
Always under effect—'"Know Direction", "Status", "Detect Snares and Pits"
4/day Each—"Feather Fall", "Tree Stride", "Phase Door"
Abilities Str 12 (+1), Dex 18 (+4), Con 14 (+2), Int 20 (+5), Wis 18 (+4), Cha 12 (+1)
SQ Teamwork (Tactics), Trapfinding, Uncanny Dodge, Great Leap, Camouflage, Speed Climb, Flawless Stride, Swift Stalker, Hide in Plain Sight, Teamwork (Tactical Resistance)
Feats Alertness, Endurance, Run, Track, Nimble Fingers Agile Athlete1, Fleet of Foot2, Keen Eared Bandit3, Quick Reconnitor4, Steady Mountaineer5
Skills Climb (Str) +9 (5r), Disable Device (Int) +21 (10r), Hide (Dex) +14 (10r), Jump (Dex) +13 (5r), Move Silently (Dex) +14 (10r), Listen (Wis) +23 (10r), Open Lock (Dex) +16 (10r), Search (Int) +19 (10r), Spot (Wis) +23 (10r), Survival (Wis) +18 (10r),
Possessions combat gear plus Hat of Disguise, Goggles of Minute Seeing, Elixir of Vision, potion of Expeditious Retreat, Backpack, acid (flask), Antitoxin (vial), Bedroll, Belt Pouch, Caltrops ×4, Crowbar, Flask, Flint and Steel, Grappling Hook X2, Hammer, Ink Vial, Ink Pen X2, Parchment X10, Piton X10, Silk Rope 50ft, smokestick ×5, Sunrod X2, tanglefoot bag, Tent, Thunderstone, Torch X5, Trail Rations (6 days), Waterskin, Whetstone. 274 gp
Patron Deity Obad hai
Trapfinding: James can detect traps with a DC over 20 as if he were a Rogue.
Awareness: Whenever James passes within 5 feet of a secret or concealed door he is entitled to a search check to notice it as if he was actively looking for it. James gains a +5 bonus on such checks when wearing his goggles of minute seeing.

James can also make an active spot and listen check once each round as a free action instead of a move action.

If James beats the DC of a listen check by 5 or more he can determine the size, speed and direction of the source of the noise. If he beats the DC by 10 or more he can also determine the precise currrent position of the creature or object that made the sound. If he beats it by 15 or more he can determine the type of armor it wears and what it carries, if anything. If he beats it by 20 or more he can determine the creatures type and subtypes. This applies to both standard and opposed listen checks.

Swift Stalker: James doesnt take penalties on Hide and Move Silently checks when moving up to his normal speed, and only takes a -10 on such checks when running.
Shadowy Figure: James is always considered to be taking 10 on hide and move silently even while walking around normally, unless he wants to be seen or heard. The DM must make opposed spot and listen checks for any NPC's to be aware of the James' presence. While in any sort of terrain, whether natural or not, James may use the Hide skill even while being observed.
Flawless Stride: James can move through any sort of terrain that slows movement (such as rubble, undergrowth, overgrown areas, natural thorns, briars and similar terrain) at his normal movement speed and without taking damage or suffering any other impairment. He may also run and charge over difficult terrain that normally slows movement or allies or neutral characters blocking his path. This ability enables him to run down steep stairs, leap down from a balcony and tumble over tables to get to his destination.
Skill Mastery: James is so certain in the use of Listen, Spot, Hide, Move Silently, Search, Disable Device, Open Lock and that he can use them reliably even under adverse conditions. When making a skill check with one of these skills, he may take 10 even if stress and distractions would normally prevent him from doing so. James may also take 10 on climb and jump checks because of his final feat.

What the feats do
Agile Athlete: (Dex to Climb and Jump)
Fleet of Foot: (Make one direction change during run or charge)
Keen Eared Bandit: (Listen check reveals extra information about source of sound and +5 to pinpoint invisible creatures)
Quick Reconnitor: (Make Spot and Listen checks each round as free action, +2 initiative)
Steady Mountaineer: (Always take 10 on Climb and Jump)
Feat Locations
1: Found in Races of Wild
2: Found in Complete Warrior
3: Found in Players Handbook II
4: Found in Complete Adventurer
5: Found in Races of Stone

Marksman's Homebrews
Classes Battle Juggernaut, Bewitcher, Bounty Hunter, Cat Burglar, Divine Healer, Enchantress, Footpad, Grimslayer, Half-Nymph, Half-Rylvain, Hunter, Ki Warrior, Martial Artist, Noble, Platinum Dragoon, Radiant Champion, Rylvain, Saiyan Warrior, Scout, Socialite Deluxe, Spy, Undead Slayer, Undead Stalker, Warlord, Wolverine
Races Elven Nymph, Half-Drow, Elf, Half-Giant, Half-Nymph, Half-Rylvain, Half-Saiyan, Liantia, Moogle, Namekian, Ronso, Rylvain, Saiyans, Xanthian
Character Options Ascended Super Saiyan, Ascetic Juggernaut, Awesome Blow, Enhanced Ki Pool, Full Power Super Saiyan, Saiyan Elite, Tail Defense, Ultra Super Saiyan
Equipment Cloak of Bullshit, Cloak of Greater Bullshit, Cloak of Lesser Bullshit, Dragon Balls, Excalibur, Potion of Youth
Spells & Powers Condition, Eternal Charm Monster, Eternal Charm Person, Eternal Slumber, Reraise, Restore Youth, Steal Youth, Summon Wyvern
Invocations After Image, Alternate Delivery, Beam Blast, Candy Beam, Death Beam, Destructo Disc, Dragon Fist, Energy Channel, Energy Rings, Explosive Wave, Final Explosion, Flash Step, Four Witches, Fusion Dance, Greater Ki Transmutation, Healing Spirit, Improved Intimidating Ki, Improved Ki Charging, Improved Ki Flying, Improved Ki Volley, Instant Transmission, Intimidating Ki, Kaio-ken, Ki Barrage, Ki Charging, Ki Enhancement, Ki Flying, Ki Sense, Ki Shield, Ki Sight, Ki Supression, Ki Sword, Ki Transmutation, Ki Wind, Lesser Electrical Transmutation, Lesser Fire Transmuation, Lesser Frost Transmutation, Master Ki Transmutation, Multi-Form, Neo Tri Beam, Nova Chariot, Power Ball, Scatter Shot, Solar Flare, Spirit Ball, Spirit Bomb, Super Ghost Kamikaze Attack, Tri Beam, Warp Blast
Espers Bomb, Cactuar, Cait Sith, Chocobo Esper, Cockatrice, Esper, Goblin, Kirin, Mindflayer, Shiva, Siren, Sylph, Tonberry, Unicorn
Monsters Adamantoise, Ash Viper, Behemoth, Drake, Malboro V.2, Murder of Crows, Tangle Tree
Other Aralhal, Celesdra, Golbez System, James Houlton, Levels That Spells Are Obtained, Rydel Taerun, Shenron, Spirit Beast
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