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Author: The-Marksman (talk)
Date Created: March 2019
Status: Complete
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Beerus' holy symbol.

Greater Deity
Symbol: X
Home Plane: Outer Planes
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Portfolio: Destruction, War, Chaos,
Clergy Alignments: CN, CE, N
Domains: Chaos, Death, Destruction and War
Favored Weapon: X





Clergy and Temples[edit]





Male X Outsider 20 / Ki Warrior 20 / Fighter 20 / Sorcerer 10
CN, Medium Outsider
Init/Senses +21 (Always First: Supreme Initiative)/Darkvision 60 ft Lowlight Vision; Listen +50, Spot +50
Aura Chaotic (20th), Divine Rank 20
Languages Can understand, speak and read any language, even non verbal languages
AC 103, touch , flat-footed
(+17 Dex, +13 Wis, +20 Divine, +33 Natural, +10 Deflection)
hp 1,640 (40d8 (320) + 14d10 (140) + 16d4 (64) HD); +1050 from Con, +66 (Improved Toughness)
Immune Immune to Fire, Cold, Electricity, Acid damage, Poisons, Diseases, Energy Drain, Ability Drain, Ability Damage, Paralysis, Transmutations, Mind-Affecting effects (Charms, Compulsions, Phantasms, Patterns and Morale effects) and magical sleep effects. Immune to banishment, binding, dimensional anchor, dismissal, imprisonment, repulsion, soul bind, temporal stasis, trap the soul, and turning and rebuking.
SR/PR/Resist X/X/Damage Reduction X/+5
Fort/Ref/Will +/+/+
Speed 60 ft., fly 360 ft
Space/Reach 5 ft (coiled)/5 ft.
Base Atk/Grp +45/+73 ( BAB, 20 Str)
Special Actions At will uses these abilities as a 20th level caster. The save DC's are 33 + the spells level. X
Combat Gear None
Abilities Str 50 (+20), Dex 45 (+17), Con 40 (+15), Int 10 (+0), Wis 36 (+13), Cha 30 (+10)
SQ Alter Reality, Annihilating Strike, Battlesense, Divine Battle Mastery, Divine Blast, Mass Divine Blast, Divine Celerity, Divine Dodge, Divine Fast Healing, Divine Monk, Divine Shield, Divine Weapon Focus (Unarmed Strike), Divine Weapon Specialization (Unarmed Strike), Free Move, Frightful Presence, Hand of Death, Increased Damage Reduction X2, Increased Spell Resistance, Indomitable Strength, Irresistible Blows, Life and Death, Mass Life and Death, Sunder and Disjoin, Supreme Initiative
Feats Power Attack, Cleave, Combat Expertise, Improved Initiative, Weapon Focus (Unarmed Strike), Weapon Specialization (Unarmed Strike), Greater Weapon Focus (Unarmed Strike), Greater Weapon Specialization (Unarmed Strike), Improved Critical (Unarmed Strike), Great Cleave
Possessions combat gear plus None
Patron Deity Domains: Chaos, Death, Destruction and War
Sorcerer Spells/Day: (Levels 0-9) 4/9/9/9/9/8/8/8/8/7; base DC = 30 + spell level.
Spells Known: (Levels 0-9) 4/9/9/9/9/8/8/8/8/7; base DC = 30 + spell level.

Marksman's Homebrews [Collapse]
Classes Battle Juggernaut, Bewitcher, Bounty Hunter, Cat Burglar, Divine Healer, Enchantress, Footpad, Grimslayer, Half-Nymph, Half-Rylvain, Hunter, Ki Warrior, Martial Artist, Noble, Platinum Dragoon, Radiant Champion, Rylvain, Saiyan Warrior, Scout, Socialite Deluxe, Spy, Undead Slayer, Undead Stalker, Warlord, Wolverine
Races Elven Nymph, Half-Drow, Elf, Half-Giant, Half-Nymph, Half-Rylvain, Half-Saiyan, Liantia, Moogle, Namekian, Ronso, Rylvain, Saiyans, Xanthian
Character Options Ascended Super Saiyan, Ascetic Juggernaut, Awesome Blow, Enhanced Ki Pool, Full Power Super Saiyan, Saiyan Elite, Tail Defense, Ultra Super Saiyan
Equipment Cloak of Bullshit, Cloak of Greater Bullshit, Cloak of Lesser Bullshit, Dragon Balls, Excalibur, Potion of Youth
Spells & Powers Condition, Eternal Charm Monster, Eternal Charm Person, Eternal Slumber, Reraise, Restore Youth, Steal Youth, Summon Wyvern
Invocations After Image, Alternate Delivery, Beam Blast, Candy Beam, Death Beam, Destructo Disc, Dragon Fist, Energy Channel, Energy Rings, Explosive Wave, Final Explosion, Flash Step, Four Witches, Fusion Dance, Greater Ki Transmutation, Healing Spirit, Improved Intimidating Ki, Improved Ki Charging, Improved Ki Flying, Improved Ki Volley, Instant Transmission, Intimidating Ki, Kaio-ken, Ki Barrage, Ki Charging, Ki Enhancement, Ki Flying, Ki Sense, Ki Shield, Ki Sight, Ki Supression, Ki Sword, Ki Transmutation, Ki Wind, Lesser Electrical Transmutation, Lesser Fire Transmuation, Lesser Frost Transmutation, Master Ki Transmutation, Multi-Form, Neo Tri Beam, Nova Chariot, Power Ball, Scatter Shot, Solar Flare, Spirit Ball, Spirit Bomb, Super Ghost Kamikaze Attack, Tri Beam, Warp Blast
Espers Bomb, Cactuar, Cait Sith, Chocobo Esper, Cockatrice, Esper, Goblin, Kirin, Mindflayer, Shiva, Siren, Sylph, Tonberry, Unicorn
Monsters Adamantoise, Ash Viper, Behemoth, Drake, Malboro V.2, Murder of Crows, Tangle Tree
Other Aralhal, Celesdra, Golbez System, James Houlton, Levels That Spells Are Obtained, Rydel Taerun, Shenron, Spirit Beast
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