Moogle (3.5e Race)
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Moogles are cute and fluffy which creatures who enjoy wandering, learning new things and celebrating. They get along well with most all other races and whenever they do find themselves away from their tight knit family clans deep in their cavernous homes, they feel good when they're able to help others in a time of need.
Moogles are a race of cute and playful creatures that are naturally cautious and wary when it comes to outsiders, but once a Moogle does learn to trust someone, they are a very friendly and out going around those people. With their naturally kind and pure hearts Moogles find it difficult to bear watching anyone in distress and are likely to want to help those in dire need. They are naturally curious and may sometimes try to inspect things even when they shouldn't. Like a Halfling, a Moogle would prefer trouble or mischief to boredom. Moogles are also very active creatures and do not like to stay in any one place for too long. In some Moogles, this manifests as a wanderlust that would rival that of an Elf.
Physical Description[edit]
Moogles are small plump creatures, generally between 2 1/2 to 3 1/2 feet tall and generally weighing between 40 to 50 pounds with females being smaller and lighter, but with no clear visual distinction between males and females. Moogles have soft, fuzzy fur covering their entire body which is predominantly white in color, but on rare occasion can be cream or smoky colored. Being very tribal in nature Moogles are exceedingly resistant to the idea of wearing clothes and are rarely comfortable in them. They have a red or yellow hued "pom pom" which is a ball of fur atop of a strong, durable, black antennae emerging from the top of their heads which they are very sensitive about having touched. Moogles have cat-like ears and red or pink noses. On fairly rare occasion, some Moogles have a "mane" of fur around their neck, usually brown, beige or tan in color. All Moogles possess a pair of small red, purple or navy blue bat-like wings on their back, but these wings do not allow for sustained flight.
Moogles get along well with anyone that they see for themselves is trustworthy, but do get along with some races more naturally than others. Moogles get along very well with Gnomes finding their sense of humor and love of animals and nature to be fun and refreshing. They also get along well with Halflings with whom they share a distain for boredom. The magnitude of trouble and mischief created by a Moogle and a Halfling who are left alone to their own devices is almost incomprehensible. Moogles get along neutrally with Elves, Humans and Half-Elves, but they find Dwarves to be too serious and no fun at all, and they simply feel out of touch and distrustful of Half-Orcs.
With their free-forming tribal life and love of wandering, Moogles have a strong bend towards chaos. Being kind and pure hearted in nature, Moogles also are almost always good, or at least neutral. An evil Moogle has yet to even be heard of or discovered.
Moogles will tend to make their homes in one of two areas. Most commonly, Moogles will create a tribe inside of caves or cavern systems, but rarely to never near other underground denizens, as most other underground dwelling races such as Orcs, Drow, etc tend to be unfriendly to Moogles. If not in caves, Moogles tend to make a small group or band of Moogles within Human communities that are willing to accept them.
Moogles have no chief racial deity of their own, but they tend to worship deities of nature, or that have nature themed portfolios or domains such as Ehlonna or Obad-Hai.
Moogles speak moogle which is full of words for describing concepts and feelings and uses the Elven alphabet. Because there are so many words for broad ideas, a Moogle can accurately convey a moderately detailed situation or feeling in a very astonishingly few words and be completely understood by other Moogles. All Moogles use the word Kupo to accentuate things, and when used is put onto the end of a sentence.
Almost all Moogles, have names that begin with either M or K. There are exceptions, but such exceptions are exceedingly rare. Moogles are highly prone to also using the letter O or U when naming a child as well.
Male Names: Kamog, Kupan, Kupek, Kupop, Kuru, Kutan, Mog, Mogmatt, Moguta, Moolan, Morrison, Stiltzkin.
Female Names: Kuku, Kumama, Kurin, Kushu, Mimoza, Mogmi, Mogrich, Suzana.
Moogles are curious and can occasionally be impulsive. They may take up adventuring as a way to see the world, or for the love of exploring, but almost always out of wanderlust. Moogles that end up out adventuring are not greedy and enjoy trinkets and toys more than gems and gold which have little value to them other than acquiring more trinkets and toys. They may also be rebels or crusaders if they come upon people being oppressed.
Moogle Racial Traits[edit]
- -2 Strength, +2 Charisma: Moogles are cute and charming, but small and weak.
- Monstrous Humanoid
- Moogles are small creatures. As a small-sized creature, a Moogle gains a +1 size bonus to armor class, a +1 size bonus on attack rolls, a +4 size bonus to hide checks, but they use smaller weapons than Humans use, and their lifting and carrying limits are three-quarters of those of a Medium character.
- Moogles base land speed is 20 feet.
- Low-Light Vision (Ex): A moogle can see twice as far as a human in starlight, moonlight, torchlight, and similar conditions of poor illumination. She retains the ability to distinguish color under these conditions.
- Wings: Moogles have small wings, but the wings are too weak to fly with and do not allow for sustained flight. However, they can assist with acrobatics and can be used for short distance gliding. While in the air and carrying a light load, a Moogle can use their wings to glide 20 feet of forward travel for every 5 feet descent per round, for 4 rounds. A Moogle with a high Strength bonus may glide for an additional number of rounds equal to his Strength modifier. After they run out of rounds of gliding they no longer have the strength to hold their wings open against the air and fall normally and take falling damage appropriately. A Moogle cannot glide while fatigued or exhausted.
- +4 racial bonus on Climb, Jump and Tumble checks. A Moogle's small wings provide assistance when performing acrobatic skills and maneuvers.
- +4 racial bonus on Move Silently checks. A Moogles padded feet soften their footsteps while they walk.
- +2 on Perform (Dance) checks, Moogles love to dance and celebrate and are excellent dancers.
- +1 racial bonus on all saving throws. Moogles are surprisingly capable of avoiding mishaps.
- Spell-like Abilities: 3/day – speak with animals, 1/day – telepathic bond. Caster Level is equal to the moogle's character level. Save DCs are 10 + the Spell's Level + the moogle's Charisma modifier
- Automatic Languages: Moogle
- Bonus Languages: Common, Elven, Gnome, Halfling, Sylvan, Terran.
- Favored Class: Bard
- Level Adjustment: +0
- Effective Character Level: 1
Vital Statistics[edit]
Adulthood | Simple | Moderate | Complex |
25 years | +1d6 | +2d6 | +3d6 |
Middle Age1 | Old2 | Venerable3 | Maximum Age | |
56 years | 84 years | 112 years | +3d20 years | |
Gender | Base Height | Height Modifier | Base Weight | Weight Modifier |
Male | 2' 6" | +1d4 | 45 lb. | × 1 lb. |
Female | 2' 4" | +1d4 | 40 lb. | × 1 lb. |
Back to Main Page → 3.5e Homebrew → Races
Author | The-Marksman + |
Effective Character Level | 1 + |
Favored Class | Bard + |
Identifier | 3.5e Race + |
Level Adjustment | 0 + |
Racial Ability Adjustments | -2 Strength + and +2 Charisma + |
Rated By | Franken Kesey + |
Rating | Rating Pending + |
Size | small + |
Summary | Moogles are cute and fluffy which creatures who enjoy wandering, learning new things and celebrating. + |
Title | Moogle + |
Type | Monstrous Humanoid + |