User talk:Spanambula
I felt like having something on my talk page.
Projects what I need to get doin': Port Elegy over to here, fix Deities, timelines, science, maps, and notable institutions, add background for popular non-core classes and PrCs. Man, for something that relaxes me, world-building is a lot like actual work. :P Spanambula 02:57, 5 June 2011 (UTC)
- I now claim this Talk Page as land of the Holy Plushie Empire! *Stabs a flag into your foot. Also might only be 8 inches tall.* -- Eiji-kun 03:03, 5 June 2011 (UTC)
- According to TK-Squared, his platypusness, it is my job to infect anything and everything upon this wiki. So, hai! --Havvy 03:09, 5 June 2011 (UTC)
- It is well known that Eiji format is Best format. The proof is in that EIJI IS DEEEEEEEEEEMMMMMMMMMMOOOOOOOOOONNNNNNNTTTTTTRRRRAAAAAAAAIN!!!!!! AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! -- Eiji-kun 05:14, 15 October 2011 (UTC)
- Hey, what's going on in here? Heard some chatter, figured I see what the hubbub was. Glad to see you getting into some wikihobbying (or whatever makes it sound less like work). Also, I think Eiji's "birth certificate" (cleaning instructions) do actually have DEEEEEEEEEEMMMMMMMMMMOOOOOOOOOONNNNNNNTTTTTTRRRRAAAAAAAAIN!!!!!! AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! sharpied in on it. Personally, I would have gone with my trusty 005 Micron pen, but oh well, plushies do what they gotta. Also, you gonna be illustrating any of your articles? You should, that would be fun. --Ganteka Future 06:05, 15 October 2011 (UTC)
- Crap, you're right, I should be illustrating more things! (OTOH, so should you, Guntank. When are we going to collaborate on something awesome?) Also, formatting choices will have to wait until I get good and drunk, which is how I make all my important decisions. Thanks for the offer, guys! -- Spanambula 16:56, 15 October 2011 (UTC)
[hide]Page Tags
Make sure you keep the page identifier on your articles, like the "(3.5e Monster)" in Pillowpuff (3.5e Monster). It's easy to add back in. Just a notice. Also, any interest in having an automated list of your articles for your user page? --Ganteka Future 06:55, 15 December 2011 (UTC)
- Adapt Psychic Knife
- Adaptive Performance
- Adorable
- Air Jump
- Align Psychic Knife
- All-Around Mirror
- Alter Gender
- Animal Magnetism
- Animate Body Pillow
- Anklet of the Coyote
- Arachnaut
- Arcane Animal Carrier
- Artificial Eye
- Battle Binder
- Bestow Flaw
- Black Unicorn, Variant
- Blackguard, Spanambula Variant
- Bladed Nunchaku
- Bladehammer
- Blademind
- Blast Pistol
- Blast Rifle
- Blast Shotgun
- Bloody Mercy Crystal
- Bolstered Initiative
- Bonesplinter
- Bonus Invocations
- Cerberus Puppy
- Chainsaw Weapon
- Changeling Paragon, Variant
- Chilling Aura
- Cloak of the Abyss
- Clumsy Build
- Colt Python, Variant
- Combat Parasol, Gun
- Corpse Paint
- Corpse Patrol
- Corpsecrafted
- Cramping Doom
- Creepy Erratic Movement
- Crushing Overrun
- Curse of Ineptitude
- Daevan
- Dark Elocution
- Dark Shadows
- Data Mine
- Dauntless
- Dauntless, Greater
- Dauntless, Improved
- Dimensional Pin
- Drop Forged Tools
- Eldritch Bard
- Eldritch Claws
- Eldritch Claws, Greater
- Eldritch Thief
- Electric Sheep
- Elixir Mage
- Emergency Health
- Encyclopedia Maleficiorum
- Enlarge Psychic Knife
- Extra Digit
- Eyefire
- Falling Damage
- Favored Summon
- Favored Summon, Variant
- Fell Strike
- Ffumble Chart
- Flabberghast
- Flexible Invocation
- Flintspark
- Flyweight
- Focus of Merciful Summons
- Focused Psionic
- Gasheklah
- Ghost Neck
- Ghost-Touched
- Ghostly Reach
- Gigas Spear
- Gloves of Item Drawing
- Glowstone Golem
- Graceless Aging
- Great Ricochet
- Greater Healing Spirit
- Grounding Armor Spikes
- Half-Giant, Lesser
- Half-Minotaur, Variant
- Hands Full of Weapons
- Harpy, Variant
- Hat of Disguise, Lesser
- Healing Spirit
- Hellfire Breath
- Hex Warrior
- Hindering
- Hit Die Adjustment
- Hollowed
- Holmesian Intuition
- Humble Champion
- Imperfect Hybrid
- Imperial Marksmanship
- Improved Enervation Resistance
- Improved Flyby Attack
- Improved Hellfire Breath
- Improved Practiced Manifester
- Improved Regenerative Cells
- Improved Shape Breath
- Incite Violence
- Inexorable
- Inexorable Breath
- Intimidate, Spanambula Variant
- Invisible Caltrops
- Iron Grip
- Katar
- Knock-off
- Legally Dead
- Lesser Healing Spirit
- Magic Blooded, Span Variant
- Magnesium Alloy
- Mantis Shrimp Spear
- Masque of the Red Death
- Mental Mirror
- Mirage
- Mortal Blast
- Motivational Performer
- Oak/Pine/Redwood/Walnut Treefolk
- Oil of Adaptive Shape
- Overcoming
- Overmind
- Path of the Death Knight
- Path of the Dreadlord
- Path of the Shadowmaster
- Pathos!
- Pearlescent Cloud
- Performer's Outfit
- Phantom Flanker
- Phantom Trespass
- Phoenix Command Rules
- Pillowpuff
- Plaid Dragon
- Point Blank Shot
- Pony
- Post-Traumatic Savagery Disease
- Pouch of Infinite Cotton Swabs
- Power Storing, Greater
- Practiced Initiator
- Practiced Invoker
- Practiced Multiclasser
- Practiced Psionics
- Practiced Sneak Attack
- Professional Wrestler
- Psicrystal Rapport
- Psionic Conduit
- Psychic Paper
- Psyknife
- Rapid Death Attack
- Rapid Reassignment
- Retrained Armor Proficiency
- Rhine Organelle
- Ricochet
- Rings of the Protector
- Rockhound
- Rotted Limbs
- Ruinfrost
- Sadist's Silence
- Sark
- Scaling Breath Weapon
- Scaling Breath Weapon, Greater
- Self-Taught
- Skin of the Construct, Variant
- Smallsword
- Smuggler's Pouch
- Span's EverReady Outhouse
- Spanambula/Elegy
- Split Psychic Knife
- Spontaneous Metamagic
- Stone at Night
- Strobe Lights
- Stygian Blackness
- Style Shtick
- Subdermal Item Disk
- Summon Backup
- Summoning Orb
- Supercavitating
- Superior Soaker
- Supreme Ricochet
- Sureshot Crystal
- Swift Reassignment
- Thri-Ranx
- Tome of Correspondence
- Torc of Morphic Grafts
- Treefolk
- Trivia Hound
- True Immunity
- U-Turn
- Umbral Cat
- Unstable Fabric
- Utility Summon
- Virtual Sizing
- Vocorder
- Werebear
- Willow/Birch/Cedar Treefolk
- Wing Block
- Zen Grappling
- Whoops, the identifier deletion was me being too copypasta-happy. Won't happen again. And sure, that sounds great! I WILL MAKE IT SOOOO. -- Spanambula 04:33, 16 December 2011 (UTC)
- Formatting fix for that auto-list. Added a second one for adopted articles. Not sure if #ask can do "either or" stuff. Copy and paste away (and change the number of columns if you need. I generally use 4 but I set these to 5 for more density). Looks like your Colt Python (Variant) (3.5e Equipment) did the dreaded "extra parentheses in title" problem. I'm just going to move that right now. Also, I thought you said you were going to do an image for that Shade. Why no image? --Ganteka Future (talk) 06:52, 12 February 2015 (UTC)
Elegy Reminder
Just a reminder about Elegy. It's been sitting at 1/5 for a long time, and should either get some love or a sandbox move. - Tarkisflux Talk 19:41, 31 March 2012 (UTC)
- So it is. I will be giving it some love in the next few weeks. Sorry for leaving it this long; it really couldn't be helped. - Spanambula 02:10, 1 April 2012 (UTC)
Rating Request
Please rate the Judge of Existence (3.5e Class) and Dream Lord (3.5e Prestige Class) pages. Thank you--Franken Kesey (talk) 19:52, 30 July 2013 (UTC)
- Also would like input on the Intelligent Item (3.5e Class), Sedah’s Counterspell of Superfluous Detail (3.5e Spell), Hothead (3.5e Feat), and Viveka Spectre (3.5e Prestige Class).--Franken Kesey (talk) 06:46, 28 March 2016 (UTC)
We Miss you
And Ginger is still with the cat with the fucking rollshoes in space. But seriously. --Leziad (talk) 05:31, 5 June 2014 (UTC)
I'm Back
What did I miss? Spanambula (talk) 04:35, 18 February 2016 (UTC)
- Me. My AC is maximum.
Are you Happy?
I changed the name back to chromthor XX the memenist Xx (talk) 23:32, 20 April 2016 (UTC)
P.S. I like cheese XX the memenist Xx (talk) 23:33, 20 April 2016 (UTC)
- I also like cheese. Cheesecake is amazing. I wish I could eat it more, but I am lactose intolerant. It is sad. Also I would be happier if it was Cromthor not Chromthor, but as an artist I understand that your vision for something can change over time and you don't want to look backwards, you gotta keep moving forward. Chromthor it is. Spanambula (talk) 23:39, 20 April 2016 (UTC)
I have a question
Do you have 5e ? XX the memenist Xx (talk) 21:47, 8 May 2016 (UTC)
- I have the books on my shelf, the pdfs on my hard drive and I'm playing in a few 5e games, though I haven't actually run one of my own yet. Spanambula (talk) 03:06, 9 May 2016 (UTC)
Password reset?
Just checking in to make sure the password reset email sent successfully. I'm pretty sure I fixed the email issue, but want confirmation :-) Surgo (talk) 05:22, 2 September 2016 (UTC)
- Thanks much, Surgo, it worked perfectly. - Spanambula (talk) 05:39, 2 September 2016 (UTC)
Rating notice (Alignment Without Alignment)
Your rating of Alignment Without Alignment (3.5e Variant Rule) has been blocked and is no longer being counted among the article ratings. Please see the rating on the talk page to determine the block reason. Once you have addressed the cause of the block, generally by updating the rating in some fashion, please delete the "|block=<-reason->" line so that your rating will be counted again. You may also remove the block parameter if you feel it was not applied in accordance with our guidelines. Assistance editing your rating may be found here. Feel free to delete this notice at any time.
Ideasmith (talk) 14:50, 25 June 2017 (MDT) This is the first time I’ve attempted to block ratings. It looks like I got it right.Ideasmith (talk) 14:50, 25 June 2017 (MDT)
Thank You
Going to start this off by saying thank you for the review. I have made changes to my Warforged and replied to you in the talk page. But it took me almost a year to do so. Which is why I figured I'd just drop by and say "hey".--Gr7mm Bobb (talk) 11:39, 28 November 2017 (MST)
Blocked Rating Warforged
Your rating of Warforged-Gr7mm_(5e_Race) has been blocked and is no longer being counted among the article ratings. Please see the rating on the talk page to determine the block reason. Once you have addressed the cause of the block, generally by updating the rating in some fashion, please delete the "|block=<-reason->" line so that your rating will be counted again. You may also remove the block parameter if you feel it was not applied in accordance with our guidelines. Assistance editing your rating may be found here. Feel free to delete this notice at any time.
Sandbox Link
Here's a link for a sandboxed article so that it doesn't get lost. --Ganteka Future (talk) 13:36, 9 January 2019 (MST)