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This table lists all 3.5e base classes on the wiki. You can also view this page in category format, if you wish.

Name Description Base Attack
Class Abilities Class Ability
Balance Point
Abstruse Cardshark A versatile caster with a casting system much like the Crusader's. This one uses actual suits. Poor Poor Good Good Full High
Adversary of Faith The un-cleric, they oppose the gods yet they themselves draw upon the "power of mortals" in opposition to the gods. Moderate Good Poor Good Prepared Divine Spellcasting Full Very High
Agent A versatile specialist dispatched to protect law and order on the behest of authority or government. Moderate Good Good Good Sneak Attack Minor High
Alchemist Tome of Element Alchemist, Alchemists use magic by mixing rare and magical components. They make potions, oils, grenades, and all manner of other items, providing invaluable services to other adventurers. When drawn to adventure, they apply their unique talents, a combination of esoteric knowledge of magical components and a strong throwing arm, to solve problems, whether with subtle poisons or with a loud bang. Moderate Good Good Poor Other Full Very High
Alchemist, Variant This Alchemist wields the immense power of concept-combining magic (based heavily on) to achieve the world-transmuting powers you might know and love. Moderate Other Other Other Alternate Magic, Spontaneous Spellcasting Full High
Ambusher Combat Styles with Skirmish Bonuses. Made for Melee Hit and Run. Good Poor Good Poor Skirmish Full Moderate
Andellion Warrior Melee warriors who share in the power of a goddess known as Eden. Good Good Poor Poor Other Other Very High
Animal Evolutionist You get two animal companions that evolve into some bad-ass monsters! Moderate Poor Poor Good Other Moderate
Animist Variant Very High
Apex An Apex is at the top of the food-chain. Able to shapechange into a wild beast and dominate the battlefield. An apex melds rage with a select few empowered beast forms. Moderate Good Poor Good Other Full High
Apothecary The apothecary makes alchemical items, potions and poisons. This version for PCs has extra levels, better progressions and more abilities. Moderate Poor Poor Good Other Other Moderate
Arcane Archer, Tome A wilderness archer who uses their weapon to fire spells at their foes. Moderate Poor Good Good Spontaneous Arcane Spellcasting Partial Very High
Arcane Monk Arcane monks study a strange form of martial arts that shapes their ki in mystical ways. In addition to this, they also gain a small pool of spells that they can cast spontaneously. Moderate Poor Good Good Arcane Spellcasting Minor High
Arcanist Glorious masters of the arcane energies, capable of warping reality with their very minds. Poor Poor Poor Good Arcane Spellcasting, Prepared Spellcasting Minor Low
Arcanomer A caster who speaks custom spells on the fly in order to imbue targets with energy and then detonate that energy for effects. Poor Poor Poor Good Other Full Very High
Architect Magical crafters who specialist in architecture and buildings. Moderate Poor Poor Good Prepared Divine Spellcasting Full High
Armoured Pokemaniac The Knight (Races of War, not PHBII), but for Pokemon d20 High
Artificer Artificers use magic equipment they craft to perform tasks. Each is unique in their chosen magic items, so no two are alike. Moderate Good Poor Good Other High
Ascendant Ascendants are those who are at one with the flow of existance and who are capable of seeing it fluctuate and warp in unimaginable ways. One of the trademarks of an ascendant is the fact that they are capable of splitting themselves, creating multiple versions of their physical body, and inhabit them all., A tall man stands there, his eyes closed as the wind whips around him, seemingly not even aware of the world before him. Poor Poor Good Good Psionics Full Very High
Ascendant - Project Atrea A priest-mage who forms connections to the constellations and warps time. Moderate Good Poor Good Alternate Magic, Other Other Very High
Assassin, Tome  :The Assassin is not so much a hired killer as he is someone who studies how to kill. Large amounts of skills, poison use, medium spontaneous spellcasting, ability to hand out large amounts of damage (rather than the traditional Death Attacks) at intervals. Moderate Good Good Poor Sneak Attack, Spontaneous Arcane Spellcasting Full High
Astromancer A wizard whose focuses on the power of the stars, wielding space, gravity, and solar magic. Poor Poor Poor Good Prepared Arcane Spellcasting Full Very High
Autoplate Pilot Magical mecha pilots, they use animated suits of armor to give them the fighting ability they need. Moderate Good Poor Poor Other Other Moderate
Autoplate Pilot, Variant Master craftsman and tinkerers whose intelligence is turned to martial bent, in the form of a wondrous suit of mechanical armor. Moderate Good Poor Poor Other Full High
Avalanche Knight With a single swing, this warrior cleaves through scores of minions. Good Good Poor Poor Other Full High
Avatar of Aendar Other Other
Avenger A divine assassin trained in hidden temple-monasteries, they tend to focus on one target to the exclusion of all else, and then bring them down with highly damaging attacks, uses manuevers. Good Good Good Poor Martial Maneuvers Full High
Ba Summoner Monster summoners capable of manifesting the spirits of the dead. Poor Poor Poor Good Arcane Spellcasting, Prepared Spellcasting Full Unquantifiable
Barbarian, Sublime A barbarian using the Sublime Way. Good Good Poor Good Martial Maneuvers Full Very High
Barbarian, Tome Designed to let the Barbarian run into the middle of a horde of enemies and come out alive. Bonus damage dice and powerful abilities when raging. Good Good Poor Poor Other Other Very High
Bard, Tome A bard that kicks enough ass for a Tome game. Moderate Poor Good Good Spontaneous Arcane Spellcasting, Other Full Very High
Barrier Mage A spellcaster who specializes in shields, barriers, and obstructions. Moderate Poor Good Good Spontaneous Arcane Spellcasting Full Very High
Battle Brewer Bottles are better than swords sometimes. Moderate Poor Poor Good Other Other High
Battle Chef A master of turning enemies into delicious food. Also, a master at eating delicious food in seconds. Good Good Good Poor Other Full High
Battle Juggernaut In the midst of the fields of battle stands out one creature amongst the rest. A massive hulking figure whose blows knock his opponents to the waysides, and who charges across the battlefield plowing and trampling over foes and then driving back yet another with ease. Every foe in range of this unnatural beast is unsettled by his mere presence. This monster is a Battle Juggernaut. Good Good Poor Poor Full High
Battle Scholar A learned individual, who studies the Sublime Way as an academic as much as a warrior. Poor Good Good Good Martial Maneuvers Full High
Battle Shinigami Hunters of ghosts and demons, they protect the living from things which lurk just beyond the edge of the world. These shinigami are focused on melee combat. Good Good Good Poor Spontaneous Divine Spellcasting Minor Moderate
Battlebrute A sublime martial initiator who gets more extreme as time goes on. Good Good Good Poor Martial Maneuvers Full High
Battlecaster, Tome A caster with a small spell list (decided by spheres and domains) and spell slots that replenish by attacking. Poor Poor Good Good Full Very High
Battlemage One who wields the awesome destructive power of battle magic. Moderate Poor Poor Good Prepared Arcane Spellcasting Other Very High
Battlesmith Not all blacksmiths stay in the forge, some go into the world to gather rare supplies, craft new weapons and armor, and survive right besides adventurers on the go. Good Good Poor Poor Other Other Moderate
Beastblooded Play as a man-beast, essentially a lycan you can flavor easily. Good Good Good Poor Other Other High
Beastheart A feral warrior who fights like an animal, alongside an animal., A wild elf raised by wolves, taught to fight like a fearsome beast., A large black wolf with electric-green eyes. Companion of Temoryn Nighthowl. Good Good Good Poor Other Other High
Bee Dragon A class version of the Bee Dragon made by a Mr. Eiji-kun! Moderate Poor Good Poor Other Other
Bender of Air A swift wielder of the element of Air, the Bender of Air is a master of movement and defense. Moderate Poor Good Good Alternate Magic Full High
Bender of Earth A manipulator of dirt and stone, Benders of Earth make excellent builders, demolishers, and tunnelers. Moderate Good Poor Poor Alternate Magic Full High
Bender of Fire Benders of Fire conjure fire and electricity to slay their enemies, deflect blows, and sometimes even fly. Moderate Poor Good Poor Alternate Magic Full High
Bender of Light A person born with the innate ability to manipulate light. Moderate Poor Poor Good Alternate Magic, Other Other High
Bender of Time A dangerous controller of the element of Time, Benders of Time can slow down enemies and speed theirselves up. Moderate Poor Good Good Alternate Magic Full Very High
Bender of Water A telekinetic wielder of dihydrogen monoxide with power and versatility. Moderate Poor Good Poor Alternate Magic Full High
Berserker An adrenaline-filled junkie who cares only about the next foe before him. Good Good Good Poor Other Other High
Bewitcher A classic nature witch class, A young beautiful Bewitcher who is the leader of her coven. Very High
Biomancer Masters of the world unseen, good Biomancers heal and improve the body, and evil ones are masters of disease, decay, and suffering. Poor Good Poor Good Prepared Divine Spellcasting Full Very High
Biotechnician Master of biotechnology, you graft, augment, and change biology to work in your favor. Moderate Good Poor Good Prepared Arcane Spellcasting Partial Very High
Biotic Vanguard A energy throwing ranged strike unit with good mobility. Good Poor Good Good Other Other Moderate
Bishop Bishops are the powerful holy servants of deities. Whether they be cool and calculating, lucid and wise, or feverent and passionate, is entirely dependant on the bishop in question., A man wearing a crisp, clean, white, robe, with a slightly forceful yet smooth aura about him. Poor Good Poor Good Prepared Divine Spellcasting Full Very High
Blackguard, Project Heretica The Blackguard as a 20-level class, using the same chassis and design process as the Project Heretica Paladin Good Good Poor Good Divine Spellcasting, Spontaneous Spellcasting Partial High
Blood Magus Blood Magus use their own blood to power their spells and have access to powerful forbidden lore. Designed to work with the mana-based spellcasting variant rule. Poor Poor Poor Good Spontaneous Arcane Spellcasting Full Very High
Bloodcloud Assailant The sprays of blood coming from your enemies are legendary. Good Good Good Good Other Full High
Bloodcloud Mage You leak like a sieve. This is somewhat worse for your enemies than for yourself. Moderate Good Poor Good Other Full High
Blooded Warrior Blooded Warriors use their stamina to achieve tasks far beyond their normal abilities. The Blooded Warrior is meant to offer support to other classes and acts as a bardlike character. The fun comes in story explanation a character may come up with for HOW his stamina helps the barbarian balance on uneven ground. Moderate Good Poor Poor Alternate Magic High
Bloodletter A rogue-type class with a focus on bleeding the enemies dry. Moderate Good Good Poor Other Other High
Bloodline Warlock A warlock class tuned for very high level campaigns. Moderate Poor Poor Good Invocations Full Very High
Blue Mage Bestial mages from the east skilled in both swords and sorcery using the fiercest attacks of their fallen foes. Moderate Good Poor Poor Arcane Spellcasting, Spontaneous Spellcasting, Alternate Magic Minor High
Blue Mirror A mage whose casts the spells, powers, and monster abilities of others, if they can survive the attack. Moderate Other Other Other Other Other Unquantifiable
Body Sprouter A character who attacks people with their limbs. Duplicates of them, that is. Moderate Poor Poor Good Alternate Magic Full Very High
Bombshell Have you ever desired to be something more than just a fighter? Want a little extra BANG in the campaign? You've come to the right place, Everything you love about a fighter, with a little on the side. Other Moderate
Bone Shaper Other High
Boneblade Through inherent necromatic aberrations or bizaare magic, you are able to weaponize your own skeleton, and the bones of others. Moderate Good Poor Good Other High
Bookcaster A wizard with some balancing factors, such as casting directly from their spellbook and using a focus to bring their spells up to snuff. Moderate Poor Poor Good Prepared Arcane Spellcasting, Spontaneous Arcane Spellcasting, Alternate Magic, Other Other Very High
Bounty Hunter In civilized lands, local lords call upon Bounty Hunters to capture criminals that live or have traveled beyond their reach or criminals that outclass the knights or soldiers in the lords employ. Closer to the frontier, the Bounty Hunter might be the only law capable of bringing dangerous criminals to justice. Those who hire Bounty Hunters both like them, and scorn them. Good Good Good Poor Full High
Bounty Hunter, Tome Bounty Hunters are contract kidnappers, working for the highest bidder Moderate Poor Good Poor Sneak Attack Full High
Brave Fighter A variant fighter, designed as a replacement for the fighter class. Good Good Good Good Other Other High
Brilliant Mind Moderate Good Poor Good Other Other Very High
Bushi A sublime combatant based on the Pathfinder Samurai and the Player's Handbook II’s Knight. Good Good Poor Good Martial Maneuvers Full High
Butter Paladin What is more good than butter, the ingredient of the gods? Enraptured by its taste, the butter paladin defends culinary perfection with butter knife in hand. Good Good Poor Poor Prepared Divine Spellcasting Minor High
Cantripologist Some guy who casts level 0 spells a lot. Moderate Poor Poor Good Spontaneous Spellcasting Full High
Carcinomancer Master of disease magic Poor Good Poor Good Spontaneous Arcane Spellcasting Full Very High
Cas' Commando A battle rogue class made by Cas, loosely based on the dread commando PrC. High
Cat Burglar This is an alternative Rogue class, that focuses solely on thievery and uses all printed material, non-magical abilities to give the Cat Burglar the optimal chance of success when getting into a facility, and assist them in getting out again., A sly, charismatic con man who specializes in thievery and all things seedy. Poor Good Poor Low
Cavalier The masters of mounted combat, these knights fight as one with their mounts. Good Good Good Poor Other Full Moderate
Chameleon Always sneaking and hiding, nobody ever finds a chameleon unless the chameleon wants to be found. They can easily hide their tracks and disguise themselves and always use this to their advantage. High
Channeler of Saidar Female channelers of the One Power. Poor Poor Good Good Spontaneous Spellcasting, Alternate Magic Full Very High
Channeler of Saidin Male channelers of the One Power. Moderate Poor Good Good Spontaneous Spellcasting, Alternate Magic Full Very High
Channeler of the True Power Channelers of the True Power, granted by the Dark One. Poor Poor Good Good Spontaneous Spellcasting, Alternate Magic Full Very High
Charmed You are one of the luckiest people alive. Good Good Good Good Other Full High
Chemist Become the master of chemistry, alchemy, potions, explosives, and mutagens! Moderate Good Good Poor Prepared Arcane Spellcasting, Other Separate Very High
Choco-Mage Magical chocobos wielding powerful arcane magic. Very High
Choco-Priest Divine servants of the great Wark, these chocobos use magic granted to them by the very essence of nature around them. Moderate Good Poor Good Divine Spellcasting Full Very High
Choco-Warrior The combat-oriented class exclusively for chocobos. Moderate
Chorister A divine singer who can turn the tide of battle with a word. Moderate Poor Poor Good Spontaneous Divine Spellcasting, Bardic Music Partial High
Claymore Named after the Great swords they wield, they are half-human, half-monster hybrid warriors. Moderate Good Good Poor High
Clergy Vigilant Cleric trading full casting for better combat ability and some utility. Good Good Poor Good Moderate
Clockwork Knight Create a suit of power armor which augments your abilities with mechanical might. Good Poor Poor Good Other High
Codex Barbarian Barbarians get angry and break stuff. Good Good Poor Poor Other Full High
Codex Ranger A variant of the ranger class with a little more bite. Good Good Good Good Prepared Divine Spellcasting Minor High
Codex Roboticist A codex roboticist make constructs, fight construct and even become the construct. Moderate Poor Poor Good Prepared Arcane Spellcasting Partial Very High
Codex Swordsage A altered version of the swordsage that not only fits better with other martial adepts, but can compete in higher-power games. Good Poor Good Good Martial Maneuvers Full Very High
Codex Witch A powerful caster with a mix of utility and hexing spells with a powerful familiar. Poor Poor Poor Good Spontaneous Arcane Spellcasting Full Very High
Combatant Intended as a redone Fighter class, the combatant is a master of combat, not limited to simply "hit it again". Good Poor Other Other High
Commander A cross of bard and fighter but neither, Commanders inspire their troops to acts of bravery, and fight on the front lines to lead by example. High
Communal Possession Anyone and everyone who's dead wants your body. Other Good Good Good Other Full High
Conduit of the Lower Planes A new class-based way to create fiends and characters from the lower planes., An example Conduit of the Lower Planes Moderate Poor Poor Good Alternate Magic Other Very High
Constructor Master of the construct, create golems and form an army to fight in battle. Moderate Poor Poor Good Arcane Spellcasting, Prepared Spellcasting Very High
Cosplayer A jack of all trades who changes roles and abilities at the drop of a hat. High
Crackerjack A PC version of the expert class. Moderate Poor Poor Good Other High
Crimson Heart An Incarnum-using, magic-infused juggernaut who focuses on healing and defending allies. Moderate Good Poor Good Alternate Magic, Other Other Very High
Cryomancer Good Good Good Good
Cryptic - Project Atrea A psychic Rogue who can hide from you by tricking your senses and injure your very mind. Moderate Poor Good Good Alternate Magic, Sneak Attack, Other Other Very High
Dancer Dancers are the Bards of the Sublime Way. Mixing magical dance with martial maneuvers, Dancers provide considerable support for their allies and can themselves be deadly in combat. Moderate Good Good Poor Martial Maneuvers Full High
Daring Weaponeer An expert with a single type of light weapon who relies more on finesse than brute force. Good Poor Good Poor Full Moderate
Dark Blade Moderate
Dark Knight A self destructive warrior who uses negative energy to leap head first into battle Good Good Poor Poor Other Full Moderate
Deacon A non-spellcasting cleric using spell-like abilities. Moderate Good Poor Good Other Other Very High
Death Hunter A cross-bow using dealer of death at close quarters and far. Moderate
Death Knight A knight dedicated to gods of death, either opposing... or supporting... the forces of undeath. Good Good Poor Good Prepared Divine Spellcasting Minor High
Death Knight Variant
Death Magus Master of the save or die, they feed on death to fuel their abilities. Poor Poor Poor Good Prepared Arcane Spellcasting Full Very High
Death Toller Those who hear the ringing never live past the night they hear it. Poor Poor Poor Good Alternate Magic, Other Other High
Defender Specialist in melee defense and guarding his allies. High
Delving Saboteur An expert in sabotage and getting where enemies don't want them Moderate Good Poor Good High
Demon Hunter High
Demonsouled A warlock of the Incarnum variety, the Demonsouled reshapes soulmelds to get some of the versatility that the normal Warlock sorely lacks. Moderate Poor Poor Good Other Full High
Deva Champion A martial artist who manifests their fighting spirit and maneuver mastery through the apparation of additional phantasmal arms. Good Good Poor Poor Martial Maneuvers Full High
Divine Soul Favored Souls are blessed by their gods for their power to fight in their lord's name, but not all of them choose to take up the sword, others draw closer by advancing their spiritual powers. Very High
Divine Word A wordcaster powered by divine inspiration. Moderate Good Poor Good Spontaneous Spellcasting, Alternate Magic Full High
Draconic Sage Moderate Poor Poor Good Alternate Magic Full Very High
DraconicMan/Bionic Commando Bionic Commandos summon and may drain great amounts of power and force Poor Poor Good Good Other Very High
DraconicMan/Bionic Speedster A bionic who devotes their power to increasing their speed Good Good Good Poor High
DraconicMan/Fabled Witch Combat Styles with Skirmish Bonuses. Made for Melee Hit and Run. Good Poor Good Poor Skirmish Full Moderate
Dragon Very High
Dragon Marshal Through the power of dragonblood, the Dragon Marshal radiate powerful aura and inspire men and women to their best. They also gain multiple draconic ability, such as breathing fire. An hybrid class between the Dragon ShamanPHB2 and MarshalMH. Moderate Good Poor Good Other Other High
Dragon Paladin A Dragon Paladin is a Paladin which serve dragons instead of Gods or Good. Good Good Good Good Spontaneous Arcane Spellcasting Partial Very High
Dragonblooded Those with dragon blood awaken to their draconic natures. High
Dragondancer Good Good Good Poor Other Full Moderate
Dragonslayer A warrior who has trained since a young age to hunt dragons and their ilk. Also a minor fix/base class replacement for the Dragon Compendium's Dragonslayer and/or Dragonstalker prestige class. Good Good Good Poor Prepared Arcane Spellcasting, Spontaneous Arcane Spellcasting, Alternate Magic, Sneak Attack Other Very High
Dragoon The dragoon, a heavily armored knight who, in spite of its weight, can leap massive distances to the point where they may as well be flying like the dragons they embody. Good Good Poor Poor Other High
Drake A class for making physically powerful dragons that neglect their mental and magical development. Moderate Good Poor Good Other Other Very High
Dread Knight There is evil and then there is Evil, there are Paladins of Evil and then there are the Dread Knights. Moderate
Dreamer The dreamer's powers draw from the Plane of Dreams and her own mind. Her imagination gives way to fantasy becoming reality. Poor Poor Poor Good Psionics Full High
Dreg Knight A dreg knight is a creature whose body is nothing but rot and infection, and who have bonded themself to the putridness in this world, allowing it to spread into their own bodies, and then into the rest of the world., A figure with chiseled features and dark, smooth, gray skin that is pockmarked with red sores and green infections. Good Good Poor Good Other High
Drifter A wanderer of the land and initiate of the sublime ways. Good Good Good Poor Martial Maneuvers Full High
Druid, Revised Slightly revised Druid to have features based on CR rather than HD. Not intended to be a nerf, just clean it up to work with modern homebrew and mechanics., You can wild shape into dragons, You can wild shape into magical beasts, You can wild shape into certain outsiders Moderate Good Poor Good Prepared Divine Spellcasting Full Very High
Duelist Swashbucklers and dashing swordsman, they use finesse, martial maneuvers, and well timed parries and tricks to carry them to victory. Good Poor Good Good Martial Maneuvers High
Dungeon Master The Dungeon Master loves to have complete mystical control of the outcome of his life, he can change the world around him to fit his need. Moderate
Electric Mage An Electric Mage someone born with the ability to create and control electricity, and uses this ability for all it is worth. Moderate Good Good Poor Alternate Magic Separate High
Elemental Blade For some reason, you are connected strongly to the elemental planes. This helps you hit people. Good Good Poor Poor Other Full High
Elemental Brute A class for advancing Elementals as powerful close combatants with thematic abilities. Moderate Good Other Other Other Other Very High
Elemental Weird An Elemental who focuses on magic instead of physical power., {{{summary}}} Poor Poor Poor Good Alternate Magic Full Very High
Elementalist A spellcaster with a variety of readily-available elemental powers Poor Poor Poor Good Arcane Spellcasting Full Very High
Elixir Mage Elixir Mages are addicts, needing a substance not just to cast spells, but to function period. Designed for use with mana-based spellcasting variant rule. Poor Poor Poor Good Spontaneous Arcane Spellcasting Full Very High
Enhanced Hunter A ranged weapon focused ranger archetype that uses spell-like abilities and quick weapon enhancements to get the hunt done instead of spells. Good Good Good Poor Other Other High
Enigmatic Biomancer A Biomancer controls magic that affects living cells. Poor Good Poor Good Full High
Enigmatic Insectomancer Enigmatic Insectomancers are experts in utilizing and enhancing the amazing abilities of insects High
Evil Clown The object of the hatred of all children, and the scariest thing you'll ever see. What may look like a carnival trickster is far more dangerous – beware! Moderate Poor Good Good Alternate Magic, Other Full High
Evolutionist These men and women have discerned a path towards a transcendence of what they were born as, no simple transmutation and no unnatural energy twisting their selves, but a true change on the very building blocks of the divine design of their lives. Other Other Other Other Other Other High
Exploit Fighter A version of the fighter using my exploits rule. Good Good Poor Good Other Full Very High
Explorer Most encounters with aliens and future technology in lore, cinema and games involve the protagonists using the technology of the alien culture in a new way. This difference in application and lack of understanding (or rebellion) with the current powers, allows the protagoist to rise above the rest. However, an explorer has only an elementary understanding of the tools they possess. This is in essence the base class for xeno adventurers. Giving a balanced amount of features that aid in surviving an alien universe. Moderate Good Good Poor Psionics, Other Full Very High
Exposcient The Psionic Warlock, with a tiny but self-regenerating Power Point pool. The perfect candidate for Metamind. Moderate Poor Poor Good Psionics, Invocations, Other Other High
Fail Mage Cursed by the gods of luck, these mages tend to experience problems at the most inopportune times. Poor Poor Poor Good Arcane Spellcasting, Prepared Spellcasting Unquantifiable
Farmer Commoners of the world unite! Don't let the normal heroes have all the fun, someone's got to slay the dragon between harvest seasons. Moderate
Fencer Good Poor Poor Poor Other Full Moderate
Feral Ronin Feral ronin move with the grace of monks, but kill with the ferocity of barbarian whenever necessary. Sneak Attack Partial Very High
Feral Ronin - Tome Adaption This version of the Feral Ronin, originally created by transientanima, has been adapted for use in a Tome setting. Partial Very High
Feyblooded A class which allow you to slowly turn into a fey. Grant partial spellcasting as well as DR and unique abilities. Moderate Poor Good Good Spontaneous Arcane Spellcasting Partial Very High
Fiendish Brute A class-based way to create interesting new fiends., An example Fiendish Brute. Poor Good Good Poor Other Other Very High
Fighter, Tome A highly-trained heroic master of battlefield improvisation. Good Good Good Good Other Other Very High
Fire Mage A Fire Mage is a guy who likes fire a lot, and also doesn't completely suck. Moderate Good Good Good Alternate Magic Full High
Firefighter A water-wielding warrior oathbound to prevent the unholy destruction caused upon the world by careless use of fire. Good Good Poor Alternate Magic, Other Other Very High
Firestorm Rex/Astral Champion On the Astral Plane lie sources of incredible power, dead deities, a society has found a way to tap into these divine beings strength this is there story. Alternate Magic Other
Fist of the Righteous A powerful ally for the forces of good and righteousness. Other Very High
Flame Alchemist Alchemists are those who know how to transmute things into other things. This type of Alchemist can transmute all sorts of things into Fire. Moderate Good Poor Good Other Full High
Flammenwerfer You know what this fire needs? More fire. The flammenwerfer werfs so much flammen, your opponents will need to learn german to find out how badly they've been burned. Moderate Good Good Poor Other Other High
Focused Champion A martial tank that can contribute in multiple situations even with low gear. Good Good Poor Poor High
Footpad Moderate
Force Conduit Force Conduits, also know as Sith and Jedi, are students of the all powerful Force. They are highly skilled at combat and have an advanced plasma sword – but are better know for their powers with the Force. Moderate Poor Good Good Psionics, Other Full High
Force Initiate A DnD generalized concept of "[The ]Force" powers without the focus of alignment or "Star Wars". Moderate Poor Good Good Very High
Forcemaster A forcemaster has the power to manipulate the forces of gravity, magnetism and nuclear energy, along with the strength to fight in close combat unarmed. Good Poor Good Poor Other Other Moderate
Forge When it comes to creating arms and armor, you are a master of your craft. Your expertise even lends itself to the practical usage of your creations, after all the best way to learn about how to make the best weapons is by using them! Moderate Good Poor Poor High
Forgefire Adept Forgefire Adepts are smiths that acquire special abilities through a divine link attained with the art of forging: Breath Weapon and Invocations. Invocations Full High
Formweaver Formweavers are life and chaos made flesh. Good Good Good Poor Other Very High
Forsaker Forsake your ties to magic and power your strength by sheer determination and gusto. Good Good Good Good Other Other High
Fortune Some rely entirely on luck over skill. Fortunes can manage absurd luck, but if they get overwhelmed their luck might run out. Poor Poor Poor Poor Other Other Moderate
Freeman210/Deadman To cut this man is a dangerous thing to do. Good Good Good Poor Other Other None Assigned
Gambler A gambler is a student of humanoids and a master of himself. He bends to fate, and in doing so bends it in return. The best he can hope for is to break even. Moderate Poor Good Good Other Full Low
Gate Knight Knights who have discovered power through sacrificing life to the darkness. It is another take on the iconic "Dark Knight" class of Final Fantasy fame. Very High
Gearblade A gearblade is an initiator using constructs as her minion and bolstering her martial skills with gadgets. Moderate Good Poor Good Martial Maneuvers Full Very High
Gemcaster A gemcaster casts arcane spells trapped within precious stones, instead of learning and reciting them from dusty old tomes. Poor Poor Poor Good Arcane Spellcasting, Prepared Spellcasting Full Very High
Genie A way similar to the True Fiend to create genies, mephits, and similar elemental Outsiders. Good Good Good Good Alternate Magic Full Very High
Gentleman Explorer Being a journeyer through savage wildernesses, a student of natural philosophy, and furthermore a well and truly dapper huntsman. Good Good Poor Poor Other Other High
Geopsyche A psionic druid of sorts, who channels the collective psyche of the natural world. Moderate Good Poor Good Psionics Very High
God-blooded Decended from the gods, god-blooded wield great divine power. Moderate Good Poor Good Spontaneous Divine Spellcasting Full Very High
Godseer A spontaneous divine caster who is specialized in divination. Good Poor Good Good Spontaneous Divine Spellcasting Partial Very High
Golem Domineer A minion class which grant you a powerful Golem miniom, with a side of spellcasting. Moderate Good Poor Good Spontaneous Arcane Spellcasting Minor Very High
Golem Rider Adventure in your mobile suit golem! Good Good Poor Poor Martial Maneuvers High
Gravity Warrior Gravity warriors are people gifted with the ability to manipulate gravity, They may take many paths, but whether they are the slaughterer or the arbiter, they are a force to be reckoned with., A monster with eyes that glow in the darkness, glinting like the purest rubies ever mined, the beast charges, smashing through stone and steel alike. Good Good Good Poor Other High
Green Mage A mage who uses wind and air for high-mobility, terrain-creating effects. Moderate Poor Good Good Alternate Magic Full High
Grenadier A warrior-chemist who specializes in explosives and can brew potions. Moderate Good Good Poor Alternate Magic, Other Other High
Grey Guardian A paragon of defense, Grey Guardians begin their journey as able warriors with magical and martial abilities. High
Grim A supernatural warrior that channels power from the Ethereal Plane to transform his spirit and body as a divine ally of Death. Moderate Good Spontaneous Divine Spellcasting Other Very High
Grim Legion Named after the organization they belong to, these mercenary-cultists cultivate shadow magic and use it to aid their attacks. Other Other Other Other Other Other Very High
Grim Legion/Grimreaver High
Grimoire Necromancer A necromancer designed to have abilities similar to the Diablo II necromancer. Moderate Poor Poor Good Other Other High
Grimslayer High
Gunslinger A variant of the Hexagunner, a gunman with extraordinary marksmanship skills. High
Hackermage Character focused on manipulating what's already in their surroundings, instead of casting new things. Good Poor Poor Good Alternate Magic Other Very High
Hairbinder Mages which bind spirits into their hair, allowing them to cast and use their hair as living weapons. Moderate Poor Good Good Spontaneous Arcane Spellcasting Partial Very High
Hairbinder, Variant This is a remake of the Hairbinder class by Eiji-kun. Spontaneous Arcane Spellcasting Partial Very High
Halberdier A zone controller and tactician who speciaqlizes in the many different uses of the halberd. Good Good Poor Good Other Other High
Hand Of Shadow A master of shadow who uses martial maneuvers from the Shadow Hand, Diamond Mind and Iron Heart disciplines, and up to 4th-level arcane spells. Moderate Poor Good Good Prepared Arcane Spellcasting, Spontaneous Arcane Spellcasting, Martial Maneuvers Other Very High
Hardened Paladin A hardened Paladin granted absolution by his/her order and deity, you have earned the freedom to seek out and destroy corruption through any means necessary. Good Good Poor Good Other Full Moderate
Hare A fast moving traveler that becomes increasingly hard to hit or pin down the faster he runs Moderate Poor Good Poor Low
Hashshashin The 'Holy' Assassin. High
Hellfire Knight variant
Helraiser Soldiers of fortune, revolutionaries and freedom fighters all exist in a perpetual war. Indeed the goal is always Chaos to destroy the established order. Helraisers are very good at evasion and hiding, and are naturally pyromaniacs. But their greatest ability is trapmastery, able to disarm and create traps with ease – eventually able to create explosive traps. Advanced helraisers can launch explosives great distances with mortars and artillery., A remote detonator can be used to detonate traps and explosives up to a mile away. Good Poor Good Good Other Full High
Hero Worshiper You faithfully follow your heroes, learning what you can along the way. Moderate Good Poor Poor Moderate
Hex Warrior A capable front-line fighter capable of inflicting a wide array of debuffing and debilitating effects on his targets. Good Poor Poor Good Alternate Magic, Invocations, Other Very High
Hexagunner Great bandits, thieves and womanizers, the Hexagunners are a select group of specially trained highwaymen skilled in the use of the Hexagun, an ingenious weapon that allows the user to fire off multiple shots – six to be exact – without the need to reload or refill the chamber with gunpowder., Shotglass Johnson is the second in command of the nutorious Bloody Nose Boys, he only answers to the big boss Sigfreid 'Three-shot' Kepler High
Hexblade, Variant Fearless witch-knights who combine martial skill with treacherous magic. High
Hexen A beguiler-style full list caster focused on the power of curses. Moderate Poor Poor Good Spontaneous Arcane Spellcasting Full Very High
Hexknight A class that mix a bit of the KnightPHII, the HexbladeCW and WarlockCA alongside quite a few unique abilities to make a unique curse-based tank. Good Good Poor Good Other Other Very High
High Priest A variant type cleric more specialized to his deity's portfolio and with great mastery over his Domains. Very High
Hivemaster A controller of vermin, the hivemaster eventually becomes an insectoid monster. Very High
Hivemaster, Variant A controller of vermin, the hivemaster eventually becomes an insectoid monster. High
Hobo Hobos, homeless, foul smelling people. Care should be taken when dealing with a Hobo, for they may convince you to do things you would not otherwise do., A smell fills the air, and there he stands, a small, homeless gnome, holding a small sword in his raised hand, and grinning at you. Moderate Good Good Poor Other Low
Hopeful A short class which uses the power of hope to help themselves and others achieve their goals. Moderate Good Good Good Other Other Unquantifiable
Houndlord Lord of the hounds, you command a swarm of dogs or wolves to attack others at your command. Good Good Poor Good Prepared Divine Spellcasting Minor Moderate
Hunter From an early age the call of the wild draws some adventurers from the comfort of their homes into the unforgiving primal world outside. Those who endure become hunters. Masters of their environment, they are able to slip like ghosts through the trees and lay traps in the paths of their enemies. High
Hybrid Elite Warrior Hybrid Elites are half mortal, half green magic. At some point early in their life a Hybrid Elite is infused with strong amounts of arcane energy. This painful infusion of potent magic can show physically in many ways such as scars or strange green eyes. The powerful energies that now course through their body grant them unnatural feats of strength., Warriors infused with green arcane magics. Paragons of strength and aerial combat. Good Good Poor Poor High
Hypercompetent Warrior Cuts through all the little restrictions that normally make playing a martial character overly complicated, and just does stuff well. Good Good Poor Poor Other Separate Very High
Iaijutsu Master Draw your blade in a flash, slicing apart any opposition in your way. Good Good Good Poor Other Other High
Ice Mage An iced-theme damage dealer and secondary spellcaster. Poor Good Poor Good Alternate Magic Full Very High
Ideal Armsman A psionic warrior who embodies their strength into weapons and armor, allowing them to retain their abilities across any weapon or armor they use. Good Good Poor Good Psionics Partial High
Ideasmith/Grim Harvester Specialist-sorcerer specializing in necromancy, cold, darkness, and death. Uses a scythe for some spellcasting, Gets bonuses when attacking plants. Poor Poor Poor Good Arcane Spellcasting, Spontaneous Spellcasting Full Very High
Ideasmith/Spellblade Basically, I gestalted the five core NPC classes and wrote the result up as a PC class. Very High
Illuminamancer A Magus adept not at Arcane and/or Divine magics, but in the control of Light and Darkness in it's purest forms. Poor Poor Poor Good Alternate Magic Other Very High
Incantator An Incantator is a specialist of Invocations with partial spellcasting on the side. Poor Poor Poor Good Arcane Spellcasting, Invocations Other Very High
Infiltrator A magical rogueish bard, rather than focus on music they focus on versatility by preparing their spellcasting from a wide list, with martial prowess and skills for what spells cannot cover. Moderate Poor Good Good Prepared Arcane Spellcasting Partial High
Insectomancer Some masters of magic neglect spell schools for something much more suited to their talents: Breeding bugs, naturally. Poor Poor Poor Good Other Very High
Intelligent Item Ever wanted to be an intelligent item? To be the mad conscience inside a player’s weapon? To be the malicious artifact that the party carries around but has a will of its own? The intelligent item class is for all those who think the mimic monster is the awesome — but were always disappointed they could not play one. Moderate Poor Poor Poor Alternate Magic, Other Full Very High
Jackal Arcane thief of spells, spell caster. Poor Poor Poor Good Full Very High
Jade Archer An archer who sacrifices quantity for quality. Poor Poor Poor Good Very High
Jade Archer, Revised for Ayron An archer who sacrifices quantity for quality. Good Poor Poor Good Very High
Jaunter You are a teleporter, jaunting from place to place to stab them in the face. Moderate Poor Good Good Prepared Arcane Spellcasting Partial Very High
Jedi A warrior of the light and balance, the Jedi seek internal perfection and peace in the universe. Good Good Good Good Other Full High
Jester To be a Jester is to see the joke in every tragedy. Moderate Poor Good Poor Spontaneous Arcane Spellcasting, Sneak Attack Partial Very High
Joker Jokers are chaotic pranksters & comedians. Moderate Good Good Spontaneous Arcane Spellcasting, Sneak Attack Partial Very High
Judge of Existence Most live in a prosaic world of the base perceptions, bound by Ultimate Laws – truths that hinder the capacity of progress. Prisoners to common sense and logic, a land where even science becomes a religion. Even the most basic manipulations of existence cannot be understood by these sorry souls. This is the way of the lesser man. A judge of existence is a proponent of straining the limits – nay, being without limits, then deciding what limits the rest must follow. A Judge of Existence is a student of the power of Space. They can warp matter, and alter gravity and weather in an area. Moderate Poor Good Good Other, Psionics Full Very High
Juggernaut The essence of strength, you are a hulk-like brute capable to casually flipping cars and crushing tanks. Moderate Good Poor Poor Other Other High
Jumper Jumpers, being the mobile, instinctive warriors that they are, can seem to be everywhere upon the battlefield at any given point in time. A battle that a jumper is involved it is sure to become hectic quickly., A short, bald man with a rather calm, confident air about him. Moderate Poor Good Good Other High
Justiciar, Project Heretica The divine champion of Law, an attempt to make a "judge, jury, executioner" class. Good Good Poor Good Spontaneous Divine Spellcasting High
Kaelik Sorcerer A Sorcerer balanced around the Wizard class. Poor Poor Poor Good Spontaneous Arcane Spellcasting Full Very High
Kantian Paladin A paladin that's actually playable at every level of the game. Good Good Poor Good Divine Spellcasting, Spontaneous Spellcasting Partial Very High
Ki Demon Across the galaxy, many fear the power of Frost Demons and their terrifying combat potential. Especially when it comes to Ki. Good Good Good Good Full Very High
Ki Maestro A physical mage focused on self-improvement Good Good Good Good Alternate Magic Full Very High
Ki Master Based off the warriors of DBZ, this is a flavor of monk who possesses potent energy blasts to strike at the enemies from afar. Good Good Good Poor Spontaneous Arcane Spellcasting Full Very High
Ki Warrior Across the galaxy, tribes of Ki's have learned to harness the ki life forces that suffuses thier bodies and use it form themselves into a deadly weapon. Good Good Good Good Full Very High
Kido Shinigami Hunters of ghosts and demons, they protect the living from things which lurk just beyond the edge of the world. These shinigami are focused on their spiritual magic. Very High
Knight, Tome A 10-level Base Class designed to carry the Knight from his spurs, all the way to joining a prestigious Knightly Order. Heavily focused on defending others. Good Poor Poor Good Other Other High
Knowledge Mage The Knowledge Mage wields the pure essence of knowledge to smack his enemies to death. Sort of. Moderate Poor Poor Good Other Separate High
Legacy Inheritor A long time ago, a great hero fell, and his sword was lost, never seen again. One day you get in a fight with some bandits and with a flash of light the sword of legend itself appears in your hand - Showing that you carry the hero's blood in your veins. Other Other Other Other Alternate Magic, Other Other Very High
Lesser God A true god; roughly balanced against other full casters. Moderate Good Poor Good Spontaneous Divine Spellcasting Full Very High
Leziad/Holomaester Holomaesters are technomancers, using holographic attacks and buff and armed with a sturdy energized shield they are able to overcome all obstacles alone yet make excellent teammates. Moderate Poor Poor Good Alternate Magic Other Very High
Limbform Maestro A physical mage who projects copies of their own body parts Moderate Poor Good Poor Alternate Magic Full Very High
Lucky One Other people are exceptionally skilled or endowed with amazing abilities. You aren't. Things work out for you anyways. Poor Poor Poor Poor Other Full High
Lycanthrope A 5-level class that turns the person taking it into a full-fledged lycanthrope. Good Good Good Poor Other Full High
Mage, GT A general Spellcaster that can be customized. Poor Poor Poor Good Spontaneous Arcane Spellcasting Other Very High
Magelock A warlock that casts a limited number of spells almost at will, but not quite. Poor Poor Poor Good Prepared Arcane Spellcasting, Invocations Full Very High
Magestriker A powerful gish class with a different focus than most. Good Poor Poor Good Spontaneous Arcane Spellcasting Partial Very High
Magic Girl A Cha-based class that can transform into a powerful battler. Poor Good Poor Good Other Other Very High
Magic Rogue A cross of rogue and sorcerer, without having to go arcane trickster. Moderate Poor Good Poor Spontaneous Arcane Spellcasting, Sneak Attack Separate Very High
Magic Unleasher Magic Unleashers don't carefully choose which spell to cast; They just decide when it's time to cast "a spell", and then do so. Moderate Poor Good Good Alternate Magic Full High
Magic-User A basic spellcaster with some customization options. Poor Poor Poor Good Spontaneous Arcane Spellcasting, Spontaneous Divine Spellcasting Full Very High
Magician Spellcasters who spontaneously cast spells from spellbooks Good Poor Poor Good Arcane Spellcasting, Prepared Spellcasting, Spontaneous Spellcasting Very High
Magician, Generic Caster A spellcaster that fully replaces other prepared casters. Poor Poor Poor Good Prepared Arcane Spellcasting, Prepared Divine Spellcasting Full Very High
Mariner A mix between the Mariner from dragonlance and the Gunslinger from pathfinder. Good Good Good Poor Other Other High
Marksman Focused on long ranged combat and sniping, the marksman hides in the shadows, striking at enemy weak points when they least expect it. It focuses the stealth and precision strikes of the rogue at a distance. Moderate Poor Good Poor Sneak Attack Full High
Marshal The battlefield commander in all his glory, directing friends to greater heights than they could ever be on their own., {{{summary}}} High
Marshal, Retooled A retooling of the Marshal that makes it a better martial character and an extraordinary buffer (literally). Good Good Poor Good Full High
Marshal, Revamped
Marshal, Tome A combat buffer and healer designed to be easy-to-use. Good Good Good Good Other Full Unquantifiable
Martial Artist A Martial Artist is a Monk who has foregone the pursuit of self perfection to focus purely on his unarmed physical art of kicking people's butts. High
Martial Warrior A character who uses a limited number of maneuvers repeatedly. Good Good Good Good Martial Maneuvers Full High
Master Assassin For This Assassin is not so much a hired killer as he is someone who studies how to kill. If Killing is an art, then you are its painter, and your weapons are the brushes Moderate Good Good Poor Sneak Attack, Spontaneous Arcane Spellcasting Full High
Master of Celerity The Master of Celerity is trained to fight effectively with two weapons. They use there superior speed to out maneuver their opponents. Moderate Poor Good Good Other Full Moderate
Master of Everything The Master of Everything seems like the most powerful character in existence. Until you try to get him to do something a minute later, of course. Other Poor Poor Poor Other Full Very High
Matrix Caster A caster that's cast with a premade Spell Matrix Poor Poor Poor Good Spontaneous Arcane Spellcasting, Spontaneous Divine Spellcasting, Alternate Magic, Psionics Full Very High
Mender Someone with lots of positive energy inside, can use it to heal Poor Good Poor Good Alternate Magic Full Very High
Metal Slug You pilot a tiny tank to victory! Moderate Good Poor Poor Other Other High
Metamorph Shapechanger. Moderate Good Good Poor Other
Metamorpher As Beguiler is a specialist in enchantment, the Metamorpher is a specialist in transmutation. Moderate Good Poor Poor Spontaneous Arcane Spellcasting Full Very High
Mimic The mimic shines brightest when in a party, where he multiplies the attacks of others, mimicking their every move. Moderate Good Good Good Other Unquantifiable
Mindrazor A psionic martial initiator, using Mind Blade-like psychic weaponry. Good Poor Poor Good Alternate Magic, Psionics, Martial Maneuvers, Other Other Very High
Mindrender A psionic class that specializes in dealing terrible madness upon its foes. Poor Poor Poor Good Psionics Very High
Monk of the Forgotten Fist A different kind of monk that may help offset some of the Monk's Inherent Suck. High
Monk, Retooled A retooling of the Monk that addresses some of its main problems while making it mechanically distinct to the Unarmed Swordsage Moderate Good Good Good Full High
Monk, Tome A version of the Monk that is actually playable. Good Good Good Good Other Other Very High
Monster Build your own monster! Be a big gloppy goop or a flying bat out of hell! Good Good Poor Poor Other Full
Monster Tamer A person who captures monsters in spheres and chooses them to fight. Really, it's just a Pokemaster with the serial numbers filed off. Moderate Poor Good Poor Other Full Very High
Monster Trainer You wanna be the very best like no one ever was, to catch monsters is your real test, to train them is your cause! Moderate Poor Good Good Prepared Spellcasting, Alternate Magic Unquantifiable
Monsterslayer In the mist of creation the mortal races were often food for monsters, so it was not long before a mortal picked up a stick, sharpened it and started killing monsters to carve a safe place for civilication to exsist. Good Good Poor Poor Other High
Moondancer Graceful shapeshifter. Moderate Poor Good Poor Other Full High
Morphovore Eats people to steal their forms, decorates weaker forms with additional eldritch parts. Good Good Good Poor Alternate Magic Full Very High
Mortician The Mortician is more or less a diabolical surgeon. He learns abilities to bring the dead to life while also stitching back up the living. He improves what he works on, and eventually has a nice super army of zombies at his command. Moderate
Mystic Blade If you don't want to wait for the spellsword prestige class, the mystic blade offers an alternative combination of sorcery and steel. High
Mystic Cardshark A versatile caster with a casting system much like the Crusader's. Poor Poor Good Good Arcane Spellcasting, Prepared Spellcasting Full Very High
Mystic Cenobite Mystical monks of the sublime way, these martial adepts take the art of fighting to a spiritual, magical level., An exotic danger Moderate Good Good Good Martial Maneuvers High
Mystic Delver Mystic Delvers are expert explorers, thieves, charmers and wizards. A happy mix between a rogue and a wizard not relying on backstabbing but rather on cunning and a few powerful spells (and a lot of weaker spells). Moderate Poor Good Good Prepared Arcane Spellcasting, Spontaneous Arcane Spellcasting Other Very High
Mystic Sniper A sniper with limited spellcasting. Good Poor Good Good Prepared Arcane Spellcasting Minor High
Mystic Spellthief An improved spellthief class that are capable caster slayers, and casters in their own right. Moderate Poor Good Good Arcane Spellcasting, Prepared Spellcasting, Sneak Attack, Other High
Mythic Charge A a variant of the Fighter class, which has a magical powers and a legendary weapon... but are also somewhat helpless most of the time. Poor Good Good Good Spontaneous Arcane Spellcasting Other Very High
Necroblade A gish class that use necromancy and animate it foes. Good Good Poor Good Arcane Spellcasting Partial Very High
Necrocarnal You invest the souls of the dead into the bodies of the dead, thereby animating them. Seems quite obvious in retrospect. Poor Poor Poor Good Other Full High
Necrocarnal, Revised A revised version of Foxwarrior's Necrocarnal. Moderate Poor Poor Good Full High
Night Thief This is an alternative Night Thief class, that focuses on thievery and incapacitation of targets and uses all printed material, non-magical abilities to give the Night Thief the optimal chance of success when getting into a facility, allow them to incapacitate their target or grab the gold, and assist them in getting out again. High
Ninja A Ninja fit for Tome games. Moderate Poor Good Good Sneak Attack Full Very High
Noble As a Noble you have lavish but incredibly strict upbringing to ensure that you start life with the skills and tools to make sure that you won't soil the family name. After all, they only want "what's best for you". Good Poor Poor Good Minor Moderate
Nolanf/Stormbringer The very elements of the weather are at your command! Moderate Good Poor Good Alternate Magic Full Very High
Nonlinear Fighter A fighter who can constantly retrain all of his feats. Good Good Poor Poor Other Full High
Oathsworn - Sekiro Good Good Good Poor
Occultist A specialized spontaneous spellcaster and practitioner of the dark arts. Poor Poor Poor Good Spontaneous Arcane Spellcasting Other Very High
Occultist Savant A wielder of magic and psionics who gives up high levels of power in order to broaden their horizons and give themselves more control over the more intricate aspects of their power., A mystic who travels far and wide, gathering knowledge and power with which to lead a crusade to reclaim his homeland. Poor Poor Poor Good Prepared Arcane Spellcasting, Spontaneous Arcane Spellcasting, Prepared Divine Spellcasting, Spontaneous Divine Spellcasting, Alternate Magic, Psionics, Invocations Other Very High
Painter There are those who make painting into more than a simple painting. Their paintings are not only lifelike, but alive. The Painter utilizes his ink and paintbrush to bring life to his art, and turning it into a deadly weapon. Moderate Poor Poor Good Other Other High
Paladette A Wizard-level Paladin with lies and poisons allowed, fighting banned, and changes to match. Poor Poor Poor Good Divine Spellcasting, Prepared Spellcasting, Martial Maneuvers, Other Partial Very High
Paladin of the Sublime Way A paladin which uses martial maneuvers instead of spells, they have the backing of the gods at their side. Good Good Poor Poor Martial Maneuvers High
Paladin, Invoker A Paladin that can invoke the divine. High
Paladin, Project Heretica A retooling of the Paladin class, exemplar of the Divine Champion chassis. Good Good Poor Good Spontaneous Divine Spellcasting High
Paladin, Sulacu Variant A better version of everyone's favorite ass-kicking hero: the paladin. Moderate
Paladin, Tome A warrior of the forces of good, a strong defensive bastion and caster of defensive and healing spells. Good Good Good Poor Divine Spellcasting, Spontaneous Spellcasting Full Very High
Paladin, Vow of Service Variant A paladin variant that can be customized in order to better serve the party. Good Good Poor Good High
Patriot As a paladin is powered by devotion to law and good, the patriot is powered by love of nation. Good Good Poor Good Prepared Divine Spellcasting Minor High
Patron Witch A spellcaster, traditionally female, who makes a contact with a spirit for vast magical knowledge and power. Poor Poor Poor Good Prepared Arcane Spellcasting Full Very High
Peacebringer The peacebringer is a pacifistic healer who is dedicated entirely to encouraging prosperity and goodness among all sentient beings. Spontaneous Divine Spellcasting Full Very High
Pegasus Knight Striking from the air with terrifying force, the pegasus knight is a defender of both the wilds, and the people around her. She fights along side her trusty winged steed in battle, striking down her foes from above utilizing a variety of ranged and close combat weapons while their faithful mount tramples them beneath its hooves. Good Good Poor Poor Other Minor Moderate
Pegasus Knight, Fire Emblem The Pegasus Knight is the king of aerial combat. While arrows might be the best way to take them down, they make incredible adversaries utilizing their class features to make them powerful allies and foes alike. Good Poor Good Good Other Moderate
Philosopher A knower and deviner of the many secrets of the world High
Picaroon A rogue designed for High level games, they have access to many tricks at their disposal. Moderate Poor Good Poor Sneak Attack Full High
Pie Mage Send your enemies to a delicious death by pie! No, seriously, stop laughing! Moderate Poor Poor Good Alternate Magic Full Very High
Pirate A smuggler, thief, and general villain that is merely one part of a grand organization of crime. Moderate Poor Good Good Sneak Attack Other Unquantifiable
Pirate, Alternative cross between rogue and swashbuckler, with some of original pirate homebrew Good Good Good Poor Sneak Attack Other Moderate
Pity Sponge Invariably popular with kindly NPC's and often drawing resentment from their teammates, Pity Sponges mess up even the simplest tasks and interactions, drawing pity from others. At higher levels they begin to draw pity even from deities, who just hope the poor creatures can finally get a happy ending. Poor Poor Poor Good Low
Planar Blade The Planar Blade attunes himself to a plethora of planes in order to gain their power and become invulnerable. Good Good Good Good Other Full Very High
Planeswalker A caster with a long recharge time. Moderate Good Poor Good Alternate Magic Full Very High
Powerful Cleric A cleric with at-will, encounter, and daily spells. Poor Poor Poor Good Divine Spellcasting, Alternate Magic Full Moderate
Powerful Wizard A wizard with at-will, encounter, and daily spells. Poor Poor Poor Good Arcane Spellcasting, Alternate Magic Full Moderate
Priest A cleric revision with less physical combat power, spontaneous casting from a much smaller list, and a stronger reliance on domains for spells available. Poor Poor Poor Good Spontaneous Divine Spellcasting Full Very High
Proteus Psionic factotums of a sort, with the power of a mind which taps into the collective unconcious, they are masters of information and skill. Moderate Poor Poor Good Psionics Separate High
Pseudonaught A pseudonaught is someone dangerous, someone who shouldn't be dealt with, someone who shouldn't even be. The very existance of such a being is an offense against the entirety of reality, for they tear through it, and reach into whats beyond it, channeling raw unexistance through their form, and perverting their existance with it., A man wearing a tight, pitch black cloak, with an almost palpable aura of corruption around him, who only has one goal in mind. That of ending all reality. Good Good Poor Good Other Very High
Psionic Psuperhero A master of a single augmentable power. Other Other Other Other Psionics Full High
Psuper Psinger A psionic psuperhero bard gestalt, as in, a psionic bard who gets one power-schtick. This particular bard uses the Codex Bard ACF version of bardic music. Moderate Poor Good Good Psionics, Bardic Music Very High
Psyblade A psyblade focuses his mind on becoming an overwhelming force in combat. Manifesting his personal power into shapeable mind weapons and energy. A psyblade uses this true understanding of self to evolve beyond. Moderate Poor Good Good Psionics, Other Full High
Psycheblade A gish warrior with telepathic focused abilities. Moderate Poor Poor Good Psionics Full Very High
Psychic Agent A psychic secret agent, they are a jack of all trades designed to sneak, infiltrate, and if need be to kill. Moderate Good Good Good Psionics Minor High
Psychic Archer Very High
Psychic Combatant A greatly improved version of the psychic warrior, psychic combatant use rather vast psionic powers and sheer martial might to waste their enemies. Good Good Poor Good Psionics Partial Very High
Psychic Stalker A psionic rogue capable of augmenting all it attacks like psionic powers. Moderate Poor Good Good Psionics Partial High
Psyguard A psionic warrior which much like the soulknife make equipment out of psionic energy, although in the psyguard's case she make a fearsome psychic armor. Moderate Good Poor Good Other High
Psyhexer A psionic version of the witch class. A capable hexer who possess strong psionic abilities. Poor Poor Poor Good Psionics Full Very High
Psyknife A soul knife assassin capable of both stealth and damage Psionics, Other Full High
Puppeteer Bioelectric Necromancy! Moderate Good Good Good Alternate Magic Full High
Pyromancer A caster who can manipulate and invoke fire with extreme proficiency. Poor Poor Poor Good Prepared Arcane Spellcasting Full Very High
Pyromaniac Did you know all problems can be solved by the application of fire somewhere? The pyromaniac will prove it to you. Moderate Poor Good Good Invocations Very High
Pyromaniac - variant A variant of Eiji-kun's fantastic class, the Pyromaniac. Most of the work is HIS. I have made a few edits for a slightly different flavor. Moderate Poor Good Good Invocations Very High
Pyropsyche Based on the pyrokineticist class, but as a base class, you are a master of flame and fire. Moderate Good Good Poor Psionics Minor High
Pyrotechnic Understatement: This person likes to blow things up. Moderate Bad Good Good Other Other High
Quasinaught There is no such thing as a quasinaught, yet this does not stop them from affecting the world. This makes a quasinaught infinitely dangerous, something to be avoided at every expense, for fear of being touched by that which isn't real, for fear of being doused in unexistance., An unshaven man, wearing a ragged, torn, grey cloak, with eyes that seem to split straight into your soul, pupiless and terrifying. Good Good Good Poor Other Very High
Quicksilver A speedster who fights with the power of fast. Good Poor Good Poor Other Other High
Radiant Champion An elite holy warrior of the church, whose goal is not to route out and punish evil, but to protect his allies, and the innocent who cannot protect themselves. These righteous defenders are powered by a close personal relationship with their deity, and link to the positive energy plane itself. Good Good Poor Good Full Very High
Ranger, Retooled A retooling of the Ranger, enhancing their spellcasting ability, refurbishing their combat skills and reinforcing their skills Good Good Good Poor Divine Spellcasting, Prepared Spellcasting Partial High
Ranger, Tome A ranger that kicks ass. Good Good Good Poor Divine Spellcasting, Prepared Spellcasting Other Very High
Rascally Rogue A rascally character who uses a variety of underhanded tricks in combat. Good Poor Good Good Other Full Very High
Raycaster A spellcaster who focuses on rays and line attacks. Accuracy is the key, and you shall show laser is not difficult. Poor Poor Good Good Prepared Arcane Spellcasting Full Very High
Raziel A Raziel is a born with innate magic, deeper in connection with his power than a sorcerer, but not quite the source itself. Moderate Poor Good Good Alternate Magic Other Very High
Reaper A dread knight, one who culls from the living and seals their souls for his own use. High
Recycler A druid variant who acts as a "necromancer of the green", they return the dead to life through plants and fungus, using their reborn minions in place of transforming into other creatures. Moderate Good Poor Good Prepared Divine Spellcasting Full Very High
Red Magus Master of all, the red magus can cast harmful magic, healing magic, and even tough it out with a sword when needed. Moderate Poor Poor Good Spontaneous Spellcasting, Arcane Spellcasting Partial High
Regenerator A class about being a eldritch abomination which constantly regenerate. Moderate Good Poor Poor Other Other Very High
Relaxed Warrior A martial character with something martial characters have always missed out on: the 15 minute workday. Good Good Good Good Other Full Very High
Restorer An invocation based healer dedicated to the service of all. Moderate Poor Poor Good Invocations Full Very High
Returned Back from the dead. Moderate Good Good Good Other Full Very High
Revised Mariner This is a rebuild of the Mariner class from Dragonlance. Good Good Good Poor Other Other High
Ribbonblade One of the more interesting martial characters, the Ribbonblade combines the whimsy of the bard with the strength and precision of the monk. Good Poor Good Good Moderate
Riftsink A riftsink is a creator intradimensional portals, or rifts, which he uses to deter movement, flit about the battlefield, and generally attack from relative safety. Moderate Poor Good Good Other Other High
Riftwalker - Project Atrea A warrior who trains in high gravity and can compress gravity around his weapon, allowing him to rip holes in space as he attacks. Moderate Good Good Poor Alternate Magic, Other Other Very High
Rogue 2.0 An agile thief who solves solves problems with savvy. Very High
Rogue, Tome Rogue intended for Tome games. Bonus feats come earlier (in form of Tome Combat feats), given some shadow powers to make things interesting especially at higher levels. Moderate Poor Good Poor Sneak Attack, Other Other Very High
Ronin The progeny of dishonored warriors, Ronins specialize in cheap shots. Good Good Poor Sneak Attack Full High
Rouge A rogue-like class that wears red to power his skill. Moderate Poor Good Poor Other Other Moderate
Runehunter An arcane bounty hunter/treasure seeker. Moderate Poor Good Good Prepared Arcane Spellcasting, Spontaneous Arcane Spellcasting, Alternate Magic, Sneak Attack Other Very High
Saiyan Warrior Across the galaxy, tribes of Saiyan's have learned to harness the ki life forces that suffuses thier bodies and use it form themselves into a deadly weapon on their way to the Legendary Super Saiyan transformations. Good Good Good Good Full Very High
Samhain Spooker A class specialized in spooky magic, summoning minions, and wearing those minions like costumes Poor Good Good Spontaneous Arcane Spellcasting Very High
Samurai, Tome The master of the quickdraw, whose kiai rend flesh and steel apart with equal ease. A version of the class which is actually playable. Good Poor Poor Good Other Other Very High
Savant A jack of all trades, who can share their skills with allies and provide support in almost any situation. Moderate Poor Poor Good Prepared Arcane Spellcasting, Prepared Divine Spellcasting, Sneak Attack Other Moderate
Scoundrel A skillful initiator who uses deceit and backstabbing to get the job done unnoticed., An Assassin specialized in aquatic and water missions. Moderate Poor Good Good Martial Maneuvers, Sneak Attack High
Scout A military-trained Scout who has advanced knowledge of teamwork tactics, finding tracks and trails, and navigating into and away from almost any location like a shadow. High
Scrollcaster A spellcaster whose spells entirely rely on multiple-use scrolls. His spellcasting is slower, but he gains the benefits of a wide spell list mixed with near-spontaneous casting. Poor Poor Poor Good Arcane Spellcasting Full Very High
Sealed Prodigy A caster who uses Seals, that are broken to manifest psionic powers and then become incarnum soulmelds. Moderate Good Poor Good Alternate Magic Full Very High
Seer Fixed List Divination Caster, This spell works like moment of prescience, except that it can be activated once per round., By partially detacting yourself from the flow of time, you create an echo that mimics your actions. Poor Poor Good Good Arcane Spellcasting, Spontaneous Spellcasting Full Very High
Self Telekineticist This fighter relies on the power of telekinesis to fling himself around. Good Poor Good Good Other Other Moderate
Sentinel A defender who protects his allies from harm by forcing enemies to target himself for attacks. Moderate Good Good Good High
Shadow Blade A shadow-jumping class who can almost always reach their mark. High
Shadow Magister A shadowcaster-type thing that doesn't suck and cause weird incompatibility issues. ToP-compliant. Poor Good Poor Good Arcane Spellcasting, Prepared Spellcasting Full Very High
Shadow Pact Warlock As Warlock, but using Tome of Battle Chassis, and slightly more powerful. Moderate Poor Good Good Martial Maneuvers Full High
Shadow Rogue A tactical striker with enough skills to be useful out of combat as well. High
Shadow Spy A scoundrel who stalks and lives in the shadows Other Other High
Shadowcaster A stealthy magic user and weilder of shadow magic. Moderate Poor Poor Good Alternate Magic Full Very High
Shadowknife A shadow themed soulknife, it has more of a stealth and ambush focus and some manifesting support. Moderate Poor Good Good Psionics Partial Very High
Shaman A mystic that has a strange communion with nature, gaining divine spells through hardship by unraveling its secrets. High
Shaman, NW A channeler of spirits Poor Poor Poor Good Very High
Shape Eater A shapeshifter who eats creatures to gain their powers. Good Good Poor Good Other Full Very High
Shapechanger Some shapeshifters aren't satisfied with the restriction of their forms to nature's creatures, and don't want all those extra spells the wizard gets that aren't Polymorph. The Shapechanger is for them, allowing use of forms varying from Dragon to Monstrous Humanoid. Good Good Poor Poor Very High
Shapeshifter The shapeshifter you were always looking for… Good Good Poor Good Other Full Very High
Sharpshooter A formidable user of ranged weaponry who can bring any foe down from afar. High
Shinigami Hunters of ghosts and demons, they protect the living from things which lurk just beyond the edge of the world. High
Shinobi Masterful ninja, you stalk the night. All will fear the assassin in the dark: the shinobi! Moderate Poor Good Good Sneak Attack, Other Other High
Skaldic Maestro An emotional mage who projects rage Good Good Poor Good Alternate Magic Full Very High
Skill-Monkey, ToP A Tome of Prowess factotum and expert. Moderate Other Other Other Other Other High
Skilled Assassin This Assassin has mastered killing in its Entirety nothing can escape it. If Killing is an art, then you are its painter, and your weapons are the brushes Moderate Good Good Poor Sneak Attack, Spontaneous Arcane Spellcasting Full High
Skipper A mobile, supernatural combatant that teleports around quickly, even in the middle of moving. Moderate Poor Good Good Other Full High
Skycutter Masters of wind, these free spirits dance in the skies with their air elemental brethren. Good Poor Good Good Other Other Very High
Slayer A powerful essence-user, focusing on raw offence and on profane power related to killing. A slayer is the bane of all that breath, small or big. High
Slipmind A psionic rogue akin to the Magic Rogue. Moderate Poor Good Good Psionics Partial High
Slive A psionic rogue using the psychic warrior psionic progression. Moderate Poor Poor Good Psionics Partial High
Snake Handler Priest This is like a cleric with relatively low spellcasting ability, but relatively high ability to summon and fight alongside snakes! Moderate Good Poor Good High
Sniper Wizard The equivalent to the battle sorcerer, it actually focuses more on attacks and use of a focus component for their limited but powerful arcane power. Good Poor Good Good Prepared Arcane Spellcasting Full Very High
Snowscaper An ice mage style class with good cold damage and ice sculpting abilities. Moderate Good Poor Good Alternate Magic Full Very High
Snowsoul A wielder of the power of ice and cold Moderate Good Poor Poor Alternate Magic Full High
Soldier A specialist in melee weapons combat with some special abilities. Good Good Poor Poor Other Other Moderate
Soldier, Tome A warrior who understands the tactics of the various races of Dungeons & Dragons and uses them herself in battle. Moderate Good Poor Poor Other Full Very High
Songblade High
Sonic Warrior Sonic Warriors are beings gifted with control over sound. They have been known to follow many paths, but regardless of whether they are the butcher or the rebel, they tend to be rather mad., A tall, rather mad looking man wearing a dusty cloak and matching boots. Good Good Good Poor Other High
Sorcerer, Heritage Spontaneous Arcane Spellcasting High
Sorcerer, Tome A sorcerer that isn't obviously inferior to a wizard. Poor Poor Poor Good Arcane Spellcasting, Spontaneous Spellcasting Full Very High
Sorlock A cross of 3.5 warlock and 3.5 sorcerer. Poor Poor Poor Good Spontaneous Arcane Spellcasting, Invocations Full Very High
Soul Reaper, Jay Variant A hunter of evil ghosts and demons. High
Soul Reaver Chosen by Death to harvest souls for the afterlife, the soul reaver is a gish who uses souls as a source of strength. Moderate Poor Poor Good Prepared Divine Spellcasting Partial Very High
Soul-Blooded The Soul Blooded is a Versatile Spellcaster akin to a Bard. However, instead of Bardic Music, the Soul Blooded binds spirits similar to the way that Binders use Vestiges. Moderate
Soul-Rage Skald A Nordic Bard with rage and maneuvers instead of spells Moderate Good Poor Good Martial Maneuvers Full High
Soulblade A replacement to the soulknife, bumped up and made useful. Poor Good Good Psionics Other Moderate
Soulborn A non-sucky version of the Soulborn. Good Good Poor Good Other Other Very High
Soulcaller A class focused on capturing and calling forth souls, mixing Incarnum with the talents of the Blue Mage and Ba Summoner. Moderate Good Poor Good Alternate Magic, Other Other Unquantifiable
Soulsmith A forger of trinkets and jewelry into which he has imbedded his very soul. Good Good Poor Good Other Full High
Special Boi - Favored Soul variant Sometimes people are born special, and the severe devotion to a cause or connection to a deity drives them on adventures. Moderate Good Good Good Spontaneous Divine Spellcasting Full None Assigned
Specialist Mage A spellcaster who focuses on a single school, and only barely dabbles outside of that school. Poor Poor Poor Good Arcane Spellcasting Full Very High
Speeder Gotta go fast! The speeder is faster at everything they do. Poor Poor Poor Poor Full Very High
Speedster A class that gives the powers of a Speedster. Good Good Good Poor Other Other High
Spellbane A lightly-armored warrior-scholar who specializes in combating spell casters Good Poor Good Good High
Spellbender Although a spellbenders does not cast spells, she is a master of metamagic and sculpts the flow of magic around her to her own will. Poor Poor Good Good Other Full Unquantifiable
Spellbinder A spontaneous arcane caster with lots of spells known. Poor Poor Poor Good Arcane Spellcasting, Spontaneous Spellcasting Partial Very High
Spellslinger Spellslingers are the sheriffs and bandits of D&D. They are limited to ray spells, but they can use their finger pistols to shoot just about everybody. Their ammo (spells) is limited, but they can put them to good use. Poor Poor Good Good Arcane Spellcasting Other Very High
Spellthief A Spellthief structured like a real character with a Blue Mage transformative theme. Moderate Poor Good Good Spontaneous Arcane Spellcasting Full Very High
Spellthief, Pathfinder Variant A Pathfinder take on the Spellthief. Moderate Poor Good Good Spontaneous Arcane Spellcasting Partial High
Spellwright A generic spellcaster with access to all spell lists. Poor Poor Poor Good Spontaneous Arcane Spellcasting, Spontaneous Divine Spellcasting Full Very High
Spider-Monk Amalgamation of Monk, Rogue, and Spider-Man Moderate Good Good Good Martial Maneuvers Moderate
Spiderborn Blessed by the spider gods, you can do whatever a spider can. Good Good Good Poor Other Other High
Spirit Meister Speed and elements based martial class. Moderate Good Good Poor Other Full Moderate
Spirit Shaman A Spirit Shaman is meant for two things: charming spirits and punching people in the face with said spirits. Poor Poor Good Good Divine Spellcasting Full Very High
Spyglass Scout This class borrows abilities from the rogue and ranger classes. Moderate Good Good Good, Poor Sneak Attack High
Star The Star is a highly mobile character that specializes in unarmed melee and ranged combat. Moderate Good Good Good Invocations, Other Partial Very High
Stone Mage Carve the earth into a deadly weapon. You are the mage who will KNOCK THEM ALL DOWN! Moderate Good Poor Good Alternate Magic Full High
Strategist A commander of legendary proportions, building bases and amassing armies. Poor Good Poor Good Other Separate Very High
Street Thug An inner city ruffian that uses fists and feet to get what he wants from innocent citizens. Moderate Good Good Poor Sneak Attack Partial High
Student of Kung Fu A fresh take on the Martial Artist, the Student of Kung Fu learns to incorporate Weapons into their Unarmed combat abilities in new and interesting Ways. Although lacking in some of the Monk's Spiritual Powers, it learns other mystical abilities to aid them in combat. Good Good Good Good Other High
Stunt Fighter A more versatile Fighter for higher balance games. Other Full High
Style Fighter A variant of the fighter that can switch her bonus feats between different fighting style. Good Good Good Good Other Other High
Sublime Assassin The Sublime Assassin is a versatile combatant, using sudden strike and maneuver in order to defeat her foe. Good Good Good Poor Sneak Attack High
Sublime Assassin Variant Good Poor Good Good Sneak Attack
Sublime Boxer A sublime boxer hits people with her fists and initiates maneuvers. Good Good Good Poor Martial Maneuvers Full High
Sublime Cutthroat A sneaky master of the Sublime. Can use multiple stances at a time. Moderate Poor Good Poor Martial Maneuvers Full High
Sublime Knight A martial initiator knight who tanks for the party, keeping them safe from harm. Good Good Poor Good Martial Maneuvers High
Sublime Samurai A samurai who employs martial maneuvers and quick flashy strikes. Good Good Poor Good Martial Maneuvers Full High
Sublime Shinobi A sublime version of Eiji-kun's shinobi. Moderate Poor Good Good Martial Maneuvers Full Very High
Sublime Soulblade A sublime version of the soulknife, use maneuvers and is actually playable. Good Poor Good Good Martial Maneuvers Full Very High
Summoner A master of the summoning arts. Poor Poor Good Good Arcane Spellcasting, Spontaneous Spellcasting Full Very High
Superhero Also known as a "one-trick pony", each superhero possesses one powerful ability. This implementation takes superpowers directly from the Sorcerer/Cleric/Druid/Bard/Ranger/Paladin spell lists. Moderate Other Other Other Arcane Spellcasting, Divine Spellcasting Other High
Surge Fighter A variant fighter who gets half as many feats as normal, but more than makes up for it with powerful combat surges that enable him to be the direct martial equivalent of a wizard. Good Good Poor Poor Other Full Very High
Surger There are many different breeds of adventurer, those who are masters at martial combat, those who are masters of the arcane and the divine, and there are those more gifted. Surgers are a collective of people who use their innate abilities towards increasing their own physical abilities, and/or attaining new levels of arcane or divine power. Good Poor Poor Good Other Very High
Swamp Hag A swamp-themed non-caster that gets curses, a minion and transformation abilities. Moderate Good Poor Good Other Other High
Swashbuckler Pirates are awesome. Play a class meant to actually show that! Say hi to Cap'n Sparrow when you run into him... Good Poor Good Poor Other Full Very High
Swashbuckler, Codex Bring the swashbuckler to the High Balance range, fill dead levels and allow better compatibility with Tome of Prowess. Compress it to a 12 level class. Good Good Good Poor Other Full High
Swashbuckler, Foxwarrior Variant A Swashbuckler class, designed to make it easy to directly convert from STDoc's variant. Good Good Good Poor Other Full Very High
Swashbuckler, STDoc Variant A swashbuckler who is actually playable after level 3. High
Swift Hunter A take on the Swift Hunter build Moderate Good Good Poor High
Swiftblade A very fast and agile melee fighter Good Poor Good Poor Other Other High
Sylvan Occultist A dangerous wielder of inherited power. Uses prepared spontaneous casting. Poor Poor Poor Good Prepared Spellcasting, Spontaneous Spellcasting, Alternate Magic Full Very High
Tamastin Shadowmancer A spell caster with power over darkness Moderate Poor Poor Good Spontaneous Arcane Spellcasting Full Very High
Tech Operative A slightly altered and highly reflavored Cleric. The Tech Operative calls down assistance from a distant Base, using technology instead of magic. Moderate Poor Good Good Divine Spellcasting, Prepared Spellcasting Full Very High
Technomage Technomages are magic users that works similarly to warlocks, but they have a more academic approach and are also experts with technology, constructs and bots. Poor Poor Poor Good Invocations Full Moderate
Telekinetic Some people can bend space to their will. These people are called Telekinetics and can move things with their mind. Moderate Poor Poor Good Other Other Very High
Telekinetic, Variant The telekinetic uses her powers to wreck havoc on enemies by throwing objects, and beings, around the battlefield Moderate Poor Poor Good Full Very High
Templar Templars are ordained warriors tasked with spreading the faith and defending the faithful, while also beating down the foes of a deity. Good Good Poor Good Spontaneous Divine Spellcasting Partial Very High
Temporal Adept A time-bending temporal adept who studies the world through intellect and cunning. Good Good Good Good Other Other Unquantifiable
Tenken A Dexterity-based fighter who gets by on sheer speed and precision., {{{summary}}} Moderate
Tenken, Tome The tenken is a fighting machine capable of lightning speeds, used both for offense and defense. Very High
Terror of the Sand The Terror of the Sand is a unique spell caster That uses Sand Control To attack his enemies and aid his allies and can transform into terrible beast to fight your enemies. Moderate Poor Poor Good Alternate Magic Full Very High
Thaumaturge The generic spellcaster for most of your arcane, divine, and psionic needs! Poor Poor Poor Good Alternate Magic Full High
Thaumaturgist A Thaumaturge is a spellcaster that focuses on preparing and learning several spells in advance. He or she also prepares a base with several artifices of strange nature. This base relies heavily on out of combat preparation that comes from the player in-game. Freedom to change your abilities outside of class features comes at the cost of never gaining combat abilities in a vanilla sense. Poor Poor Poor Good Alternate Magic Other Unquantifiable
Thief Acrobat While the common rogue is a thief, con-man, and scout extraordinaire, the thief acrobat is a highly trained specialist in the art of housebreaking and feats of dexterity and acrobatics. Moderate Poor Good Poor Sneak Attack Full
Thogomancer THOGOMANCER SMASH! Moderate
Thoughtformer A thoughtformer make objects and image of psionic energy and summon her own psyche into the world. Moderate Poor Poor Good Psionics Partial Very High

... further results

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