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Spirit Bomb (3.5e Invocation)

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Author: The-Marksman (talk)
Date Created: August 2011
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Spirit Bomb
Saiyan Warrior Master; 9th

The spirit bomb (also called a Ganki Dama) is one of the most powerful abilities that a ki warrior can use. To use the Spirit Bomb a user must be of a good alignment and in order to start a spirit bomb a user places both hands palm up into the air and spend the first full round saying the incantation "The rivers, the trees, the wind, mountains, oceans and seas, vast lands of the earth, offer me your fighting spirit, I ask of you, please!" The user then waits as all non-sentient life on the planet gives the user a small piece of their life energy.

The user MUST remain stationary with his palms held facing the sky to receive the energy or the ability fails. Every round that the user spends waiting on the life energy the damage goes up by a number of dice equal to the number of rounds he's been waiting. The first round is a 1d6 damage spirit bomb, second round hes waited for 2 rounds so the 1d6 from last round +2 is 3d6, then on the third round he's been waiting 3 rounds so the previous 3d6 + 3 is 6d6, then 10d6, 15d6, 21d6, 28d6, 36d6, 45d6, 55d6, 66d6, 78d6, etc. The body of any creature killed by a spirit bomb disintegrates. The user must be in an out door area to use this ability, and have sufficient room to allow the energy to grow. On the first 4 rounds the orb fits within the square that the user occupies.

For the 5th round and every other round there after the circumference of the orb increases to take up an additional 10 feet of space. So the orb is 15 feet wide at 15d6, 25 feet wide at 21d6, 35 feet wide at 28d6, etc. Any creature with an intelligence score of 8 or higher will perceive your attack as extremely dangerous the longer your gathering energy. A user hit while gathering the energy must make concentration checks, DC = damage dealt, or lose the energy and have to start the attack over again. The user may then launch the attack as a ranged touch attack.

The spirit bomb will not work on planes or planets that are devoid of life. This ability does not cost the user any ki points because the ki for the attack is being provided by the life forms of the planet.

Marksman's Homebrews
Classes Battle Juggernaut, Bewitcher, Bounty Hunter, Cat Burglar, Divine Healer, Enchantress, Footpad, Grimslayer, Half-Nymph, Half-Rylvain, Hunter, Ki Warrior, Martial Artist, Noble, Platinum Dragoon, Radiant Champion, Rylvain, Saiyan Warrior, Scout, Socialite Deluxe, Spy, Undead Slayer, Undead Stalker, Warlord, Wolverine
Races Elven Nymph, Half-Drow, Elf, Half-Giant, Half-Nymph, Half-Rylvain, Half-Saiyan, Liantia, Moogle, Namekian, Ronso, Rylvain, Saiyans, Xanthian
Character Options Ascended Super Saiyan, Ascetic Juggernaut, Awesome Blow, Enhanced Ki Pool, Full Power Super Saiyan, Saiyan Elite, Tail Defense, Ultra Super Saiyan
Equipment Cloak of Bullshit, Cloak of Greater Bullshit, Cloak of Lesser Bullshit, Dragon Balls, Excalibur, Potion of Youth
Spells & Powers Condition, Eternal Charm Monster, Eternal Charm Person, Eternal Slumber, Reraise, Restore Youth, Steal Youth, Summon Wyvern
Invocations After Image, Alternate Delivery, Beam Blast, Candy Beam, Death Beam, Destructo Disc, Dragon Fist, Energy Channel, Energy Rings, Explosive Wave, Final Explosion, Flash Step, Four Witches, Fusion Dance, Greater Ki Transmutation, Healing Spirit, Improved Intimidating Ki, Improved Ki Charging, Improved Ki Flying, Improved Ki Volley, Instant Transmission, Intimidating Ki, Kaio-ken, Ki Barrage, Ki Charging, Ki Enhancement, Ki Flying, Ki Sense, Ki Shield, Ki Sight, Ki Supression, Ki Sword, Ki Transmutation, Ki Wind, Lesser Electrical Transmutation, Lesser Fire Transmuation, Lesser Frost Transmutation, Master Ki Transmutation, Multi-Form, Neo Tri Beam, Nova Chariot, Power Ball, Scatter Shot, Solar Flare, Spirit Ball, Spirit Bomb, Super Ghost Kamikaze Attack, Tri Beam, Warp Blast
Espers Bomb, Cactuar, Cait Sith, Chocobo Esper, Cockatrice, Esper, Goblin, Kirin, Mindflayer, Shiva, Siren, Sylph, Tonberry, Unicorn
Monsters Adamantoise, Ash Viper, Behemoth, Drake, Malboro V.2, Murder of Crows, Tangle Tree
Other Aralhal, Celesdra, Golbez System, James Houlton, Levels That Spells Are Obtained, Rydel Taerun, Shenron, Spirit Beast
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