SRD:Fighter (Feat Type)
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Fighter Bonus Feats[edit]
Any feat designated as a fighter feat can be selected as a fighter’s bonus feat. This designation does not restrict characters of other classes from selecting these feats, assuming that they meet any prerequisites.
List of Fighter Bonus Feats[edit]
SRD Fighter Feats
Feat | Summary | Prerequisites |
Awesome Blow | Str 25, Power Attack, Improved Bull Rush, size Large or larger. | |
Blind-Fight | Reroll miss chance for concealment. | None |
Cleave | Extra melee attack after dropping target. | Str 13, Power Attack. |
Combat Expertise | Trade attack bonus for AC (max 5 points). | Int 13. |
Combat Reflexes | Gain AoOs equal to Dex modifier. | None |
Deflect Arrows | Deflect one ranged attack per round. | Dex 13, Improved Unarmed Strike. |
Dodge | +1 dodge bonus to AC against selected target. | Dex 13. |
Exotic Weapon Proficiency | No penalty on attacks with specific exotic weapon. | Base attack bonus +1 (plus Str 13 for bastard sword or dwarven waraxe). |
Far Shot | Increase range increment by 50% or 100%. | Point Blank Shot. |
Great Cleave | No limit to cleave attacks each round. | Str 13, Cleave, Power Attack, base attack bonus +4. |
Greater Manyshot | You are skilled at firing many arrows at once, even at different opponents. | Dex 17, Manyshot, Point Blank Shot, Rapid Shot, base attack bonus +6. |
Greater Two-Weapon Fighting | Gain third attack with off-hand weapon at -10 penalty. | Improved Two-Weapon Fighting, Two-Weapon Fighting, Dex 19, base attack bonus +11. |
Greater Weapon Focus | +1 bonus on attack rolls with selected weapon. | Proficiency with selected weapon, Weapon Focus with selected weapon, Fighter level 8th. |
Greater Weapon Specialization | +2 bonus on damage rolls with selected weapon. | Proficiency with selected weapon, Greater Weapon Focus with selected weapon, Weapon Focus with selected weapon, Weapon Specialization with selected weapon, fighter level 12th. |
Improved Bull Rush | This feat needs a summary., When you perform a bull rush, you do not provoke an attack of opportunity from the defender. | Str 13, Power Attack. |
Improved Critical | Double threat range of weapon. | Proficient with weapon, base attack bonus +8. |
Improved Feint | Feint as a move action. | Int 13, Combat Expertise. |
Improved Grapple | +4 bonus on grapple checks; no attack of opportunity. | Dex 13, Improved Unarmed Strike. |
Improved Initiative | Act sooner in combat. | None |
Improved Overrun | +4 bonus on overrun attempts; no attack of opportunity. | Str 13, Power Attack. |
Improved Precise Shot | Ignore less than total cover/concealment on ranged attacks. | Dex 19, Point Blank Shot, Precise Shot, base attack bonus +11. |
Improved Shield Bash | Keep Shield bonus to AC while shield bashing. | Shield Proficiency. |
Improved Sunder | +4 bonus on sunder attempts; no attack of opportunity. | Str 13, Power Attack. |
Improved Trip | Trip opponents more easily. | Int 13, Combat Expertise. |
Improved Two-Weapon Fighting | Gain second attack with off-hand attack. | Dex 17, Two-Weapon Fighting, base attack bonus +6. |
Improved Unarmed Strike | Considered armed even when unarmed. | None |
Manyshot | Shoot two or more arrows simultaneously. | Dex 17, Point Blank Shot, Rapid Shot, base attack bonus +6 |
Mobility | +4 dodge bonus to AC against some attacks of opportunity. | Dex 13, Dodge. |
Mounted Archery | This feat needs a summary. | Ride 1 rank, Mounted Combat. |
Mounted Combat | This feat needs a summary. | Ride 1 rank. |
Point Blank Shot | +1 bonus on ranged attack and damage within 30 ft. | None |
Power Attack | Trade attack bonus for damage (up to base attack bonus). | Str 13. |
Power Critical | Weapon focus (chosen weapon), base attack bonus +4 | |
Precise Shot | No –4 penalty for shooting into melee. | Point Blank Shot. |
Quick Draw | Draw weapon as free action. | Base attack bonus +1. |
Rapid Reload | Action to reload crossbows decreases one step. | Weapon Proficiency (crossbow type chosen). |
Rapid Shot | One extra ranged attack each round. | Dex 13, Point Blank Shot. |
Ride-By Attack | Attack creatures while charging. | Ride 1 rank, Mounted Combat. |
Sharp-Shooting | Point Blank Shot, Precise Shot, base attack bonus +3. | |
Shot on the Run | Move before and after ranged attack. | Dex 13, Dodge, Mobility, Point Blank Shot, base attack bonus +4. |
Snatch Arrows | Catch a deflected ranged attack. | Dex 15, Deflect Arrows, Improved Unarmed Strike. |
Spirited Charge | Deal double damage while charging on a mount. | Ride 1 rank, Ride-By Attack., Mounted Combat |
Spring Attack | Move before and after melee attack. | Dex 13, Dodge, Mobility, base attack bonus +4. |
Stunning Fist | Stun foes during attack. | Dex 13, Wis 13, Improved Unarmed Strike, base attack bonus +8. |
Trample | This feat needs a summary. | Ride 1 rank, Mounted Combat. |
Two-Weapon Defense | Gain +1 shield bonus to AC when wielding two weapons. | Dex 15, Two-Weapon Fighting. |
Two-Weapon Fighting | You can fight with a weapon in each hand. You can make one extra attack each round with the second weapon. | Dex 15. |
Weapon Finesse | Use Dex modifier instead of Str modifier on attack rolls with light melee weapons. | Base attack bonus +1. |
Weapon Focus | +1 bonus on attack rolls with selected weapon. | Proficiency with selected weapon, base attack bonus +1. |
Weapon Specialization | +2 bonus on damage rolls with selected weapon. | Proficiency with selected weapon, Weapon Focus with selected weapon, fighter level 4th. |
Whirlwind Attack | Dex 13, Int 13, Combat Expertise, Dodge, Mobility, Spring Attack, base attack bonus +4. |
Homebrew Fighter Feats
Homebrew feats using this type appear below. These are not part of the SRD, and are presented for ease of reference only. Click "Show" below to view them.
Feat | Summary | Prerequisites |
10-Foot Pole Proficiency | Wield a 10-foot pole as a weapon. | None |
3D Maneuver Gear Proficiency | You can use 3D maneuver gear as more than just a pair of hookshots. | Balance 4 ranks |
Accelerate Initiative | Your initiative keeps rising even after you've rolled. | None |
Accurate Opportunist | You sacrifice deadliness for increased accuracy. | Sneak Attack +2d6 |
Acrobatic Swordfighting | Instead of raw martial prowess, you trained to fight with grace and finesse. | Dex 13, Weapon Finesse, Tumble 4 ranks |
Act Fast | You act before others in initiative. | Dex 13 |
Adamantine Resolve | Double your crusader's steely resolve ability. | Crusader's Steely Resolve ability |
Adaptable Stunning Fist | You can spend extra stunning fist usages to improve your attack. | Stunning Fist |
Adaptable Technique | Your constant training has allowed you access to an unconscious collective of sorts, allowing you to pull new tricks and techniques from thin air. | None |
Adaptive Dodge | You gain a cumulative dodge bonus against a single creature. | BAB +1 or Dexterity 13+ |
Adaptive Shift | You expend a readied maneuvers to ready another. | Initiator Level 1st |
Adjacent Marksman | You do ranged combat close and personal. | Bab +1 or Dex 13 |
Adjusted Accuracy | You learn to use your missed attacks to compensate for future ones, always finding some way to eventually have your weapon find the opponent. | BAB +1 |
Advanced Dagger Mastery | Your ability to use daggers is above and beyond others. | Weapon Focus in daggers or dagger-like weaponry |
Advanced Spiked Chain Proficiency | You are able to use the Spiked Chain as a Double Weapon. | Proficiency with the Spiked Chain |
Advanced Sword Technique | Gain additional combat options with any sword-like weapon. | Must be proficient in at least one sword-like one or two handed weapon. |
Advanced Swordsmanship | You gain special benefits when wielding a bastard sword or longsword. | Bab +1, Weapon Focus (Bastard Sword) or (Longsword) |
Advanced Whip Tactics | Your whip is an extension of you, and lets you perform many stunts with it. | BAB +1, Proficiency with whips |
Advantageous Charge | Your charges are more likely to land when they need to. | Improved Charge |
Aerial Grapple | Grapple efficiently while in the air | BAB +3, Dexterity 13, Improved Grapple |
Agile Brawler | You are a nimble fighter, using your superior dexterity to gain the upper hand. | Dexterity 15 |
Agile Knifemaster Style | You are an adept while fighting with a light weapon in one hand, and nothing in the other. | Sleight of Hand 4 Ranks, Weapon Focus (Light Piercing or Slashing Weapon) |
Agile Shield Style | You use your Dexterity instead of Strength on shield bash. You take little penalties when fighting defensively. | Improved Shield Bash |
Agile Thrower | You are quite an agile shot with a sling or a javelin. | BaB +1, Proficiency with a throwing weapon. |
Aim through Clouds | You almost always hit giant fleshy blobs, whether or not they're invisible. | None |
Aiming | You aim for the weak point, increasing accuracy and opening them up to sneak attack at range. | None |
Air Juggle | You can knock creatures into the air and combo them! | BAB +4, Fighter or Monk level 4th, Improved Bull Rush |
All Range Style | Fight with a ranged weapon and a melee weapon as a seemless whole. | Two-Weapon Fighting, Combat Archery-CE or otherwise not provoking for ranged attacks. |
All Sides Defense | Negate flanking bonuses when using two weapons or double weapons. | Two-Weapon Fighting, BAB +3 |
Ambidexterity | What Ambidexterity from 3.0e should've been. | Dexterity 15+, Strength 13+, Two-Weapon Fighting |
Ambidextrous | You apply full strength (instead of half strength) to off-hand attacks. | Two-Weapon Fighting, Str 13 |
Amputator | You are very good at taking away people's arms. | Improved Sunder, Heal 10 ranks |
Analytic Fighting Style | You use your Intelligence instead of your Dexterity on attack and damage. | Dex 11+, Int 15+ |
Ancestral Armory | You gain two additional ancestral heirlooms. | Ancestral Heirloom |
Anger Point | Getting punched in the face makes you angry. More than it pisses most people off, that is. | None |
Angled Arrow | You can use a bow when prone. | None |
Annoying Combat Noises | Make annoying noises in battle to distract foes | Flurry of blows or Improved unarmed strike or power attack or rage class feature, Charisma 11 or perform 4 ranks |
Anticipate Action | Improve your defenses the longer you fight. | BAB +1, Wisdom 13 |
Aquatic Initiator | Water type Wuxia, whooo. | Aquatic or Water subtype, Swim speed, Initiator 1st |
Arcane Archer | You can enhance your projectiles with spells. | must be able to cast 1st level spells., Precise Shot, Point Blank Shot |
Arcane Archery | Arcane Archer as a feat. Better than the original by a longshot. | BAB +6, Spellcraft 4 ranks, Weapon Focus (Longbow or Shortbow), Combat Casting, Steel And Spell Style, Point Blank Shot |
Arcane Champion | You have learned the secrets to combining sword-work and sorcery. | BAB +6, Combat Casting, Mage Knight, ability to cast 2nd level arcane spells, one martial maneuver |
Arm Block | Attempt to block an attack with your arm, granting yourself a shield bonus to AC. You still take damage if the attack misses, but | BAB +3, Improved Unarmed Strike |
Armed Deflect Arrows | Deflect arrows when your hands are full. | BAB +1, Weapon Focus |
Armed Grip | You are crazy good with the lighter weapons. | Bab +1, Dex 13 |
Armed Wrestler | Use one-handed weapons in a grapple or two-handed weapons with an extra penalty instead of not at all. | Base attack bonus +1 |
Armor Ablation | You can use your armor to it maximum potential, at the risk of breaking it. | Bab +1, proficiency with Light, medium and Heavy Armor alongside all shields (including tower shields) |
Armor Agility | You are able to move normally and tumble in medium armor and increase your overall armor dexterity. | Proficiency in any type of armor. |
Armor Focus | Improved AC and Reflex saves in certain armor. | BAB +1, proficient in chosen armor category |
Armor Resonance | You have the ability to gain focus with your armor, increasing its defensive capabilities. | BAB +1 |
Armorborn | You gain proficiency in all armor and shields, or can use them better if you already know how. | 1st level only |
Armour Training | A better, more-scaleable version of the PHB armour proficiency feats. | BAB +1 |
Arrow to the Knee | With a well-placed arrow to the knee, you end adventuring careers. | Precise Shot, BAB +17 |
Art of Flying Daggers | Your light and one-handed weapons gain the Throwing and Rebound enhancements. | One Thousand Daggers maneuver, Tumble 4 ranks |
Art of the Hunt | Gain several tactical benefits using the Ars Venatoria discipline. | Survival 9 ranks, Survive the Hunt, Two Ars Venatoria maneuvers |
Assassination Training | You have been trained in the art of the swift, stealthy kill. | BAB +6 |
Assured Strike | You reduce your dodge, but you strike with precision and power. | Dex 13 |
Attack Blocker | You really like to block with whatever you have on hand. | None |
Attack on the Run | A better, easier to take version of the PHB move-and-attack feats. | BAB +3 |
Augmented Damage Reduction | You increases your damage reduction and prevent it from being bypassed by | Must have a persistent source of damage reduction. |
Automated Drone Proficiency | You gain a tiny construct which provide plenty of helpful information and is capable of acting | Craft (Technology) 8 Ranks, Craft Construct or Device Gadgeteer |
Awareness | You have a keen sense to know where enemies are. You feel their presence behind walls, doors, when hidden, and around corners. | None |
Awesome Blow | The force of your blows can send your opponents flying violently away from you. | 18 Str |
Axe King | You have access to tactical maneuvers when using any kind of one or two-handed axe. | Weapon Focus (any one or two-handed axe) |
Axe Mastery | You do nice mean things with an axe. | Must be proficient with some sort of axe. |
Axe Mastery Variant | Gain additional uses when wielding axe-like weapons. | Proficiency in an axe-like weapon. |
Azure Weapon Proficiency | You gain weapon proficiency with a single chosen weapon and bonus when using it. | BAB +1 |
Back Slash | Gain the ability to sneak attack with great force, but only once every 1d4 rounds. | BAB +3 |
Balanced Blade | While you are wielding a single one-handed weapon two-handed, you count as having your off-hand free for all intent and purpose | BAB +1 or DEX 13 |
Ballistic Mastery | You know how to use crossbow and firearms very effectively. | Precise Shot, Bab +1 or Dex 13, must be proficient with one exotic crossbow or firearm. |
Barrage of Fists | You can use two-weapon fighting with two unarmed strikes. | Improved Unarmed Strike, Dex or Wis 15, Str |
Barreling Charge | Your training allows you to bully foes out of the way as you charge your intended target. | BAB +3, Improved Overrun, Improved Charge |
Battle Braggart | You brag as a move action to increase your fighting spirit, gaining various bonus. | None |
Battle Juggler | You have the power of juggling, and the ability to use it in battle. | BAB +3, Perform (Juggling) 8 Ranks |
Battle Looting | You like to fight with the weapons of your fallen enemies. | Quick Draw |
Battlefield Agility | You can act while on the move. | Dex 13, Dodge, Mobility, Tumble 8 ranks. |
Battling Caster | You gain extra hit points and a bonus on fortitude save and concentration check. | Must be able to cast 1st level spells, proficiency with a single martial or exotic weapon |
Bergentrückung | Not all legendary heroes dies, some sleep until the day they are needed again. | Character Level 11th |
Big Bonk Style | You deal more damage on the first attack made with a greatclub each round. In addition to other benefits. | BAB +1, proficiency with the greatclub. |
Black Belt | You gain the ability to make unarmed strikes without provoking attacks of opportunity, increase their potency and grant a dodge bonus against melee attacks. | None |
Black Swan's Bravado | Get some tactical maneuvers based on Hollywood movies. | Point Blank Shot, Weapon Focus (Any Firearm), Base Attack Bonus +5 |
Blade Beam | You unleash a blade beam from a magic weapon, making a ranged attack with your melee weapon. | Weapon Focus, Spellcraft 1 ranks. |
Blade Buster | If your weapons aren't hitting quite like your fists, they are now...but you might break them. | Str 17, Pugilist or Scaling Unarmed Dice as a class feature |
Blade Rampart | Combat Reflexes | |
Blade Thicket | You make the battlefield around you difficult to move through, even for the most adept of acrobats. | BAB +3 |
Blinding Maneuver | Use light in combat to hinder opponents | BAB +1 |
Blitz Kreig | You attack and move in sequence. | Dex 15, Swiftness, Mobility, Spring Attack, Strafe, BAB +6 |
Block Evasion | You can evade blocks. | Character level 5 |
Blocked Opportunity | Use AoO to shield ally from provoking AoO. | Combat Reflexes |
Blood Rally | You recover damage you recently took by going berserk on your opponents. | At least one Blood Feast maneuver known, or BAB +4 |
Blood of Stone | You laugh off the blows of foes as they shatter against your weathered hide. | BAB +3, Toughness |
Bloody Path | Attack everyone in the way during a charge, bullrush, or when you move from your square. | Improved Overrun, Improved Bullrush, Improved Initiative, Combat Expertise |
Bloody Toughness | You are so tough you heal when you smack people. | Toughness |
Bloody Wyrm Brawler Style | You're good with Dragon Claws, so why not extent that to their big brother? | Weapon Focus (Dragon Claws), Weapon Focus (Dragonblood Arms), Combat Reflexes, Claws of the Wyrm Style |
Boardshield Style | Attacks and trample enemies while shieldsurfing. | BAB +4, Balance or Tumble 6 ranks, Shieldsurfing and Improved Shieldsurfing |
Body As Hammer | Using your weapon as a conduit, you can smack people with other people. | BAB +10, Weapon Focus and Weapon Specialization for a weapon that can be used to grapple creatures, Improved Grapple, Str 20 |
Body of Iron | Gain an armor bonus to AC even if you're unarmored. | AC Bonus class feature (such as monk), Con 13, Fortitude +4 |
Bolstered Initiative | Your reaction time relies on more than just your reflexes | None |
Bolt of Corruption | You may deliver your touch of corruption with a ranged attack. | Touch of CorruptionPathfinder |
Bomb Focus | You know how to create more potent bombs than usual. | Craft (Alchemy) 8 ranks, and either Bomb class feature or Grenadier Dabbling (3.5e Feat) |
Bonded Weapon | You choose a weapon, eventually growing stonger and stronger in it's use. | Base Attack Bonus +1 |
Bone-Crush | You know how to heal the body; you know how to break it. | BAB +6, Heal 8 ranks, Power Attack, Combat Expertise |
Boulder Hurl | Increase damage and combat options with stone-throwing | Rock Thrower, BAB +6 or Sleight of Hand 9 ranks |
Brace For Impact | Ready an action to weather an otherwise fatal blow. | Con 13 |
Breaching Blow | Breach enemy armor | Strength 13, Constitution 12, BAB 6+ |
Brick Break | You are an expert at shattering inanimate objects into pieces. | Improved Unarmed Strike |
Broad Mastery | You gain an increase on your ability score by leveling at 3rd level and each 3 level thereafter. | 3 HD |
Broad Practice | When you increase an ability score while leveling you increase three instead. | None |
Broad Practice, Very High | When you level up you gain ability score quickly and they apply to multiple ability scores. | None |
Brutal Disarm | You can disarm opponents by partially destroying their limbs. | BAB +4, Str 13, Improved Disarm |
Brutal Shooter | You use your massive muscles to ensure that your arrows strike true. | Str 13+, BAB +1 |
Brutal Sneak Attack | You are able to sneak attack with two-handed weapon very efficiently. | Sneak Attack 1d6, proficiency with a two-handed melee weapon. |
Brutal Thrower | You are extremely efficient at throwing weapons. | BaB +1, Proficiency with a throwing weapon. |
Buckler Bash | You can perform shield bash with bucklers. | Must be proficient with bucklers. |
Buddha's Palm | Your inner mastery of zen blossoms and you are able to perform a devastating technique. | Stunning Fist |
Buddha's Palm, Variant | You have unlocked the powerful Buddha's Palm technique. | Stunning Fist |
Buff Body | A feat that represents the benefits of a vigorous physical workout routine. In fact, you need to be pretty tough already to undergo this training! | Con 13, +4 base Fortitude save. |
Bulky Build | Act as a size larger when in heavy armor. | Proficiency in heavy armor |
Bulwark of Defense-CE | Increase the bonuses granted to you by your defensive stance ability. | BAB +11, defensive stance 1/day. |
Burning Zeal | Gain a bonus to one opposed check and take ability burn after. | None |
Burst Through | When you overrun somebody, it's really, really painful. | Str 13, Power Attack, Improved Overrun, base attack bonus +4, must be Tiny or larger. |
Butt Slam | You drop down and crush the opponent with your thiccness. | Improved Unarmed Strike |
Butt Stroke | You can use a polearm or spear like a quarterstaff | Two Weapon Fighting, Weapon Focus with a spear or polearm, proficiency in quarterstaff |
Calculated Shot | Add your Intelligence to ranged attack rolls. | Int 13, BAB +1 |
Called Shot | Make called shot for save or suck. | Bab +3, must have at least one class level in a class that grants full attack bonus progression. |
Caltrop Attack | Toss a bag of caltrops at a foe and watch it burst and scatter at their feet. | None |
Caltrop Tosser | Expertly toss caltrops to cover more area, and pick them back up faster. | Dexterity 13 |
Can't Die, Won't Die | You are extremely hard to put down. | Diehard, Why Won't You Die |
Cape Resonance | You have the ability to gain focus with your cape, improving your saves. No wonder superheroes use such silly-looking outfits. | BAB +1 |
Careful Movement | Your training allows you to move around the battlefield while still defending yourself. | BAB +3 |
Catapult Launch | Throw rocks as far as a siege weapon does | BAB +10 or Sleight of Hand 14 ranks, Boulder Hurl |
Chain Bikini Chick | "And her special ability is somehow not dying while only wearing less than half the armour of the other guys." | Cha 15, Female |
Chakra Disabler | You hit people in their nerves and chakras, making them go limp. | Improved Unarmed Strike, Weapon Focus: Unarmed Strike, Heal 8 ranks, Autohypnosis 8 ranks |
Chakra Fist | You can invest essentia in your stunning fist, which grant you extra uses, a higher DC and access to more effect when using stunning fist. | Stunning Fist |
Challenge-Obsessed | Initiate multiple Duel of Wills per battle and gain ability to parry using Iaijutsu Focus | BAB +7, Intimidate 11 ranks, Sudden Challenge |
Chaotic Rage-CE | Gain the effects of an anarchic weapon while raging. | BAB +9, Rage 1/day, chaotic alignment. |
Cheap Shot, Variant | Make an unarmed attack as part of a feint. | Bab +1 or Improved Unarmed Strike, Bluff 4 Ranks |
Chessmaster's Gambit | Gain a bunch of strange tactical moves based on the tactics of the infamous chessmaster. | Int 13 |
Chew Gam Style | Elongate you limb when striking. | Elastic Limbs racial trait, improved Unarmed Strike or must have natural weapon or a feral strike. |
Clap Your Hands | Ember started humming and clapped her hands on the hapless goblin. The goblin vibrated momentarily and exploded into chunks of meat and bone, wounding several other goblins nearby. "Who's next?" | Improved Unarmed Strike |
Claws of the Wyrm Style | You are an expert at fighting with dragon claws. | Weapon Focus (Dragon Claws) |
Clear the Room | You are notoriously gassy and have learned how to weaponize your farts | You have a gas problem, Base Attack Bonus +1 |
Clear the Room, Greater | Your farts are horrible | You have a gas problem, Clear the Room, Improved Clear the Room, Base Attack Bonus +6 |
Clear the Room, Improved | Your gas problem has gotten even nastier | You have a gas problem, Clear the Room, Base Attack Bonus +3 |
Silent, but Deadly | The name says it all | you have a gas problem, Clear the Room, Improved Clear the Room, Greater Clear the Room, Base Attack Bonus +10 |
Cleave | When you down an enemy, other creatures you threaten need to watch out. | Power Attack |
Cleave and Smite Evil | When you cleave, you automatically smite without expending a smite attempt. | Cleave, any Smite ability (like Smite Evil) |
Cleaving Launch | When you kill a creature, you launch their corpse as a projectile. | Cleave, Improved Bull Rush |
Clever Defender | You add your Int instead of your Dexterity to AC, with limitations. | BAB +1, Clever Duelist |
Clever Duelist | You gain a +1 dodge bonus to AC and may use Int instead of Dex to qualify for feats. | Int 15 |
Clever Trickster | You are able to perform combat maneuver using your Dex, Int or Cha. You may use your ranks in Sleight of Hand instead of your BAB when making combat maneuvers. | BAB +1 or Sleight of Hand 1 Ranks |
Cling On | Gain some grapple options based on holding on for dear life. | Clever WrestlerCW or Improved Grapple or Grab special ability |
Cling to Life | If you are dying it takes you longer than normal to actually perish. | Endurance |
Close Miss | The force of your blow can cause grievous wounds even if you barely miss your target. | BAB +3, Power Attack |
Close Targeting | Gain further bonuses when attacking an opponent up-close with a ranged weapon. | Point Blank Shot |
Codex Awesome Blow | An improved version of awesome blow without a borked saving throw. | strength 18, power attack, Bab +3 |
Codex Deflect Blow | Deflect arrow except for melee! | Improved Unarmed Strike or proficiency with tower shields. |
Codex Endurance | You have peak level endurance. | Bab +1 or Constitution 14 |
Codex Sniper | You can shoot very far and precise. | Bab +1 |
Cold Demeanor | You become immune to fear and fatigue effects, you can demoralize opponents quicker. | One Dire Winter maneuver, Intimidate 4 ranks |
Colossus Climber | Large opponents pose no problem to you, as you bravely scale their bodies and stab at their undersides, making it difficult for them to hit you in the process. | Climb 6 ranks, Balance 6 ranks, Improved Grapple. |
Combat Acrobat | In battle, you are able to move fluidly, befuddling your opponents. | Combat Focus, Dex 13 |
Combat Action Focus | Focus your training on a specific combat action | Improved Disarm, OR Improved Feint, OR Improved Trip, OR Improved Grapple, OR Improved Bull Rush, OR Improved Overrun, OR Improved Sunder |
Combat Adrenaline | In battle, you call upon a reserve of strength deep within you, granting you the ability to do inhuman feats. | Combat Focus, Wis 13, Str 15, Any 2 other combat form feats |
Combat Aptitude | You have extremely precise while maintaining your combat focus. | Bab 10+, Combat Focus and 2 other combat form feat. |
Combat Archery-CE | Don't provoke for firing ranged weapons in melee. | BAB +6, Point Blank Shot. |
Combat Defense | You are able to focus on defense in the heat of battle, parrying with ease. | Combat Focus, Fighter level 4, Wis 13 |
Combat Engineer | You gain a bonus on craft, disable device and knowledge (engineering) checks. You also are adept at repairing your own gear and improving the armor you are wearing. | Fighter Level 1st, Knowledge (Engineering) 1 ranks |
Combat Equivalency Degree | Your HD counts as your BAB, but only for the purpose of pre-requisites. | None |
Combat Expertise, MS Variant | A better, more-scaleable version of the PHB feat. | BAB +1 |
Combat Exploit | Now I can use Exploits | Fighter Level 2 |
Combat Flurry | In the heat of battle, you strike with power and speed. | Combat Focus, Wis 13, Base attack bonus +6 |
Combat Focus, Variant | A rework of the combat focus feat from player handbook II. | Bab +1, Wis 13 |
Combat Parkour | Combat Parkour | Combat Focus, Dex 17+, balance 8 ranks, climb 8 ranks, jump 8 Ranks, tumble 4 ranks |
Combat Reactions | While fighting, you notice every little movement, every little flick of the wrist, and this can save your life. | Combat Focus, Wis 13, Dex 15, Base Attack bonus +6 |
Combat Reflexes, Greater | It is harder to get away from you or your attacks. | Improved Combat Reflexes, +6 BAB |
Combat Reflexes, Grimoire | You can make multiple attacks of opportunity per round. | None |
Combat Reflexes, Improved | The very air seems to twist and grow thick and the earth bends and moves to impede your foes from their cowardly escape. | Combat Reflexes, +3 BAB |
Combat Reflexes, MS Variant | A better, more accessible version of the PHB feat. | BAB +1 OR Dex 13 OR Wis 13 |
Combat Reflexes, Punishment | You punish mistakes | BAB +6, Dex 15, Combat Reflexes, Improved Combat Reflexes |
Combat Reflexes, Punishment Variant | You strike often when an opening presents itself. | Dex 21 or Mobility, Combat Reflexes, BAB +12 |
Combat Speed | You exhibit an incredible swiftness in battle, adrenaline pushing you forward with every step. | Dex 15, Base attack Bonus +3, Combat Focus, Wis 13 |
Combat Swiftness | You are swift while focused, allowing you to run long distance and move quickly in combat. | Combat Focus, Bab 4+ |
Combat Trickster | You are an expert at disarming and feinting. | Bab +1, Improved Disarm or Improved Feint |
Combo Mastery | String together successful consecutive hits for a combo bonus to damage! | BAB +6 |
Compensate for Size | You know how to moves enemies in special ways as to eliminate their advantage over you when using specialized attacks. | BAB +3 |
Compensate for Wind | You can handle high winds just fine. | None |
Complete Exotic Proficiency | Gain proficiency in all exotic weapons. | One Martial Weapon Proficiency and 1st level only, or proficiency in all martial weapons and at least one Exotic Weapon Proficiency |
Concentrated Defense | Shrug off an amount of damage based on your Concentration check. | One Anima River maneuver, Concentration 4 ranks |
Concussive Blow | Give concussions to foes. | 15 Strength, Power Attack or Point Blank Shot, BAB +8, proficiency in a bludgeoning weapon |
Concussive Reload | You can hit people while you reload. | Bab +1 |
Construct Hunter | You are extremely apt at destroying constructs and avoiding defending yourself against them. | Knowledge (Engineering) 4 ranks, Favored Enemy (Construct). |
Copy Master | You can copy feats more often and with less limitations. | Mirror Move |
Copy Technique | You pick up new tricks quickly and easily, able to rely on your companions for the ability to adapt to any situation. | BAB +1, Intelligence 13 |
Copyright Form | No one else may assume your form. | 1 level in a PC class |
Counter Feint | You can fake out people trying to counter you with a feint attempt. | Bluff 4 ranks |
Counterattack | When you're attacked, there is a small chance you attack back! | BAB +6 or Monk level 6, Combat Reflexes |
Counterstroke | Make attacks of opportunity when others miss you. | BAB +6, Combat Reflexes, Lightning Reflexes |
Covering Grapple | Grab your allies and use yourself as a human shield, or chuck them hella'va far! | Improved Grapple |
Crashing Bull Rush | You crash into opponents, sending them flying. | Improved Bull Rush |
Bodak | You fought and slain the terrifying bodak, gaining more insight on death. | must have fought and defeated a bodak, Fighter level 6 or Bab 12 |
Hag | The tricks of hags and annis do not impress you. | must have fought and defeated a hag., Fighter level 6 or Bab 12 |
Hydra | You fought the opportunistic hydra, gaining knowledge how to avoid being bitten more than once. | Fighter level 4, must have fought and defeated a hydra |
Invisible Stalker | After fighting invisible stalker and other naturally invisible creature you learned how to deal with invisible opponents more readily. | must have fought and defeated a invisible stalker or another naturally invisible creature., Fighter level 6 or Bab 12 |
Medusa | You fought and defeated the horribly medusa, knowing when to avert your gaze. | must have fought and defeated a medusa or another creature with a gaze attack., Fighter level 6 or Bab 12 |
Troll | You know how to deal with trolls and their annoying regeneration. | must have fought and defeated a troll or another creature with regeneration., Fighter level 6 or Bab 12 |
Crippling Poker | You hit people in major organs instead of just bruising them to death. | Must be able to make unarmed attacks, Sleight of Hand 6 ranks, Heal 6 ranks |
Critical Eye | You crit easier than most. | None |
Critical Toughness | You are so tough you don't get critted often. | Toughness |
Crossbow Assassin | You are a deadly marksman with a crossbow. | Point Blank Shot, Precise Shot or Weapon Focus (Any Crossbow) |
Crosscut | Attack twice as a standard attack. | BAB +2 |
Crow's Claw Style | You have learned how to wield multiple daggers in the same hand, enabling several new tactical maneuvers. | Weapon Focus (dagger), Weapon Finesse |
Crow's Talon | Think with portals for doing stuff. | At least one Crow's Flight maneuver, Knowledge (Arcana) 4 ranks |
Cruel Frost | You gain several tactical maneuvers related to the Dire Winter discipline. | Cold Demeanor, Intimidate 6 Ranks, three Dire Winter maneuvers. |
Crushing Blow | You may trade a potential critical hit for a chance to stun and deal extra damages. | Weapon proficiency (warhammer) or weapon proficiency (heavy mace) or weapon proficiency (light mace) |
Crushing Overrun | Don't just knock them flat, grind them into the dirt as you pass. | BAB +6, Power Attack, Improved Overrun |
Crushing Submission | You beat opponents into submission with your mace. | Weapon Focus (bludgeoning weapon) |
Cut Space | You are able to replicate the effect of dimension door with your weapon. | Bab +9, Knowledge (The Planes) 12 ranks, Weapon Focus, must have at least one spell-like or supernatural ability gained from class level or Fighter level 9th |
Cyan Focus | Add invested essentia to attack roll with chosen weapon | Con 13, Proficiency with selected weapon, BAB +1 |
Cyan Initiative | Add 2 plus twice invested essentia to initiative checks. | Con 13 |
Cyan Specialization | Add 1+ invested essentia to damage roll with chosen weapon | Con 13, Proficiency with selected weapon, Weapon Focus (or Cyan Focus) with selected weapon, Fighter level 4th |
DO YOU DOUBT THE INTEGRITY OF A BEING WHOSE MUSCLES CAN DO THIS? | You can try to convince someone of your honesty by flexing your muscles | BAB +3, STR 19, Bluff 6 Ranks |
Dagger Finesse | Your strikes are precise, relying on finesse to inflict damage. | BAB +1, Weapon Focus (dagger/dagger-like weapon), Sleight of Hand 4 ranks |
Damage Resistance | Your damage reduction become damage resistance. | Augmented Damage Reduction |
Damage Sponge | Gain temp hp equal to your Con modifier or your character level (whichever is lower) every round. | Base Fort +2, Con 13 |
Dancer of the Dais | Gain several tactical benefits using the Dancing Goddess discipline. | Eternal Dancer, Perform (Dance) 9 ranks, two dancing goddess maneuvers |
Dancing Edge Style | When you attack with a curved blade you can move. | BAB +3, proficiency in any curved slashing weapon |
Dash | You are able to quickly move around the battlefield, dashing from place to place with superior speed. | Dodge |
Dauntless Vigor | While using diehard you can survive just about any blow. | Diehard |
Deadly Bull Rush | When you shove creatures around, you can smack them and throw them. | BAB +1 |
Deadly Overrun | You are able to overrun better and faster and deal damage while doing so. | BAB +1 |
Death From Afar | Your deadly aim allows you to take out helpless targets from range with nary a sound. | BAB +3, Point Blank Shot, Precise Shot |
Dedicated Steed | Multiclassing paladins and other classes which provide special mounts, they can now have their other classes now count to determining the power of the mount. | Special mount |
Defense of Opportunity | Shut down Attacks of Opportunity in your reach. | BAB +1, Combat Reflexes |
Defense of the Amazon | You have wondrous deflection talents. | Bab 6+, Deflect Projectiles, Codex Deflect Blow |
Defensive Precision | Reduce the penalties taken while fighting defensively. | None |
Defensive Strike | By defending yourself expertly you may make sudden strikes against opponents that attack you. | Combat Expertise, Dodge |
Deflect Arrows, Alternative | You are adept at deflecting ranged attacks away. | Improved Unarmed Strike, Shield FocusPathfinder, or Weapon Focus |
Deflect Blow | Deflect arrow except for melee! | Dexterity 13, improved unarmed strike or proficiency with tower shields. |
Deflect Projectiles | You can deflect ranged attacks with ease, even reflecting back attacks from weaker opponents. | Improved Unarmed Strike |
Deft Opportunist | The mere presence of a foe may provide an easy opening. | Combat Reflexes, +12 BAB |
Deft Shot | Take 10 on ranged attacks. | BAB +4, Spot 4 ranks |
Deft Swing | Take 10 on melee attacks. | BAB +4, Spot 4 ranks |
Demon's Nail | Gain several tactical benefits using the Thousand Daggers discipline. | Two thousand daggers maneuvers, Tumble 9 ranks, Art of Flying Daggers |
Destabilizing Impact | Take a penalty up to -8 to apply a penalty to others attack rolls. | Bab +1 |
Diehard, Alternative | You are able to act whole below 0 hit points and can make one last act upon dying. | Endurance |
Diehard, Grimoire | You continue fighting after taking enough punishment that would make most of your peers fall, though at lowered strength. | BAB +1 |
Diligent Martial Study | Remove the limitation on the Martial Study feat. | Martial Study (3 times), BAB +15, Martial Lore 4 ranks |
Disciplined Charge | Use a martial strike during a charge. | BAB +3, One martial strike. |
Disciplined Cleave | Use a martial strike during an extra cleave attack. | BAB +6, One martial strike, Power Attack, Cleave |
Disciplined Trip | Use a martial strike during a trip attempt. | BAB +3, One martial strike, Improved Trip |
Disciplined Will | You delay the effects of spells to keep on fighting. | Combat Focus, Wis 13, Base Attack Bonus +3 |
Dispersion | Reflect damage reduced damage. | Damage reduction of any kind/source. |
Disruptive Sunder | You cause magic items you sunder to blow up in large magical explosion. | Improved Sunder |
Distracting Barrage | You use your ranged attacks to worry foes. | Rapid Shot |
Disturbing Presence | Your intimidating actions drives others to madness. | Evil Alignment, Intimidate 4 ranks |
Divine Spears | You gain the ability to conjure divine javelins. | Must be able to cast 3rd level divine spells |
Dodge Improved | You are adept at dodging blows and you improve your dodging skills with time. | Dexterity 13 |
Dodge, Aarnott | You are skilled at dodging attacks. | Dexterity 13 |
Dodge, MS Variant | A better, more usable version of the PHB feat. | BAB +1 or Dex 13 |
Dodge, Sulacu Variant | You gain a +1 dodge bonus to Armor Class and Reflex saves. | Dex 13. |
Dodge, Swift | The faster you are, the easier it is to dodge attacks. | Dex 13+ |
Donkey Kick | When threatened, Onocentaurs can unleash a devastating kick | BAB +6, Strength 23, Onocentaur (3.5e Race), Power Attack, Improved Natural Attack |
Doppelganger Cohort | You gain a cohort who is the same levels as you, but half strength. | Fighter level 6th |
Double Finesse | You can weapon finesse double weapons. | None |
Double Slice | You make two attacks of opportunity instead of one. | Dex 13+, Combat Reflexes, BAB +6 |
Double Weapon Art | If you have two weapons with the same special abilities, you can activate both of them at the same time. | Two-Weapon Fighting |
Double Weapon Specialist | You are able to use double weapons to their fullest potential. | Two-Weapon Fighting, proficiency in a double weapon. |
Dragon Warrior | You gain an increased armor bonus, max dexterity and energy resistance when wearing dragonhide armor. | Proficiency with any armor |
Dragoon Charge | You've mastered gaining momentum from a stand still to charge your foes with terrifying fury. | 15 ranks in Jump, Improved Charge |
Dread Thrust | With a piercing weapon you can deal gruesome damage to undead. | BAB +1, Weapon Focus (any piercing weapon), Knowledge (Religion) 1 rank. |
Drift Mastery | You do not need to travel in a straight line to charge while mounted. | Ride 11 ranks |
Drilling Shot | Your ranged attacks go through people. | Bab +6, Point Blank Shot, Precise Shot, Weapon Focus (Any Ranged Weapon) |
Drive Charge | Gains superior charging benefits while mounted. | Mounted Combat, Ride 9 ranks or BAB +6 |
Dual Nunchucks Style | This feat grant two tactical maneuvers when fighting with two nunchucks or nunchaku. | Two-Weapon Fighting, Weapon Focus (Nunchucks or nunchaku) |
Dual Precise Strike | You may use the precise strike deed while fighting with two weapons. | Two-Weapon Fighting, Precise Strike |
Dual Spear Style | You can wield a spear in each hand and gain special tactical maneuvers when doing so. | Bab 3+, Weapon Focus (Any Spear), Two-Weapon Fighting |
Dual Stinger Style | You may use rapiers in your off-hand as if they were light weapons. You gain minor bonuses when fighting with two rapiers. | Two-Weapon Fighting, proficiency with the rapier. |
Dual Strike | You can make an additional off-hand attack when making a standard action attack. | BAB +6, Improved Two-Weapon Fighting |
Duelist | A replacement for the Dodge feat that also includes blocking and other minor benefits from focusing on a single opponent. | Base Attack Bonus +1 |
Earthshaking Strike | You deal extra damage when using a vital strike, and can cause a ground shaking shockwave. | Vital Strike, Weapon Focus |
Eldritch Hunter | You are super effective against those-that-should-not-be. That's right, you DID just punch out Cthulthu. | Knowledge (Dungeoneering) 4 ranks, Favored Enemy Aberration or Outsider (any), cannot possess any vile feats |
Elegant Axe | You may use your Dexterity instead of Strength on attack rolls, damage rolls and feat prerequisite with an axe. | Weapon Finesse, Weapon Focus (any axes). |
Elemental Critical | You deal extra energy damage when you successfully score a critical hit. | Font of Power Style Or Power Critical |
Elven Blademaster Style | You are a master when it comes to fighting with traditional elven weapons. | Elf race, BAB +1, Weapon Finesse, Weapon Focus |
Elven Greatbowman | Wield longbows meant for larger creatures, gain extended range while doing so. | Elf, STR 15+, Weapon Focus (longbow) |
Empowering Bravery | When you feel fear, you grow stronger. | BAB +3, Fearful Bravery. |
Enchanted Arms | You gain the effect of Arcane Strike, but only with a magical weapon or with the Eldritch Heritage feat. | proficiency with all martial weapons, BAB +1 |
Enchanted Weaponry | Any weapon you have has an enchantment bonus of +1 (or +1 better). | Exposure to a magic weapon or greater magic weapon spell. |
Ending Strike | Finish your enemy with a spectacular strike after a full-attack | BAB +10, Poisebreaker |
Enhanced Body | You have toned your body to the point of it being magical, and learned how to enhance it further. | Masterwork Body |
Enhancement Power Attack | Trade weapon enhancement bonus for increased base damage. | Must have held a weapon with a minimum +2 enhancement bonus. |
Enlarged Mounted Archery | You can now use longbows even while mounted. | Mounted Archery, Mounted Combat, Ride 1 rank |
Enlightened Fist | Gain several tactical benefits using the Anima River discipline. | Concentrated Defense, Concentration 9 ranks, two anima river maneuvers |
Entice Reaction | You can entice reactions out of people real easy, in battle or out. | Charisma 15, Bab +1 or Bluff 3 ranks |
Envy Strike | Steal bonuses for yourself. | One Hex Eye maneuver, Spellcraft 4 ranks |
Epic Perfected Dodge | You completely master the art of dodging attacks using your dexterity. | Dex 23, Dodge, Mobility, Perfected Dodge |
Eternal Dancer | Become immune to fatigue while in a Dancing Goddess stance. | Perform (Dance) 4 ranks, one Dancing Goddess maneuver |
Evasion Artist | Use Escape Artist to prevent being grappled | Escape Artist 5 Ranks |
Evasive Combatant | You constantly dip and weave during combat, confusing your opponents, and forcing them to be more precise with their swings. | Dex 13 |
Excavator Style | A combat technique that allows a warrior to use terrain at its advantage | BAB +3, Weapon Focus (combat spade or combat shovel) |
Exceptional Aim | You can spend a swift action to make sure you hit your target. | Fighter 4th |
Exotic Armourer | You are proficient in exotic armors. | None |
Exotic Weapon Wielder | You may wield exotic weapon you are not proficient with as their closest martial or simple weapon equivalent. | Proficiency with all simple and martial weapons. |
Expeditious Dodge Improved | You're good at avoiding attacks while moving quickly and you improve your dodging skills with time. | Dexterity 13 |
Expert Assault | Improves your iterative attacks granted by BaB | Proficiency with all martial weapons, BAB +9 |
Expert Combat Reflexes | When you choose to avoid attacks instead of throwing your own, you have more opportunity to punish your foes. | Combat Expertise, Int 13, Dex 13, BAB +2 |
Expert Crossbow Handling | You no longer take penalties to attack when firing crossbows one handed. | Proficiency in crossbows, BAB +4 |
Exploit Opening | If a foe suffer a large enough penalty to AC it count as flanked for the purpose of sneak attack. | None |
Extended Shot | Remove range increment penalty. | Int 13, BAB +8 Point Blank Shot, Far Shot |
Extra Bombs | You know how to create more bombs than usual. | Craft (Alchemy) 8 ranks, and either Bomb class feature or Grenadier Dabbling (3.5e Feat) |
Extra Efficiency | Extra +1, yay! | one or more feats that can be taken multiple times and stack |
Extra Extracts | You can create more extracts than usual. | Craft (Alchemy) 11 ranks, Brew Extract Discovery |
Extra Focused Weapons | You apply your intense training with one weapon to an additional weapon. | Base Attack Bonus +3, Int 10, Proficiency with selected weapon(s), Weapon Focus with any other weapon |
Extra Reflexes | You get additional attacks of opportunity available. | Combat Reflexes, 3 HD |
Extra Weapon | You figure out how to wield one more weapon effectively, by holding it in your teeth or armpit or something. | None |
Extreme Rapid Thrusts | You make an incredible flurry of attack with your rapier, striking your opponent super-effectively. | Weapon Focus (Rapier), BAB +6 |
Exultatory Strike | Now wordcasters can sacrifice accuracy to really get their point across. | Strength 13 or Dexterity 13 |
FANtastic FAN FANatic | I just Love my fans!! | Proficiency with Bladed Fan and/or Gigas Bladed Fan |
Fake Provocation | Steal attacks of opportunity on fake openings. | Bluff 4 ranks |
False Swipe | Not only can you deal extra nonlethal without penalty, you can make sure your lethal doesn't kill either. | Wis 13 |
Fan Thrown | Throw multiple light weapons with the same attack. | BAB +6 |
Far Range Shot | Gain +1 attack and damage on ranged attacks 30 ft away and further. | None |
Far Step | Make a 10 ft step instead of a 5 ft step. | Dex 13, Dodge, Tumble 4 ranks |
Far Throw | Throw weapons 3 range increments without penalty and increase maximum range increments. | Str 15, Point Blank Shot |
Fast Draw | You can draw weapons slightly faster. | Bab +1 |
Fear Leads To Anger | Activate your rage instead of becoming afraid. | Rage or a similar ability, cannot be immune to fear. |
Fearful Bravery | If you become frightened or panicked, you still have some control over your actions, though you won't be attacking. | None |
Feet Shooter | You can shoot your bow with your feet. | Bab +1, Weapon Focus (Any Bow) |
Feinting Opportunity | Feint and gain an extra attack. | BAB +4 or Bluff 7, Dex 13 |
Fencing | Add Dexterity to melee damage. | Weapon Finesse Or Weapon Focus |
Fey Skirmisher | You've learned that staying and fighting isn't the smartest idea. As such, you've adopted the hit-and-run tactics of guerrilla fighters. | Elf or Fey type |
Find the Gap | The first attack you make in a round ignore armor and shield bonus to AC and reduce natural armor. | Bab +11, Power Attack |
Finish Him! | You know how to get the blood out. | BAB +1 or heal 4 ranks., Must know at least 3 Blood Feast maneuvers |
Finishing Blow | You're very good at landing the finishing blow. | None |
Fist and Steel Style | You are an expert at combining unarmed combat alongside weapon uses. | Improved Unarmed Strike, BAB +6 |
Fixed Aim | A variant of power attack for ranged weapon with an extra twist. | Bab +1 |
Flail Mastery | Weapon Focus (flail, heavy flail, or poleflail) | |
Flanking Master | You have become adept at Flanking your opponents, which grants you a myriad of benefits. | Dex 14, Int 16 |
Flexing Strike | You kill enemies by flexing your muscles. | Bab +6, Improved Unarmed Strike |
Flos Duellatorum | You've trained in the usage of various off-hand techniques | Proficiency in at least one kind of sword and shield |
Fluid Dodge | The bonus of both the dodge and mobility feat in a single feat. | Dex 13+ |
Flying Fighter | Access tactical maneuvers while flying. | Bab +3, must have a fly speed, flyby attack |
Focused Strike | You make a single blow, which deal double weapon damage and some additional damage. This scales to triple and quadruple damage at BAB +11 and BAB +16. | BAB +6 |
Focused Weapon Defense | You gain extra AC against a specific type of weapon. | None |
Follow-Up Bash | You make a shield bash after a charge or full-attack. | BAB +6, Improved Shield Bash |
Freehand Bow | You can change the handedness of your bow as a free action outside of your turn. | Martial Proficiency (Shortbow or Longbow) |
Freehand Shield | Your hand is considered free even if wielding a shield. | Improved Shield Bash or Shield Focus |
Freeze Frame | You can force foes to stumble in the face of danger. | Combat Reflexes, Base Attack Bonus +5. |
Full Moon Stance | You have practiced the art of iaido and can use it's style to perform defensive counters . | Sense Motive 9 ranks, Weapon Focus (any one-handed slashing weapon), Quick Draw. |
Furious Fist | You can negate the penalty from power attack for a single unarmed strike, and increase its damage. | Improved Unarmed Strike, Power Attack |
Galeforce | Gain an extra standard action after downing a foe. | Cleave, BAB 11+ |
Gangsta Archery | You can shoot your bows (even longbows) when prone or mounted, and hit multiple targets easier. | BAB +1 |
Gecko Step | You can stick to walls, briefly. | Balance 4 ranks or Climb 4 ranks |
Gentle Arrow | Point Blank Shot, Gentle Fist Style, Mystic Eyes: White Eyes of the Divine | |
Gentle Fist Flurry | Flurry touch! | Gentle Fist Style |
Gentle Fist Style | Don't let him touch you! | Improved Unarmed Strike and BAB +4, or Mystic Eyes: White Eyes of the Divine |
Gentle Rotation | Deflect ranged attacks with attacks of opportunity. | Stunning Fist and Combat Reflexes, or Gentle Fist Style |
Get Over Here! | You hook your opponent with your spiked chain and drag him towards you. | Proficiency with spiked chains. |
Gigaton Blow | You unleash a truly powerful blow, but always last in initiative. | BAB+6, Power Attack |
Gloombow | Shadow Weapon class feature | |
Go for the Eyes | Blind your targets | Must have one of the listed feats or abilities, cleave, Improved Unarmed Strike, precise shot, rake |
Goad | Your voice rings in the ears of enemies, irritating them to no end until they have a chance to put you down. | BAB +1 |
Grab and Throw | When you grapple someone you can throw them like a projectile. | Improved Grapple or Improved Grab. |
Grapple Defense | Use your character level as your BAB for opposing grapple checks. | None |
Grappling Hook Style | You can use a spiked chain to start grapples and may even use it to move. | Weapon Focus (Spiked Chain), Use Rope 5 Ranks |
Gravity Control | Must know three or more Unseen Shackles maneuvers. | |
Grazing Dodge | If an opponent just barely hits your AC, then you take less damage and make a 5 ft step. | BAB +1 or Dexterity 13+ |
Great Bull Rush | You gain a +2 bonus on bull rush checks and may render your opponent prone if you succeed by 10 or more. | Improved Bull Rush |
Great Cleave | When you down an enemy, other creatures you threaten need to watch out. | Power Attack, Cleave |
Great Endurance | While above half hit points you can possibly ignore negative status effects. | Great Fortitude or Iron Will |
Great Grip | You can wield a two-handed weapon as a one-handed weapon. | Str 16 |
Great Initiative | Get an additional bonus to initiative and some extra action during the first turn of combat. | Improved Initiative |
Great Ricochet | Bounce your killing shot between multiple targets so long as you drop them all. | Dex 15, Ricochet, BAB +4 |
Greater Armor Focus | Even greater AC and Reflex saves in certain armor. | Fighter 8th, Armor Focus in the chosen category |
Greater Combat Focus | You are more calm and collected than even the best in the business. | Combat Focus, Wis 13, Base attack Bonus +10 |
Greater Combat Trick | Get a +4 bonus to all the various combat tricks you can pull off. | Improved Combat Trick |
Greater Feint | Feint as a swift action. | BAB +8, Combat Expertise, Improved Feint |
Greater Rapid Shot | You can use | Rapid Shot, Bab +6 |
Greater Shinai Parry | You deflect an incoming attack, causing it to miss. However this break your shinai. | Student of Kendo, Shinai Parry, Weapon Focus (Shinai) |
Greater Spellthief | You have learned not only how to steal innate spells, but even spells affecting at target. | +3d6 Sneak Attack, Spellthief |
Greater Spring Attack | You can dash in and out of melee, safe from harm as you sting your foes. | Dex 13, Dodge, Mobility, base attack bonus +11, Spring Attack |
Greater Sudden Blow | Greater Celerity, for fighters. | Dex 13, Fighter Level 12th, Lesser Sudden Blow, Sudden Blow |
Greater Sudden Dodge | As an immediate action you gain a 100% chance to evade an attack. | BAB +11 or Dexterity 17, Improved Sudden Dodge |
Greater Trip | Attack an opponent other than the one you tripped. | Fighter 6th, Combat Expertise, Improved Trip |
Greater Weapon Dedication | You gain a +1 bonus on attack and damage roll with every weapon chosen through Weapon Dedication. | Fighter level 8th, Weapon Dedication |
Greatshield Master | You are extremely proficient when using a greatshield. | Improved Shield Bash, Tower Shield Proficiency |
Grenadier Dabbling | You learn how to make bombs. | Craft (Alchemy) 5 ranks, Base Attack Bonus +3 |
Gripping Vise | Your mastery of the battlefield grows, enabling you to stop enemies before they have a chance of moving. | Stand Still, BAB +6 |
Grunt of Exertion | You can put a bit more effort into athletic pursuits if you don't mind sounding like a dying orc. | None |
Guardian of the Forest | The forest comes first. It is after all, the font of all life. | Fey Skirmisher, Base attack bonus +4 |
Guerrilla | You strike first and retreat immediately after. | BAB +1 or Dex 13 |
Gunchuck Gun Fu | You've mastered the use of gunchucks, and can become a whirling storm of pain. | Weapon Focus (Gunchuck or Bladed Gunchuck), Two-Weapon Fighting or variant |
Gyakukaiten Stance | Learn advanced defense with nunchaku in battle. | BAB +4, Weapon Focus (Nunchaku) |
Hammer & Nail Style | You can wield a spear and warhammer together with minimal encumbrance. You strike with increased damage after striking an opponent with a warhammer after hitting an opponent with a spear. | Two-Weapon Fighting |
Hammer Dash | You can move half your speed when making an attack with an earth breaker. | Weapon Focus (Earth Breaker) |
Hands Full of Weapons | shoot a 2-handed ranged weapon while holding a light or one-handed melee weapon in your other hand | Dexterity 13 |
Haphazard Toss | You can toss things quickly, as long as you don't care too much about where they land. | None |
Hardness of Stone | Give up AC in exchange for DR and chance to nullify critical hits. | Bab +1 |
Harpoon Hero | Gain several abilities for use with the Harpoon Gun. | BAB +1, Proficiency with Harpoon Guns. |
Harsh Training | You have been trained since childhood to do dangerous stuff. | 1st level only |
Harvest Lifeforce | When an opponent is killed you gain incredible strength. | BAB +10, Knowledge (religion) 1 rank, Reaping Strike |
Harvest Season | Reap and cut enemies like crops. | BAB +10, Harvesting Strike, Two-Weapon Fighting |
Harvesting Strike | Use scythes and sickles to their full potential. | BAB +1, Proficiency with sickles or scythes |
Heart of Vigor | Gain several tactical benefits using the Blood Feast discipline. | Invigorated Blood, Heal 9 ranks, two blood feast maneuvers |
Heavy Build | Your time spent with armor or carrying a weight has lent you a build that allows you to move quickly even under the heaviest load. | None |
Heavy Kick | You can perform a heavy, devastating kick when making an unarmed strike. | None |
Heavy Stomp | Stomp the ground and make a shockwave that knocks over opponents. | BAB +4, Str 13, Improved Unarmed Strike |
Heavy Xiphos Style | You deal more damage with a shortsword and may deal slashing damage with them. | Proficiency with the shortsword |
Heedful Charge | You no longer allow yourself to remain open to attacks when charging, protecting yourself from moment to moment. | BAB +3, Improved Charge |
Hell on Wheels | Radical Rider | |
High Risk Dodging | Gain a dodge bonus, but risk extra damage if you fail. | BAB +1 |
Highest Initiative | You will always be a match for the fastest foes. | None |
Hookshot Wizard | You can shoot and retract a hookshot with the same action. | Mobility, proficiency with hookshot |
Hoplite Combat | Allows the character to wield a shield with a polearm. | Base attack bonus +1, shield proficiency |
Horsebreaker Training | You can wield a Horsebreaker (3.5e Equipment) without taking massive penalties | Small, Medium, or Large Size (Huge and larger creatures don’t need this one), and Strength 23, Exotic Weapon Proficiency (Horsebreaker) |
Horsebreaking Cleave | When wielding a Horsebreaker (3.5e Equipment), you can cut through a horse and its rider in one stroke. | Power Attack, Cleave, Horsebreaker Training (3.5e Feat), Exotic Weapon Proficiency (Horsebreaker), BAB +5, Weapon Focus (Horsebreaker (3.5e Equipment))and Strength 23 |
Horsebreaking Cleave, Improved | You can now truly cut through both a horse and its rider with one strike | Power Attack, Cleave, Exotic Weapon Proficiency (Horsebreaker), Horsebreaker Training, Horsebreaking Cleave, BAB +9, Weapon Focus (Horsebreaker), Weapon Specialization (Horsebreaker (3.5e Equipment))and Strength 25 |
Horsebreaking Great Cleave | After cutting through a horse and its rider, you can continue the Horsebreaking Cleave onto a second rider or another nearby mount and its rider. | Power Attack, Cleave, Great Cleave, Horsebreaker Training, Exotic Weapon Proficiency (Horsebreaker), Weapon Focus (Horsebreaker), BAB +12, Greater Weapon Focus (Horsebreaker), Weapon Specialization (Horsebreaker), Horsebreaking Cleave (3.5e Feat), Strength 25, Improved Horsebreaking Cleave |
Hurtling Charge | You can bash people out of the way to reach an intended charge target. | Power Attack, Shield Proficiency |
Hurtling Hitter | Your limbs aren't too busy while you're running fast to dish out a bit of pain. | Must be able to make unarmed attacks |
Huēyitepōl Mihcalini | Become a Brave Warrior using a wood sword. | BaB 6+, Weapon Focus (Macuahuitl) OR Weapon Focus (Great Macuahuitl) |
Hyperarmor | While wearing medium or heavy armor, you gain immunity to being interrupted, stunning, and staggering. | Proficiency in medium or heavy armor, Base Fortitude +4 or Dwarf |
Ikkaiten Stance | Learn basic uses of nunchaku in battle. | BAB +2, Weapon Focus (Nunchaku) |
Immediate Throw | You can make an attack with a thrown weapon as an immediate action. | Bab +6, Rapid Shot |
Impale | When you stab someone, you can hang onto them. | None |
Impaling Brush | You can use greatspear with weapon finesse and it counts as a one-handed weapon in many situations. | Weapon Focus (Greatspear) |
Impaling Thrust | You may trade a potential critical hit for a chance to stun and deal extra damages. | Weapon proficiency (lance) or weapon proficiency (spear) or weapon proficiency (shortspear). |
Impossible Angle Throw | You are able to ignore line of sight and line of effect when making a thrown attack, with some limitations. | Weapon Focus (Any thrown weapon), Sleight of Hand 6 Ranks, Point Blank Shot |
Impossible Dodger | You can use your dodge projectile maneuver to dodge siege attacks and rays. | Dodge, Tactical Deflect Projectiles |
Impressive Reach | You have trained extensively with your oversized weaponry, and have learned how to wield it with more skill, striking foes like a giant. | Must be able to wield weapons of a size category larger than your own without penalty. |
Improv Artist | You lighten up any battlefield | Perform (Comedy), (Improv), or (Slapstick) 6 ranks, BAB +3 |
Improved Aiming | You aim for the weak point with great swiftness. | Aiming, BAB +6. |
Improved Bombs | You know how to create better bombs than usual. | Craft (Alchemy) 8 ranks, and either Bomb class feature or Grenadier Dabbling (3.5e Feat) |
Improved Buckler Use | You do not take the -1 penalty for using a weapon in your off-hand with a buckler. | None |
Improved Bull Rush, Variant | You do not provoke when using Bull Rush, you gain a +4 bonus on bull rush check and you may push your opponents prone. | Bab +1 |
Improved Charge | You have worked on your charging technique to the point where you don't leave yourself vulnerable. | BAB +1 |
Improved Combat Focus | You are able to regain your calm during battle. | Combat Focus, 13 Wis, Fighter Level 6 |
Improved Combat Maneuver | A better, neater version of multiple PHB feats relating to combat maneuvers. | BAB +1 |
Improved Combat Maneuver - Project Atrea Variant | Provoke fewer AoOs when trying to trip, disarm or etc., without having to spend a million feat slots. | BAB +2, Str 10+, Dex 10+ and Int 10+ |
Improved Combat Trick | Gain the effect of all the Improved X feats, such as Improved Bull Rush, but without the bonuses. | Fighter level 1st |
Improved Copy Technique | Learn to copy techniques much faster, even if its from your enemy. | Copy Technique |
Improved Critical, Variant | You increase double a chosen weapon’s critical threat modifier, or increase it by 1 if it was modified. | BAB +8 or Weapon Focus (Chosen Weapon) |
Improved Crossbow Sniper | Now you can strike so precisely with a crossbow, you deal your full Dex damage. | +6 BAB, Crossbow SniperPHBII, Precise Shot |
Improved Deflect Arrows | Deflect multiple arrows a round, at the cost of your attacks of opportunity. | Combat Reflexes, Deflect Arrows, Dex 13 |
Improved Disturbing Presence | Your maddening presence is everpresent and getting stronger... | Evil Alignment, Intimidate 4 ranks, Disturbing Presence |
Improved Dual Weapon Fighting | You are even more precise when using dual weapon fighting and may use a one-handed weapon for the extra attack instead of a light weapon. | Dex 15, BAB +6, Dual Weapon Fighting |
Improved Feint, MS Variant | A better, easier-to-take version of the PHB feat. | BAB+1 OR Bluff 4 ranks |
Improved Feint, Variant | You feint at lightning speed and may use your lightning quick reflex to fool your opponent. | Combat Expertise or Deceitful |
Improved Mage Knight | You have learned the secrets to combining sword-work and sorcery. | Mage Knight |
Improved Mounted Archery | The penalty you take when using a ranged weapon while mounted reduces even further. | Mounted Archery, Mounted Combat, Ride 9 |
Improved Overrun, Codex | Make Overrun worth using. | Bab +1 |
Improved Perfectly Timed Shooter | You can carefully watch all of your victims, waiting for them to make a mistake. | Wis 15+, BAB +3, Perfectly Timed Shooter |
Improved Prosthetic | You gain an extra limb modification and may deploy limb modifications faster. | Constructed Limb class feature |
Improved Rapid Reload | Reload so fast, you don't even need free hands to reload. | BAB +6, Dex 13, Rapid Reload |
Improved Rearm | You resist disarms, and can arm yourself rapidly if you are ever disarmed. | Int 13, Combat Expertise or Quick Draw |
Improved Retribution Strike | Hit more enemies that miss | Retribution Strike, must have three of listed feats:Dodge, Great Cleave, Acrobatic, combat expertise, Combat Reflexes, Lightning Reflexes, Mobility, Agile, 15 dex or 17 int or 17 wis |
Improved Shield Bash, Variant | You can make a shield bash without losing your shield bonus to AC, and make them as primary attacks instead of off-hand attacks. | Proficiency with light and heavy shields. |
Improved Shieldsurfing | Move nimbly through opponents, avoiding their hits. | Balance or Tumble 6 ranks, Shieldsurfing |
Improved Snap Kick | Reduce penalty for Snap Kick. | BAB +11, Improved Unarmed Strike, Snap Kick |
Improved Spurt Shot | Make foes bleed more easily | Spurt shot, BAB 14, Rapid Shot |
Improved Sudden Bash | Reduce penalty for Sudden Bash. | BAB +11, Improved Shield Bash, Sudden Bash |
Improved Sudden Dodge | As an immediate action you gain a 50% chance to evade an attack. | BAB +6 or Dexterity 15, Sudden Dodge |
Improved Unarmed Strike, MS Variant | A better, more accessible version of the PHB feat. | BAB +1 |
Improved Unleash of the Runebearer | Unleash more power from your inscribed runes. | Wergard, Unleash of the Runebearer, Runebearing class ability. |
Improved Weapon Aptitude | Use your feats which associate with one weapon on other weapons, or do it even faster. | BAB +1, at least one weapon-specific feat |
Improved Weapon Finesse | Hurt people with your Dexterity, and expand the weapon finesse list significantly. | Weapon Finesse |
Improved Whip Proficiency | Your whip attacks are less useless. | Proficiency and weapon focus with a whip or similar weapon |
Improved Wingpin | Increase options while pinning opponent. | Wingpin ability, Improved Grab |
Improved Wrathblade | You can make your wrathblade much stronger than it is normally. | Wrathblade +2 |
Improvised Combatant | You gain improvised weapon proficiency, and can use them better than most. | 1st level only or BAB +1, Int 13, and Wis 13 |
Improvised Initiative | You always act first in the first round of combat. | None |
Improvised Weapon Proficiency | You know how to use improvised weapons | None |
Incredible Focus | You can focus yourself to such heights that few enemies will avoid your attack. | BAB +6 |
Infinite Charger | Your charge is not limited by your speed. | BAB +9 |
Infinite Flurry | Your attack doesn't miss, at the cost of damage. | Flurry of Blows, Dex 17 |
Inherent Martial Study | Gain a scaling amount of maneuver-like abilities. | Inherent Initiator, Martial Lore 7 ranks |
Initiator of the Gate | Combine Gate Knight and an initiator class, gaining benefits from both. | Four martial maneuvers, 2 sacrifices known |
Insightful Combatant | Use wisdom instead of strength for attack and damage. | Wisdom13 or higher |
Instant Elemental Armor | You put on armor made out of elemental energy, it's on before the attack hits. | Elemental Armor class feature |
Instant Reload-CE | You may fire crossbows and crossbow-like weapons at your full normal attack rate, reloading as a free action. Reloading the crossbow does not provoke attacks of opportunity. | BAB +6, Rapid Reload |
Instantaneous Reflexes | A replacement for Lightning Reflexes that is worth taking. | None |
Instinctive Tactics | Gain several tactical benefits using the Wild Moon discipline. | Night Rage, Control Shape 9 ranks, two wild moon maneuvers |
Intense Focus | Screw with the action economy while maintaining combat focus. | Combat Focus and 4 other combat form feats. |
Intense Training | Solve intense mad problem with a single feat. | None |
Intensified Reflexes | You have mad reflexes in battle, getting out of the way and landing many opportunistic blow. | Combat Focus, Wis 13, Dex 15 |
Intervene | Your spirit and willingness to sacrifice yourself are a true testament to the lengths you'll go to let your own flesh me torn for the good of your team. | BAB +1 |
Intimidating Horsebreak | Enemies find your skill with a Horsebreaker unnerving | Strength 23, Exotic Weapon Proficience:Horsebreaker, Horsebreaker Training (3.5e Feat), Weapon Focus:Horsebreaker, Power Attack, Cleave, Horsebreaking Cleave (3.5e Feat) |
Invigorated Blood | Recover more hp and ability damage via resting, and be able to drink blood for youth and nourishment. For vampires, it increases their durability to the sun if they had fed recently. | One Blood Feast maneuver, Heal 4 ranks |
Invincibility Frames | When you tumble, you gain a miss chance. | Tumble 4 ranks |
Invincible Stance | You gain temporary hit points based on your base attack bonus and can use them to negate enemy spells or abilities. | Fighter level 6th |
Invulnerable Stance | You can assume a stance as a swift action that grant you temporary hit points and defenses against [death]-effects and necromancy. | Fighter level 6 or Bab +12 |
Iron Grip | Once you grab someone, they stay grabbed. None escape the crushing grasp of your wrestling holds. | Strength 15, Improved Grapple |
Iron Tide | With your strong blows, you can maneuver an enemy right where you want them and with a quick dash enter the space they left. | Power Attack |
Iron Toughness | You are so tough you don't get damaged all that much.. | Toughness |
Ironwall Technique | Bounce back those who charge you. | Bab +1 |
Javelin Expert | You can use javelins in melee with no penalty and throw them with added strength. | Weapon Focus (Javelins) |
Jaws of the Feral Beast | You have developed your bite to truly devastating levels | Canin, BAB +15, Mighty Jaws (3.5e Feat), Masterwork Bite (3.5e Feat) or Masterwork Body (3.5e Feat), Improved Natural Attack |
Jet Fighter | You can pilot a freaking jet and be good and awesome at doing so. | Bab +14, Profession (Pilot) 17 ranks |
Jiu Jitsu | You use the strength of opponents against them. | Character Level 5 |
Epic Homebrew Fighter Feats
Homebrew feats using this type appear below. These are not part of the SRD, and are presented for ease of reference only. Click "Show" below to view them.
Feat | Summary | Prerequisites |
Devastating Critical-CE | When you confirm a critical hit with your weapon, they must make a save vs becoming helpless. | Str 25, Improved Critical (chosen weapon), Overwhelming Critical (chosen weapon)CE, Power Attack, Weapon Focus (chosen weapon) |
Dire Charge-CE | Make a full attack at the end of a charge. | None |
Epic Prowess-CE | Gain a bonus on attack and damage for all of your weapons. | None |
Epic Weapon Focus-CE | Gain a +2 bonus on attack rolls, avoid fumbles, and auto-hit more often with a certain weapon. | Greater Weapon Focus, Weapon Focus |
Epic Weapon Specialization-CE | Deal an extra +4 damage with your weapon, and damage now affects maximum hp. | Greater Weapon Specialization, Weapon Specialization |
Improved Whirlwind Attack-CE | Make a full attack against each target of your whirlwind attack. | Whirlwind Attack |
Legendary Prowess | Your perception and skill in combat are the stuff of legend. | Epic Prowess |
Overwhelming Critical-CE | You deal extra bonus damage on a critical hit based on your BAB. | Str 23, Improved Critical (chosen weapon), Power Attack, Weapon Focus (chosen weapon) |
Superior Initiative-CE | Roll for initiative twice, with a +4 bonus, and act in a surprise round. | Dex 15, Improved Initiative |
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Facts about "Fighter (Feat Type)"
Identifier | Feat Type + |
Summary | Any feat designated as a fighter feat can be selected as a fighter’s bonus feat. + |
Title | Fighter + |