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Franken Kesey

Joined 19 October 2010


A few of my articles create new independent rules. The independent rules intentionally do not require other homebrew work, and are meant to be played side by side with canon material. But make sure to read the articles thoroughly before allowing them.

Some of the subject matter in a few of the articles is controversial. Everything is in parody, and should not be taken too seriously — life is just a carnival, the lucky ones get front row seats.

Additions to the Madness

For PCs



Character Options

Class Ability Components


Character Optimization

For GMs

Campaign Settings







For Everyone


Source Books

Variant Rules


Note: Subscript "F" means this is an April Fools article.

Ratings by Franken Kesey

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Franken Kesey's Homebrew (123 Articles)
Franken Keseyv
Modern Atomic Stink Grenade, Detonator, Gas Mask, Howitzer, IED, MK14 Battlerifle, Mine, Mortar/Ammo, Reinforced Plastic, Specialized Grenade, Sticky Grenade, Uzi
Xeno Admirali, Uongo-mijusi, Valentine, Zeitgeist
Futuristic FT00 Energy Shield, FT01 Clip, FT02 Pistol, FT04 Energy Sword, FT05 Battlerifle, FT06 Sniperifle, FT07 Gravity Pick-Hammer, FT08 Force Ray, FT10 Plasma Shield, FT11 Cell, FT12 Ice Pistol, FT14 Plasma Sword, FT15 Laser, FT16 Launcher, FT18 Ice Ray, FT19 Siege Weapon, FT20 Defense System, FT25 Assault System, FT28 Ship Killer, FT29 Moon Killer, Future Technology, Star Ships
{{{group4}}} None
{{{group5}}} None
5e Vampiric Weapon

Franken Kesey's Homebrews
Franken Keseyv
All Classes Antitheist, Apex, Dream Lord, Evolutionist, Explorer, Force Conduit, Guide, Helraiser, Intelligent Item, Judge of Existence, Judge of Existence, Magical, Psyblade, Raging Hulk
Races Uongo-mijusi, Zeitgeist
Spells Chill Object, Cloth Shape, Crystal Shape, Density, Enchant Item, Fallacy, Heat Object, Metal Shape, Profanity, Sedah’s Counterspell of Superfluous Detail, Shenanigans, Summon Elemental, Taunt
Manuvers & Powers Astral Elemental, Biological Regeneration, Change Alignment/Energy, Change Earth, Change Energy Damage, Change Gravity, Change Magnetics, Change Psionics, Cure Conditions, Detect Status, Frankenstein's Monster, Psionic Jelly Floor, Recall Past Life
Character Options Block Evasion, Chimera, Craft Explosives, Craft Xeno-, Greater Hothead, Hothead, Improved Hothead, Jiu Jitsu, Masochistic, Program
Equipment Atomic Stink Grenade, Detonator, Energy Attunement, FT01 Clip, FT02 Pistol, FT04 Energy Sword, FT05 Battlerifle, FT06 Sniperifle, FT07 Gravity Pick-Hammer, FT08 Force Ray, FT11 Cell, FT12 Ice Pistol, FT14 Plasma Sword, FT15 Laser, FT16 Launcher, FT18 Ice Ray, FT19 Siege Weapon, FT20 Defense System, FT25 Assault System, FT28 Ship Killer, FT29 Moon Killer, FT40 Energy Armor, FT41 Space Suit, FT42 Plasma Armor, Future Technology, Gas Mask, Howitzer, IED, Joke Kit, MK14 Battlerifle, Mine, Mortar/Ammo, Reinforced Plastic, Specialized Grenade, Star Ships, Sticky Grenade, Uzi
Monsters Battle Ship, Crescendo, Fighter Ship, Gremlin, Krampus, Scarab Monarch, Speeder Ship, Stealth Ship, Thermalsight, Transport Ship, Uon Turret, Utility Ship, Wadogo-mijusi
Other Admirali, Alien Codex, Alien Galaxy, Bot, Colony Ship, Complete Xeno, Feature Trading, Fleet Ship, Greater Character Sizes, Joker, Limb Manifesto, Medic, Races by Ability Bonus, Spells Like Powers, Valentine, Vehicle, Zatoichi, Zone of Mundane
Lab 6 / Lab 2 / Lab 0 / Lab 4 / Shelf S / Shelf 8 / Shelf N / Talk page

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