3.5e Prestige Classes/Category Format
From Dungeons and Dragons Wiki
Prestige Classes[edit]
- Aboleth Disciple
- Abomination
- Abyssal Alchemist
- Abyssal Blackguard
- Adversarialist
- Aeon Walker
- Aghori Guru
- Air Cutter
- Airship Pilot
- Akuma Samurai
- Angel Disciple
- Animal Soul
- Animorph
- Antitheist
- Antmaster
- Ape Warrior
- Arcane Lord
- Arcane Thief
- Arcane Trickmaster
- Arcane Trickster, Variant
- Arch-Golem Execution Girlfriend
- Archblade
- Archermage
- Archkineticist
- Archmage
- Archmage, Variant
- Archmagus
- Archpsion
- Argent Battle Mage
- Art Flow User
- Arthroparch
- Ascetic
- Awakened Blade
- Baatorian Arcanovore
- Barbarian, Sublime
- Bardbarian
- Baron of the Grave
- Barrister of the Nine
- Battle Barmaid
- Battle Chemist
- Battle Engineer
- Battle Robot
- Battlerunner
- Beast Totem Warrior
- Beholder Aspirant
- Bender of Energy
- Black Healer
- Black Knight
- Blackfire Zealot
- Blade Dancer
- Blade Invoker
- Blade of the Heavens
- Blademaster of Shambhala
- Bladesong Warrior
- Blighted Soul
- Blind Fighter
- Blood Knight
- Blood Mage
- Blood Warlock
- Blue Vizier/Al-Zwuri
- Boatman of Styx
- Body Snatcher
- Bohemian Drifter
- Bone Rider
- Bone Rider, Rebuilt
- Boneblade Reaper
- Boss
- Butoh
- Cacophonous Knight
- Capnomancer
- Capra Spawn
- Carnage Princess
- Carnage Zealot
- Carrier of Bceilieod
- Cauldron Chanter
- Caustic
- Celestial Beacon
- Cenobite of Want
- Cerebral Animator
- Cerebremancer
- Chainlord
- Champion of Pretapodr
- Chaos Engineer
- Cheerleader
- Chemist
- Chi Blocker
- Choreutist
- Chosen by Gadlnaom
- Church Hunter
- Clairvoyant
- Clayshaper
- Cloaktower Watchman
- Cogblessed Maker
- Collector of Legendary Blades
- Combo Maker
- Construct Gadgeteer
- Contemplative Meditant
- Corpselight Assassin
- Corpselight Whisperer
- Counter Mage
- Craftsman
- Crepuscular Visage
- Crimson Corsair
- Crimson Inheritor
- Crow Assassin
- Crusader of the Elemental Forces
- Cyborg Ninja
- Daggerspell Mage, Rebuild
- Darkdrawn Priest
- Darkhunter
- Darkwraith Assassin
- Death King
- Death Knight
- Defiler of Temples
- Demi-god
- Demon Samurai
- Demonbinder
- Demonologist
- Depraved Cultist
- Dervish of the Dark Dance
- Desert Initiate
- Desert Thief
- Destructive Warrior
- Deva Proselyte
- Devourer
- Dihiryn Shadowwright
- Direfrost Knight
- Dirgesinger, Variant
- Dis-Trict Attorney
- Disciple of Athe
- Disciple of the Spectral Tiger
- Disciple of the Undying Cold
- Divine Healer
- Divine Rider
- Divine Trickster
- Dizzy Master
- Doombinder
- Dracolichbound
- Draculus Nocturnus
- Dragon Aspirant
- Dragon Lancer
- Dragon Theurge
- Dragoon
- Dragoon, Variant
- Dread Impaler
- Dream Lord
- Dreaming Summoner
- Drunken Master, Tome
- Dualist
- Dungeon Veteran
- Dwarven Defender
- Dwarven Destroyer
E cont.
- Elothar Warrior of Bladereach
- Elven Ascender
- Enchantress
- Enlightened Fist
- Enlightened Spirit In The Dungeon
- Ensorcelled Duelist
- Entropic Wanderer
- Erinys
- Esoteric Inventor
- Esoteric Investigator
- Esoteric Maker
- Eternal Guardian
- Eternal Incarnate
- Ether Knight
- Exalted Saint
- Executioner
- Exiled Ruler
- Faerie Warlock
- Fairy Godmother
- Faithsworn Hunter
- False Prophet
- Fang of the Four Winds
- Farspawn Scion
- Fell Contract
- Fell Scholar
- Fell Warrior
- Fellblood Scion
- Fencer
- Fighter Elite
- Flare Buster
- Flesh Alchemist
- Fleshcrafter
- Fleshcrafter, Liber Demonica
- Follower of the Third
- Force Missile Specialist
- Forsaker
- Fortune Spinner
- Fuuma Ninja
- Gambler
- Geometer In The Dungeon
- Ghostlight Exorcist
- Glaive
- Godling
- Golem Fist
- Golem-Knight of Mechanus
- Gravelord
- Gravitist
- Gray Monk
- Griffon Rider
- Grim Reaper
- Guardian
- Half-Jinn
- Hammerlord
- Handyman
- Haunted Doll Collector
- Heartless Mage
- HellFire Destroyer
- Hellmaster
- Hellwalker
- Henkan Mystic
- Hiveplague Savant
- Holographer
- Holy Hunter
- Holy Knight
- Host of Possessions
- Iaijutsu Master
- Iaijutsu Master - Unoffical Update
- Idol Priest
- Illusionary Weapons Master
- Imago Quori
- Immortalist
- Impediment
- Imperial Knight
- Imperial Policeman
- In-Denial FATALite
- Inanomancer
- Indeterminable
- Initiate of the Black Tower
- Instantaneous Fabricator
- Ioun Master
- Iron Buddha
- Ironclad Knight
- Item God
- Jack of All Trades
- Jack of Swords
- Jogger
- Johnnya4344/sandbox/Master of Unlife
- Jubilant Dazzler
- Juggernaut Knight
- Kamikaze
- Karmic Healer
- Kinesics Combatant
- King of Racers
- Knight Specter
- Knight of Kabong
- Knight of the Broken Halo
- Knight of the Ebon Storm
- Legend Knight
- Legendary Strategist
- Lichbound
- Life Master
- Literate Mage
- Livemetal Adept
- Living Tornado
- Lord Knight
- Lord of the Damned
- Lotus Disciple
- Luchador
- Lurker in the Swarm
- Mad Hybridizer
- Mage Knight
- Mage Monk
- Mage Monk, Cleric Variant
- Mage of the Unseen Force
- Magehunter
- Magehänder
- Magocrat
- Magus Portalus
- Magus of Staves
- Magus of the Scales
- Maiden of the Crow
- Majo-Kari
- Malevolent Temptress
- Martial Mage
- Masked Knight
- Master Arcanist
- Master Assassin
- Master Biomancer
- Master Dabbler
- Master Expert
- Master Grifter
- Master Invoker
- Master Necromancer
- Master Wild Mage
- Master of Armor
- Master of Incarnum
- Master of Snake Mountain
- Master of the Seven Necromantic Mysteries
- Meat Shield, Grimoire
- Meat Shield, Sublime
- Mechwarrior
- Meditant of Still Winter
- Merciful
- Mercurial Warrior
- Metahand
- Meteor Steel Adept
- Midnight Paragon
- Midnight Sentinel
- Millennium Host of Akhenaten
- Mimic Spy
- Mob Leader
- Moment Breaker
- Monitor
- Monk of the Higher Path
- Monk of the Open Eye
- Monk of the Red Fist
- Monk of the Tiger Force
- Monk, Prestige
- Monster Gourmet
- Most Holy Knight
- Mummy Lord
- Mysterious Rose
- Mystic Demiurge
- Mystic Protector
- Mythbinder
N cont.
- Nekomancer
- Nerubian Reality Weaver
- Nerubian Shadow-web Spinner
- Nerubian Spider Queen
- Nightmare Sculptor
- Nightmask
- Ninja
- Ninja of Gax
- Ninja of Lies
- Ninja of the Ebon Shadow
- Nito Master
- Nocturnus Initiate
- Paladin, Sublime
- Pale Maiden
- Pale Master, Rebuild
- Peacock Sage
- Phoenix Knight
- Phoenix Striker
- Planar Oracle
- Planecrosser
- Platinum Dragoon
- Player
- Portalist
- Precognosis Adept
- Priest of Vratimsgot
- Primordial Thief
- Progenitor of the Gith
- Psicrystal Savant
- Psion Loremaster
- Psionic Exemplar
- Psycheblade
- Psychic Assassin
- Psychocognizant
- Psychotic Slasher
- Pumpkin King
- Pumpkinhead
- Radiant Wave Monk
- Rage Mage
- Rage Summoner
- Ragecaster
- Raging Crasher
- Raging Hulk
- Refined Soul
- Revenant Pursuer
- Rhavaegrim Disciple
- Rider of the Storm
- Righteous Rager
- Rogue Alchemist
- Rokushiki Master
- Runeblade
- Sanguine Edge
- Savage Berserker
- Scarred Mage
- Schismsoul
- School Master Specialist
- Scion of the Tenebrous Dragon
- Scriptwriter
- Scyran'Thamith
- Sea Scholar
- Secret Agent
- Seeker of Forms
- Seeker of the Lost Wizard Traditions
- Seer of the Tempest
- Sentinel
- Sentinel Blade
- Shadow Adept
- Shadow Decoy Master
- Shadow Theurgist
- Shadowdancer, Book of Elements
- Shadowdancer, Clockwerks Variant
- Shadowdancer, Tome
- Sharpshooter
- Shieldmaster
- Shining Jade Corpsman
- Shubosha
- Siege Master
- Silkweaver Witch
- Silverlight Adept
- Sivatar
- Sivatar, Variant
- Skill Master
- Skindancer
- Skyward Sword
- Slider
- Sniper
- Socialite Deluxe
- Soldier
- Soul Collector
- Soul Merchant
- Soul Salvager
- Soul of Erebos
- Soulbinder
- Soulseared
- Speaker for the Dead
- Speaker of the Forbidden Tongue
- Spellblitzer
- Spellborg Adept
- Spellfire Channeler
- Spellstriker
- Spellthief
- Spelltouched Mutant
- Spellwielder
- Spider Rider
- Spider Savage
- Spirit Artist
- Spirit of Vengeance
- Sportwarrior
- Spy
- Staffshaper
- Stalker of Limbo
- Starspawn Host
- State Alchemist
- Stone Sentinel
- Stoneblessed Shaper
- Stormtamer
- Stormwitch
- Strange Case
- Stranger in the Night
- Stranger with the Burning Eyes
- Strider
- Student of the Second
- Sublime Grandmaster
- Sublime Mageblade
- Suicide Survivor
- Sumo Overkill
- Survivor
- Sword Dancer
- Sword Fusilier
- Sword of Justice
- Swordsman
- Tactician of Legend
- Tartarian Keeper
- Team Rocket Executive
- Technomancer
- Temporal Dancer
- Tenebrous Musician
- Terrakineticist
- The Axe
- The Entheomancer
- The Unworthy
- Thief of Souls
- Thoughtless
- Thrasher of the Thunderbat
- Thunderborn Warrior
- Thundersmith
- Tiamat's Chosen
- Timeless Immortal
- Tiny Hammerer
- Token Master
- Torchlight Mage
- Tormentor
- Touchstones Hunter
- Trapsmith, Variant
- Trick Archer
- True Arcanist
- True Thief
- Tumbler
- Tuneseeker
- Twice-Blessed Soul
- Twilight Thief
Epic Prestige Classes[edit]
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