Condition (3.5e Spell)

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Author: The-Marksman (talk)
Date Created: December 2017
Status: Done
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Level: Cleric 3, Favored Soul 3
Components: V, S
Casting time: 1 standard action
Range: 10 feet / caster level
Targets: One living, willing creature per two levels
Duration: 1 hour/level
Saving Throw: Will negates (harmless)
Spell Resistance: Yes (harmless)

This spell allows you to mentally monitor the general health, relative position, and overall condition of a target(s) within range. You instantly know whether each target creature is dead, nearly dead (−9 to −4), dying (−5 to −1) fighting off death (alive and wounded, with 0 − 3 or hit points left), fragile (alive with 4 or more hit points), or in good health. Including if a creature is either undead, or neither alive nor dead (such as a construct). You are also aware of the direction and distance to the creatures and any conditions affecting them, such as: dying, disabled, staggered, unconscious, petrified, paralyzed, shaken, frightened, panicked, stunned,
nauseated, sickened, poisoned, diseased, cursed, confused, or the like and the nature of any such poison, disease or curse.

In Addition, you can also cast a limited selection of spells through the link as if you were touching the target. You can cast any spell that meets the following conditions (with DM approval) and any target you cast such a spell on must be within 25 feet per caster level. The spell used must meet ALL of these prerequisites.

  • Range: Touch
  • Target: Creature Touched
  • Saving Throw: Yes (Harmless)

So for example you could cast any Cure or heal spells, regenerate, neutralize poison, remove disease, remove curse, remove blindness/deafness, restoration, resistance, protection from spells, raise dead, etc. However this would not allow you to cast remove fear, remove paralysis, sanctuary, shield other, sequester, teleport, shadow walk, poison, slay living, etc.

Targets must initially be within 10 feet per caster level to establish the link. Once Condition has been cast upon the subjects, the distance between them and the caster does not affect the spell as long as they are on the same plane of existence. If a subject leaves the plane, or if it dies, the spell ceases to function for it. Condition sees through any spell or ability that allows creatures to feign death. Spells can only be casts on targets through the link if they are within 25 feet per caster level.

Marksman's Homebrews [Collapse]
Classes Battle Juggernaut, Bewitcher, Bounty Hunter, Cat Burglar, Divine Healer, Enchantress, Footpad, Grimslayer, Half-Nymph, Half-Rylvain, Hunter, Ki Warrior, Martial Artist, Noble, Platinum Dragoon, Radiant Champion, Rylvain, Saiyan Warrior, Scout, Socialite Deluxe, Spy, Undead Slayer, Undead Stalker, Warlord, Wolverine
Races Elven Nymph, Half-Drow, Elf, Half-Giant, Half-Nymph, Half-Rylvain, Half-Saiyan, Liantia, Moogle, Namekian, Ronso, Rylvain, Saiyans, Xanthian
Character Options Ascended Super Saiyan, Ascetic Juggernaut, Awesome Blow, Enhanced Ki Pool, Full Power Super Saiyan, Saiyan Elite, Tail Defense, Ultra Super Saiyan
Equipment Cloak of Bullshit, Cloak of Greater Bullshit, Cloak of Lesser Bullshit, Dragon Balls, Excalibur, Potion of Youth
Spells & Powers Condition, Eternal Charm Monster, Eternal Charm Person, Eternal Slumber, Reraise, Restore Youth, Steal Youth, Summon Wyvern
Invocations After Image, Alternate Delivery, Beam Blast, Candy Beam, Death Beam, Destructo Disc, Dragon Fist, Energy Channel, Energy Rings, Explosive Wave, Final Explosion, Flash Step, Four Witches, Fusion Dance, Greater Ki Transmutation, Healing Spirit, Improved Intimidating Ki, Improved Ki Charging, Improved Ki Flying, Improved Ki Volley, Instant Transmission, Intimidating Ki, Kaio-ken, Ki Barrage, Ki Charging, Ki Enhancement, Ki Flying, Ki Sense, Ki Shield, Ki Sight, Ki Supression, Ki Sword, Ki Transmutation, Ki Wind, Lesser Electrical Transmutation, Lesser Fire Transmuation, Lesser Frost Transmutation, Master Ki Transmutation, Multi-Form, Neo Tri Beam, Nova Chariot, Power Ball, Scatter Shot, Solar Flare, Spirit Ball, Spirit Bomb, Super Ghost Kamikaze Attack, Tri Beam, Warp Blast
Espers Bomb, Cactuar, Cait Sith, Chocobo Esper, Cockatrice, Esper, Goblin, Kirin, Mindflayer, Shiva, Siren, Sylph, Tonberry, Unicorn
Monsters Adamantoise, Ash Viper, Behemoth, Drake, Malboro V.2, Murder of Crows, Tangle Tree
Other Aralhal, Celesdra, Golbez System, James Houlton, Levels That Spells Are Obtained, Rydel Taerun, Shenron, Spirit Beast
Sandbox 1 / Box 2 / Box 3 / Box 4 / Box 5 / Box 6 / Box 7 / Box 8 / Box 9 / Organized table of published races with statistics / Talk page

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Article BalanceModerate +
AuthorThe-Marksman +
ComponentV + and S +
Identifier3.5e Spell +
LevelCleric 3 + and Favored Soul 3 +
RangeOther +
RatingUndiscussed +
SchoolDivination +
SummaryCombines the effects of Status and Deathwatch +
TitleCondition +