3.5e Spells

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Homebrew Spell Lists by Class

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Complete Homebrew Spell List

NameSchoolLevelSummaryArticle Balance
3.5e Spell Preload
A Life For A LifeNecromancySylvan Occultist 4
Death Delver 4
You sacrifice one life for another.Very High
Aarnott's EpidemicTransmutationBlackguard 1
Cleric 1
Druid 1
Sorcerer/Wizard 1
Plague 1
The target comes down with a disease of your choice, which with some coaxing can be accelerated rapidly.Very High
Ablative JacketConjurationCleric 2
Paladin 1
Sorcerer/Wizard 2
Artificer 1
Create a magical vest which grants a bit of temporary hit points.High
Abolishing FlamesEvocationCleric 7You hurl a mass of divine fire at your enemy that expands into an explosive burst.Moderate
Abominable FormTransmutationDark Insight 8Turn into an eldritch abomination.Very High
Absorb UndeadNecromancyCleric 5
Sorcerer/Wizard 5
Absorb your undead minions into your body, empowering you, or dismiss it to summon your army back to your command. Also serves as a form of death throes.High
Accelerate TimeTransmutationBard 3
Sorcerer/Wizard 3
Psychic 3
A more powerful version of haste, but limited to a single creature.Very High
Acceleration RingTransmutationSorcerer/Wizard 3You create a barrier which accelerates allies and projectiles passing through, and hampers opponents moving through it. With time, you can use it to launch yourself far distances.High
Accept SoulIllusionDruid 5
Cleric 5
Sylvan Occultist 4
Like Reincarnate, but all in your head. The target is reincarnated as a Sentient Illusion.
Acid BombConjurationSorcerer/Wizard 1
Warmage 1
This spell creates a sphere of acid that flies towards the target.Moderate
Acid RainConjurationSorcerer/Wizard 3
Acid 3
You conjure a cloud of acidic precipitation that melts down whatever is caught inside.Very High
Acid SheathEvocationAcid 2
Sorcerer/Wizard 2
Cover yourself in acid, resist acid damage, hurt attackers.Very High
Adam's Apple AgonyNecromancySorcerer/Wizard 0Adam's Apple expands suddenly, causing damage.Low
Adipose ArmorTransmutationDruid 3
Sorcerer/Wizard 3
Ki Master 3
Gastronomy 3
Gain great defenses, but become heavily encumbered.High
Advancing Beast--Advance Animal Companions and FamiliarsNone Assigned
Aetherion BlastConjurationSorcerer/Wizard 5Blast of aetherion detonates in a 20-ft.-radius spread
Aetherion BurstConjurationSorcerer/Wizard 3Burst of aetherion deals damage in a 15-ft. cone
Aetherion OrbConjurationSorcerer/Wizard 2Blast of aetherion energy that targets a single creature
AethernovaConjurationSorcerer/Wizard 9Nova of generated aetherion detonates in a 40-ft.-radius spread and deals massive damage.
Agony PinNecromancyBlackguard 1
Cleric 1
Stab a creature with a magic pin which causes pain to the user.High
Air DryTransmutationSorcerer 0
Wizard 0
Cleric 0
Psychic 0
Druid 0
Bard 0
Wet clothes are such a drag. Dry clothes are where it's at.Moderate
Airtight ArchitectureAbjurationSorcerer/Wizard 4Render a structure airtight and free from the hazards outside. Just don't open the door.Moderate
Albedo ArmorAbjurationDruid 2
Ranger 2
Sorcerer/Wizard 2
Gain snow armor which reflects light and ablates fire.High
Alchemy 2Turn a potion, oil or alchemical item into a cloud of mist.Very High
AlestormConjurationBard 6
Beer 9
Throw down the sky an hell of a party.Very High
Alhazarde LanceAbjurationCleric 3
Sorcerer/Wizard 4
A bolt of energy which only harms extraplanar beings and outsiders. On a critical hit, it might dismiss them as well.High
Alhazarde's SwordTransmutationCleric 3Your weapon gains the properties similar to starmetalCW, becoming super-effective against creatures not native to your plane.Moderate
Alien LimbTransmutationBlackguard 2
Cleric 3
Sorcerer/Wizard 3
Vivisection 3
The enemy grows a violent tentacle which immediately attempts to slaughter its unwilling host.High
Aligned Water BombTransmutationBlackguard 1
Cleric 1
Paladin 1
Convert thrown water into the appropriate aligned water on the fly. Cheaper, but costs spell slots.Moderate
Alignment Aura DowsingDivinationSylvan Occultist 1You use a stick to find alignment auras.
All in the FamilyUniversalCleric 4
Family 4
Sorcerer/Wizard 4
Spread a condition, buff, or debuff to all members of the same type closeby.Very High
Alter FormTransmutationTransmogrification 3This spell transforms the target's minor and significant physical qualities at the caster's choosing… perhaps forever.High
Alter GravityTransmutationDruid 1
Sorcerer/Wizard 1
Duskblade 1
Ki Master 1
Increase or decrease gravity on a target.High
Alter MemoryEnchantmentAssassin 4
Bard 4
A different version of modify memory.Unquantifiable
Alter PhysiognomyTransmutationDruid 2
Hairbinder 2
A more powerful transmutation version of disguise self.Moderate
Alter SpellUniversalSorcerer/Wizard 1You alter a spell with a metamagic effect.Very High
AlternativeEnchantmentBard 2Your music inspires desperate action in allies.
AltimeterDivinationCleric 0
Druid 0
Sorcerer/Wizard 0
You always know what altitude you are at compared to sea level.High
AmphibiateTransmutationSylvan Occultist 3You turn someone into a toad.Very High
An Eternal Curse Upon TheeNecromancySorcerer/Wizard 9
Cleric 9
Dying curses are feared for good reason; this spell is an exceptionally powerful and permanent one.Very High
Analyze EventDivination
Assassin 4
Bard 4
Cleric 5
Sorcerer/Wizard 5
You enhance a crystal orb to record a 360 scene for you in full detail.High
Analyze ObjectDivinationBard 1
Cleric 2
Druid 1
Sorcerer/Wizard 2
A greater form of identify which works on non-magical objects and delivers a more detailed mundane information.High
Analyze TeleportationDivinationSorcerer/Wizard 5Learn details of where your foes teleported to, without going there yourself.High
Ancestral ArmoryConjurationDuskblade 3You create multiple weapon which you can change between or fire them at targets.Very High
Ancestral WeaponConjurationCleric 1
Family 1
Sorcerer/Wizard 1
Duskblade 1
You create a weapon wielded by your ancestors and imbued with their strength.Very High
Aneis's Blood ConeEvocationBlood Magus 6Deal damage and knock creatures out with a cone of blood.
Aneis's Blood RevoltTransmutationBlood Magus 5Cause target blood to revolt, paralyzing it.
Angelic LanceEvocationCleric 6A powerful lance of holy light strikes down through all enemies.High
Animal CohortTransmutationDruid 3
Wizard 3
Sorcerer 3
They laughed at your chicken animal companion, but then he turned into a ninja and they never laughed again.Very High
Animal ConvokingTransmutationDruid 4
Ranger 3
Like animal messenger, but rather than send a message it seeks out a target and brings them to you.Moderate
Animate Blessed DeadNecromancyCleric 4
Afterlife 3
Raise an undead a nonhostile servant of good.High
Animate Body PillowTransmutationBard 0
Sorcerer 1
Wizard 1
Are you missing your beloved while gone on an adventure? Here's a solution! Kind of.Low
Animate GraftTransmutationSorcerer/Wizard 5
Sylvan Occultist 4
Animated graft attacks its owner.
Animate JellyTransmutationSorcerer/Wizard 6Target jelly gains semblance of life and mobility.Moderate
Animate Objects, VariantTransmutation
Cleric 3
Sorcerer/Wizard 3
Bard 2
A remake of the animate objects spell.High
Animate ScarecrowTransmutationSorcerer/Wizard 2Infuse a spark of life in ragged scarecrows.Moderate
Animate StatuesTransmutationSylvan Occultist 5You turn some statues into your minions.Very High
AnnihilationConjurationSorcerer/Wizard 10The power of nothing, in the palm of my hands!Very High
Anthropomorphize AnimalTransmutationDruid 3
Sorcerer/Wizard 3
Make an animal more humanoid.High
Anti-Technology FieldAbjurationDruid 6
Patron Witch 6
Sorcerer/Wizard 8
This spell create a field which cause technological equipment to fail.Very High
AntibiteTransmutationSorcerer/Wizard 6You imbue your fangs with disintegrative power.High
Antimagic FieldAbjurationCleric 8
Magic 6
Protection 6
Sorcerer/Wizard 6
A version of the spell without as many questionable cases.
Antimagic WardAbjurationSorcerer/Wizard 4Shields a creature from magic at the expense of denying its own magic.
Antimaneuver FieldAbjurationCleric 8
Sorcerer/Wizard 6
Like antimagic field, for maneuvers.
ApocalypseEvocationSorcerer/Wizard 8Channels dark power to damage and inflict incredible feelings of futility.
Apocalypse From The SkyEvocationCleric 9
Corrupt 9
Sorcerer/Wizard 9
Voltage 9
Gun 9
Call down destruction on a wide radius.Very High
Apocalyptic SwarmConjurationCleric 9
Druid 9
Recreate divine plagues, and ravage the land with an endless swarm of insects.High
Aqua SnakeConjurationDruid 5
Shugenja (Water) 5
Wu Jen (Water) 5
Create a water snake which runs into enemies on the ground and tries to knock them down.Very High
Arboreal ImprisonmentAbjuration
Druid 7
Witch 7
A limited version of trap the soul, which imprison the target within a tree.Very High
Arcane AuraEvocationSorcerer/Wizard 7
Warmage 7
Sacrifice 7
Viewtiful Monarch 7
You encase yourself in raw arcane power to injure foes that you grapple.High
Arcane BaneAbjurationSorcerer/Wizard 3Ray weakens ability for creature to use magical abilities.Very High
Arcane GraceTransmutationSorcerer/Wizard 3Armor interrupts your casting less.High
Arcane KeyTransmutationSorcerer/Wizard 2Create a key that can automatically open an arcane lock for its holder.Low
Arcane MalletEvocationSorcerer/Wizard 3This spell creates a hammer made of force, which can be used in melee or thrown.High
Arcane PsionicsDivinationSorcerer/Wizard 9Convert spell slots into psionic powers.High
Arcane RayEvocationSorcerer 3
Ki Master 3
Projects a beam of raw arcana that intensifies when focused over time.High
Arcane SentryEvocationSorcerer/Wizard 6Creates a floating magical sentry that attacks your enemies with elemental power.High
Arcane Space ProgramAbjuration
Sorcerer/Wizard 4
Ki Master 4
Launch yourself into orbit, traveling long distances rapidly.High
Arcane StasisConjurationWizard 5
Arcane TheftAbjurationSorcerer/Wizard 4Touch attack steals magical capabilities.Very High
Archangelic LanceEvocationCleric 9A blazing storm of holy lances of light rain down and strike through all enemies.High
Area TeleportConjurationSorcerer/Wizard 9Teleport an entire ship, castle, or town.Unquantifiable
Area WardAbjurationSorcerer/Wizard 6You construct a mystical diagram that imposes a permanent spell effect on either an area or any creature which enters it.
Armor of HelplessnessEnchantmentDruid 1
Sorcerer 1
Wizard 1
Wu Jen 1
A spell that makes you seem like a less threatening opponent on purpose, making it hard for foes to attack you.High
Arms of the Tyrant LizardTransmutationDruid 5
Sorcerer/Wizard 6
Not quite what you were expecting, this dual use spell either acts as a curse, or a strange blessing. Wither enemy arms and bolter the strength of your own!High
Arrow of InevitabilityDivination
Ranger 2Fire an arrow that flies slowly but will surely hit its target.High
Arrow of White BloomConjurationCleric 7
Druid 6
Ranger 3
Imbues an arrow drawn with the clearest frost.High
Art of the GigantesTransmutationCleric 8
Dragon 8
Druid 8
Gluttony 8
Sorcerer/Wizard 8
You cause the target of the spell to grow one size category per five caster levels.Very High
Art of the LilliputianTransmutationSorcerer/Wizard 8
Trickery 8
You cause the target of the spell to shrink one size category per five caster levels.High
Artificial LifeNecromancyClr 3
Sor/Wiz 4
Create positive energy undeadModerate
Ascended FormTransmutationWu Jen 8
Ki Master 8
You release your inner ki and become extremely powerful for a short time.Very High
AsepsisAbjurationCleric 2
Organic 1
Paladin 1
Ranger 1
Creature touched becomes immune to non-magical diseases.Low
Asepsis, MassAbjurationCleric 6
Paladin 4
As asepsis, with multiple targets and improved protection.Low
Ashe's Mind LanceEvocationSorcerer/Wizard 1
Ki Master 2
Deal damage, interrupt spell.Very High
Ashe's Spell SeizureAbjurationAnarchy 2
Magic 2
Sorcerer/Wizard 2
Ray that strips away spells.Very High
Ashe's Transformative CounterspellAbjurationMagic 3
Sorcerer/Wizard 3
You create a barrier that dispels magical effects.Very High
Assassin's EscapeConjurationAssassin 2
Bard 4
Sorcerer/Wizard 5
When you attack, you teleport back to safety.High
Asterfete's Return ScryingDivinationBard 1
Sorcerer/Wizard 1
One scrying sensor that appears in the area also becomes a window back to its source.Very High
Asterfete's Scry TraceDivinationBard 2
Sorcerer/Wizard 2
Hijack a divination sensor to see who sent it.High
Astral AssistanceConjurationCleric 7
Sorcerer/Wizard 7
Protect an area, so that if it is ever invaded you can summon yourself to protect it without threat of death.Very High
Astral FugueNecromancyCleric 1
Sorcerer/Wizard 1
Travel to the astral in your sleep, allowing you to continue activities such as crafting while resting.High
Astral InvaderConjurationCleric 8
Sorcerer/Wizard 8
Summon yourself into the area of your target so you may assassinate him, without the threat of death of yourself.Very High
Astral ProtectorConjurationDruid 8
Ranger 4
Sorcerer/Wizard 9
Protect an area, so that if it is ever invaded, you can summon yourself to protect it without threat of death.Very High
AsuraTransmutationSorcerer/Wizard 7
Ki Master 7
You transform your likeness into the six-armed, three headed form of a fierce god.Very High
Atmospheric PressEvocationDruid 9
Shugenja (Air) 9
Crush the opponent with the weight of the entire atmosphere.Very High
Atmospheric VisualizerDivination
Bard 1
Druid 1
Ranger 1
Sorcerer/Wizard 1
You can visualize the sky as if it was clear and at any time.Moderate
Atomic BlasterEvocation
Sorcerer/Wizard 7You mix evocation and transmutation to create a sphere of nuclear fire, dealing high-amounts of fire damage as well as subjecting your target to heavy radiation.High
Aura PressureEvocationPsychic 6You radiate an aura which make it difficult for creatures weaker than you from approaching, and might debilitate those much weaker.Very High
Aura PulseEvocationCleric 1
Paladin 1
You fire a ray made of your aura, dealing magic bludgeoning damage.High
Aura of DoomDivinationBard 2
Blackguard 2
Cleric 2
Enemies that approach you take a -2 penalty on their saving throws.High
Aurora AssaultEvocationDruid 9
Sorcerer/Wizard 9
Shugenja (Air) 9
Conjure the aurora borealis to shock foes into submission.High
Authoritative WordEvocationLaw 7
Cleric 7
A replacement for the dictum spell, which invokes divine power words to punish the opposing alignment.Very High
AvasculateTransmutationBlood 6
Druid 6
Sorcerer/Wizard 6
Vivisection 6
You purge the enemy's blood vessels from their body, causing them to become violent, hostile tentacles.Very High
Avasculate, GreaterTransmutationBlood 9
Cleric 9
Druid 9
Sorcerer/Wizard 9
Vivisection 9
You purge the enemy's blood vessels from their body even more violently, potentially killing them and causing the blood vessels to attempt to kill their former hosts.Very High
Avian ObserversDivinationDruid 2Compel a small flock of birds to report on something specific occurring in the area, but only after the effect has happened.High
Awaken Construct, VariantTransmutationSorcerer/Wizard 7You grant the target construct intelligence and its own free will.High
Awaken MediocrityTransmutationDruid 5
Sorcerer/Wizard 5
Turn one target into an ordinary peasant.Very High
Awaken Warrior SpiritDivinationSorcerer/Wizard 8Awaken a creature's fighting abilities, granting several beneficial buffs.Very High
Awakened SealAbjurationShaman 8
Sorcerer/Wizard 8
Witch 8
Seals away the target’s power permanently with a cursed seal.Very High
Awesome LightEvocationCleric 3
Ki Master 5
Show your opponents the light of your god, inspiring awe... or fear.High
Axe of PerunEvocationBlade 8
Cleric 9
Druid 8
Sorcerer/Wizard 9
An electrical supreme variant of ice axe that draws upon the power of Perun, leader of the Slavic pantheon and deity of thunder and lightning.Very High
Azore's Invisible InkIllusionBeguiler 0
Sorcerer/Wizard 0
This spell renders nonmagical writing invisible for the duration of the spell.Very High
Azore's Speaking TomeIllusionBard 0
Beguiler 0
Cleric 0
Sorcerer/Wizard 0
Targeted book or scroll reads its contents aloud.Moderate
Azore's Trick CandleTransmutationBard 0
Beguiler 0
Sorcerer/Wizard 0
This spell alters a small source of flame so that it resists being put out.High
Azure LightUniversalAzure Sorcery 1Create a sourceless azure light, which diminishes the effect of spells.High
BabbleEnchantmentBard 2
Cleric 4
Sorcerer/Wizard 3
Curse a creature to never be understood again.Moderate
Backup ConstructConjurationSorcerer/Wizard 8Clone for constructs.High
BaconConjurationSor/Wiz 0Get them bacon...High
Baleform BurstTransmutationCleric 5
Druid 5
Sorcerer/Wizard 5
This spell transforms several nearby targets into an animal of the caster's choosing for a short time.High
Baleform ChainTransmutationDruid 5
Sorcerer/Wizard 5
Channel polymorph magic through a cascade of enemies!High
Baleform TransmogrificationTransmutationTransmogrification 8Disfigures the target in many possible ways.Very High
Baleful PolyrayTransmutationDruid 4
Sorcerer/Wizard 4
Witch 4
A variant of the Baleful Polymorph spell.Very High
Baleful Reduce PersonTransmutationSorcerer/Wizard 1
Witch 1
A particularly disadvantageous version of reduce person, but with a reduced duration.High
Ball LightningEvocationDruid 8
Sorcerer/Wizard 8
You create a massive ball of electricity that damages foes it crosses.Moderate
BamfConjurationSorcerer/Wizard 2Lets you teleport short distances once per round.Very High
Bang RoundsEvocationBard 2
Cleric 3
Druid 2
Shugenja (Fire) 2
Sorcerer/Wizard 2
Wu Jen (Fire) 2
Ki Master 2
Create cherrybomb-like caltrops to either throw out immediately as explosives, or set as a trap.High
Beam of RadianceEvocationPaladin 1The Paladin shoots bright lasers from his eyes, causing discomfort.High
Bear's Endurance, GreaterTransmutationSorcerer/Wizard 5Subject gains a great boost to constitution.High
BearpocalypseConjurationDruid 9Infinite bear works! Summon ALL of the bears in a swarm within a huge area.High
Bel's AmbushTransmutationBlackguard 1
Cleric 1
Sorcerer/Wizard 1
Reduce a creature's initiative so you and your allies can go first.High
Belarpithorpe's Self-IllusionIllusionBard 0
Sorcerer/Wizard 0
There is a disappointing lack of illusions that affect the caster. This seeks to remedy that some.Unquantifiable
Belladone's Curse of InconvenienceNecromancySorcerer/Wizard 0
Patron Witch 0
Minor curses which are really annoying, and mostly temporary.High
Belladone's Curse of Stolen BoonsNecromancyBlackguard 2
Patron Witch 3
Sorcerer/Wizard 3
You curse a creature so that the next beneficial spell that is cast upon them affects you instead.High
Belladone's Death Curse of SnakesTransmutationSorcerer/Wizard 6
Patron Witch 6
A bolt of killing green light reduces the target to snakes.High
Belladone's Fiendish DefenderConjurationCleric 3
Sorcerer/Wizard 3
Patron Witch 3
Summon a fiendish warrior, though they are contained to an area.High
Belladone's Shared Fortune/MisfortuneDivinationSorcerer/Wizard 5
Patron Witch 5
If you have bad luck on your rolls, you can share it with others. Or share your good luck instead.Unquantifiable
Belladone's Spore WindConjurationDruid 4
Patron Witch 4
Release a wind which spreads a cloud of spores that carry random baneful effects.High
Bend FateDivinationBard 2
Cleric 2
Sorcerer/Wizard 2
Sometimes you just need that little push. Increase or decrease a result by 1d4 for any d20 roll which affects or is initiated by you.High
Bestow FlawTransmutationBard 3
Beguiler 3
Cleric 3
Sorcerer 4
Wizard 4
If you can't find an exploitable flaw in your enemy, then give them one.Unquantifiable
Bestow SentienceTransmutationSorcerer/Wizard 9Target animate object, golem, or similar creature gains sentience.Unquantifiable
Bestow VoiceDivinationDruid 5
Sylvan Occultist 4
You grant a touched object the ability to think, feel, and speak.Moderate
Big Head ModeTransmutationSorcerer/Wizard 2The subject's head grows disproportionately large, granting sensory bonuses, but also encumbering them.High
Bind ElementalConjurationSorcerer/Wizard 5
Gem 5
You condense elemental energy into a gem usable for crafting.
Bind ThrallEnchantmentSorcerer/Wizard 9
Lust 9
You bind a creature to yourself, altering its will so that it willingly serves as if dominated until the end of its days.Very High
Binding ContractConjuration
Cleric 3
Sorcerer/Wizard 3
Make a powerful magical contract between two creatures.Unquantifiable
Binding PactDivinationCleric 3Create a magical alliance between sentient creatures that informs all pact members when you defect, or die.
BioConjurationBlackguard 2
Cleric 3
Druid 3
Organic 2
Sorcerer/Wizard 3
Target takes 1d6 damage/level (max 10d6), 2 Constitution damage.High
Bio, MassConjurationCleric 5
Druid 4
Sorcerer/Wizard 5
As bio, but 20d6 maximum damage and affects all creatures in a spread and it deals 4 Con damage.High
Biogel MimicConjurationCleric 1
Sorcerer/Wizard 1
Create a biogel mimic, a harmless creature that duplicates organic flesh to the point of being an effective simulacrum for it.Moderate
Biting MistConjurationCleric 2
Druid 2
Sorcerer/Wizard 2
A fog bank that slowly digests everything inside it.High
Black Blood ChainsConjurationBlackguard 2
Cleric 5
Entrapment 5
Shugenja (Earth) 5
Create strands of black hooks and chains to latch onto and pull opponents out of the sky or closer towards you.High
Black Chains of DuranceConjurationSorcerer/Wizard 6
Cleric 6
Blackguard 4
Chains of shadowstuff ensnare the target, preventing it from fleeing.High
Black Iron Stormdust Dragon's BodyConjurationSorcerer/Wizard 5Summon part of the Black Iron Stormdust Dragon's Body, later you will be able to summon him as a whole.
Black ThornsConjuration
Druid 5As eruption of thorn, but inflict greater bleed and inflict a curse wound.High
Blacksun Arrow BlessingTransmutationSorcerer/Wizard 5You turn arrows into powerful magical arrows. Alternatively, you may bless a bow to only fire powerful magic arrows.High
Blacksun Midnight BladeConjurationSorcerer/Wizard 4
Ki Master 4
You create a blade made of darklight, a powerful weapon dealing magical damage and especially damage to creatures weak to light.High
BlazestormEvocationCleric 6
Druid 6
You summon a storm of fiery blaze, which scorch everything in it way.Very High
Blessing of the NineTransmutationDiabolic 5
Sorcerer/Wizard 5
You turn someone into a devil-like creature.Very High
Blinking Mirror ImageTransmutationSorcerer/Wizard 7Combination of blink and mirror image.Moderate
BlizzardConjurationSorcerer/Wizard 8
Boreal 8
Hellrime 8
Druid 8
You bring about a giant blizzard.Very High
Blood BrotherhoodNecromancyOrganic 6
Sylvan Occultist 5
Creatures permanently share a life total.
Blood BrothersTransmutationBlood 2
Cleric 2
Druid 2
Family 2
Sorcerer/Wizard 2
You take the target's blood and transform into a creature of his type and vice versa.Very High
Blood JorumNecromancySorcerer/Wizard 7Remove your blood from your body, rendering yourself immune to several effects. Keep the location of your blood safe, or you may die.High
Blood MeltTransmutationSorcerer/Wizard 8Transform your opponent's blood into acid, killing them and leaving a caustic pool in its wake.Very High
Blood StormNecromancyCleric 6
Druid 6
Sorcerer/Wizard 6
Fills an area with a horrible downpour of dark red, necromantic blood.Very High
Bloodied Chains of PyrrhosEvocation
Blackguard 3
Sorcerer/Wizard 5
Nefarious cursed energy chains tether you physically, mentally and spiritually to another creature, sharing all pain, afflictions and even death.High
Bloodless DecapitationTransmutationSorcerer/Wizard 5Pull someone's head off and they won't die, reattach later or put on some other body.Moderate
Bloody SpiritNecromancyPhantasmagoria 2Summon a spectral and bloodied claw from a mirror to inflict bleeding wounds.High
Blossom of RazorsTransmutationCleric 1
Sorcerer/Wizard 1
Vivisection 1
Your foe's organs cut them apart from the inside.Very High
Blue FireEvocationDruid 5You unleash a bout of terrible blue flame which deal high fire damage and causes affected creature to catch on fire.Very High
Blue FlareConjuration
Sorcerer/Wizard 5You cause a conflagration of blue flame, damaging and staggering all caught inside.High
Boiling SphereConjurationCleric 1
Druid 1
Sorcerer/Wizard 1
You conjure a hovering, superheated, steaming, boiling sphere of water that occupies a 5 foot square.High
Bolster SpiritEnchantmentBard 3
Ki Master 3
Sorcerer/Wizard 3
Cleric 3
Bravery and morale surges through you, carrying you towards victory in battle.High
Bolster Spirit, GreaterEnchantmentBard 5
Ki Master 6
Sorcerer/Wizard 6
Cleric 6
Yet more bravery and morale surges through you, carrying faster you towards victory in battle.Very High
Bolt of AzterEvocationDark Insight 3Summon a bolt of horrifying unholy energy that reap the blood out of your targets.Very High
Bolt of BonesNecromancySorcerer/Wizard 4
Cleric 4
You conjure a line of bone, which damages creatures and creates skeletons.Moderate
Bolt of CreationConjurationCleric 5Create a bolt of lightning that forms into a commoner.High
Bolt of IndraEvocationSorcerer/Wizard 6Conjures an intense bolt of black lightning that staggers and cripples its targets, arcing to nearby creatures.High
Bond of the Harden CrusaderDivinationAssassin 2
Blackguard 2
Cleric 3
Paladin 3
Sorcerer/Wizard 2
Warmage 2
Learn to model your martial techniques with magic.High
Bond of the Obnoxious CommanderDivinationAssassin 1
Blackguard 1
Cleric 2
Paladin 2
Sorcerer/Wizard 1
Warmage 1
A spirit of an ancient legend of war guides your martial maneuvers.High
Bone ShapeTransmutationCleric 4
Sorcerer/Wizard 5
Blackguard 4
Morph bone into any shape you desire, or use it to fuse a skeleton solid and paralyze your victim.High
Bone SpearNecromancySorcerer/Wizard 3
Spiritualist 3
You fire a spear of bone, either in a line or against a single target.Moderate
Bone SpursNecromancyBlackguard 1
Cleric 2
Sorcerer/Wizard 2
Generate painful bone spurs over your body. They hurt you, but they hurt the enemy more.Moderate
BonesplinterNecromancySorcerer/Wizard 7Weakens a creature's skeleton so that the next hit it takes will be fatal.Very High
Bonetitan FrameNecromancySorcerer/Wizard 7Encase yourself in bone power armor and crush your opponents with melee might.High
Bonfire's RestTransmutationBard 1
Cleric 2
Druid 2
Paladin 1
Ranger 1
Shugenja 2
Sorcerer/Wizard 2
Wu Jen 2
Magically infuse a bonfire or larger fires to increase rest's effectiveness.Moderate
BookwormDivinationSor/Wiz 6You curse a spellbook with a magic worm that tells you what spells the owner memorizes and allows you to siphon their magic.
BoomshineEvocationCleric 4
Shugenja (Fire) 4
Ki Master 4
A burst of light damages opponents and leaves them blinded and deafened.High
Borrowed LifeNecromancySorcerer/Wizard 2
Cleric 3
Blackguard 4
Druid 3
Temporarily raises one creature from the dead as a pseudo-zombie using the caster's own life force.Very High
Borrowed Life, GreaterNecromancySorcerer/Wizard 4
Cleric 5
Druid 5
Temporarily raises one creature from the dead as a pseudo-vampire using the caster's own life force.Very High
Bot InterfaceIllusionBard 1
Sorcerer/Wizard 1
Conjure a phantom console which you can use to interact with the Bot subtype.High
Boulder CannonConjurationDruid 3
Sorcerer/Wizard 4
Wu Jen 3
Fire a large high speed boulder that knocks everything in its way down.High
Bouncy Jelly BootsConjurationSorcerer/Wizard 2Target's feet are covered with jelly, providing a boost to movement and jumps.High
Brain OverloadDivinationMesmerist 4
Psychic 5
You fill the target’s brain with useless information, preventing them from acting and inflicting intelligence drain.Very High
Brainwash WaveEnchantmentMesmerist 5
Sorcerer/Wizard 5
Psychic 5
Witch 5
You send a wave of mental energy, which turns enemies into allies.Very High
BramblerootConjurationDruid 3Thorny bushes spring up, damaging and providing difficult terrain. If damaged, they explode into needles.High
Brand HereticUniversalCleric 2
Paladin 2
Templar 2
You mark a target creature as an alignment of your choosing.Very High
Brand of SacrificeConjuration
Patron Witch 7
Sorcerer/Wizard 8
Use a powerful necromancy spell to slay a creature and summon a fiend under you control.Very High
Brand of the Dark SigilNecromancyCleric 5Gain a dark symbol that revives you from the dead endlessly, at the low cost of your sanity.Very High
BraveheartEnchantmentBeguiler 6
White Mage 6
Provides a morale bonus to attack rolls, save DCs, and damage rolls.High
Braveheart, MassEnchantmentBeguiler 8
White Mage 8
As braveheart, but affects up to one creature per caster level.High
Break MoraleEnchantmentBard 6
Cleric 7
The target takes as many daunt levels as their HD.High
Brick BreakTransmutationKi Master 0Focus yourself, so that your next attack against an object ignores some hardness.High
Brief DismissalAbjurationCleric 2
Sorcerer/Wizard 3
This functions as dismissal, but only for a short period of time.High
Brilliant BladeEvocationPaladin 2The Paladin blesses a melee weapon with bonus damage against armored targets.Very High
Brilliant Blade, GreaterEvocationPaladin 4The Paladin gives his weapons Brilliant Energy.Very High
Brooke's Lupine TransformationTransmutationDruid 2
Hairbinder 1
Ranger 1
This spell transform the user into a terrible wolf-like creature.Very High
Brown NoteEvocationBard 2
Sorcerer/Wizard 3
It was only a matter of time before someone devised a spell to make people crap themselves.High
Bubble ShieldAbjurationCleric 3Create a barrier which absorbed damage going through it.High
BurdenTransmutationSorcerer/Wizard 4
Bard 3
Weighs the target down with a magical load.
Burden of SinTransmutationCleric 3
Paladin 2
Your opponent's sins weight them down.High
Burning Sunlight GreatbladeConjurationCleric 4
Ki Master 4
You conjure a blade of pure sunlight.High
Burst of DecayNecromancyDruid 2Deal damage to a single target and stagger them. A single target version of the explosion of rot spell, with lesser effect.High
Bury the DeadTransmutationCleric 3If you die, you are automatically buried and given blessings.Moderate
Cain's Curse of CovetousnessEnchantmentBard 2
Envy 2
Sorcerer/Wizard 2
Antitheist 2
Designate an object, which attracts creatures and causes them to fight over it.Very High
Call MinionConjurationBlackguard 1
Cleric 1
Sorcerer/Wizard 1
Call a humanoid with 1 HD or less to perform a task for you.Unquantifiable
Call from AfarEnchantmentDruid 5
Sorcerer/Wizard 5
Beguiler 5
Send a phantasmal figure to draw a target towards you.High
Call of the ReaperConjurationCleric 6
Sorcerer/Wizard 6
Calling forth a Reaper, a mystical being beyond time, you bargain for a soul.
Call the Shadow WildsConjuration
Druid 4You summon twisted unnatural terrain that torment your foes.High
Came Back WrongConjurationCleric 7You briefly return the target to the living... but they've come back wrong.Unquantifiable
Candy BeamTransmutationSorcerer/Wizard 6
Witch 6
A version of disintegrate which turn the target into delicious candy.Very High
Cat PileConjuration
Druid 4
Ranger 3
Sorcerer/Wizard 4
So many kittens! They're all so adorable! Crush your opponents under kittens, and make them fascinated.High
Cat's Grace, GreaterTransmutationSorcerer/Wizard 5Subject gains a great boost to dexterity.High
Catalyst RayEvocationBard 0
Sorcerer/Wizard 0
Channel through a wand, rod, or staff to produce a simple bolt of energy.High
Catch BreathConjurationRanger 1
Druid 2
Dispels caster’s fatigue or reduces caster’s exhaustion.Moderate
Cautious RepositionUniversalSorcerer/Wizard 1
Bard 1
Psychic 1
Cautiously reposition yourself out of (or into) a more dangerous position.Moderate
Celestial LanceEvocationCleric 2A piercing lance of light rains down and strikes through all enemies.High
Cerebral InvasionDivinationPsychic 7
Mesmerist 6
You extract information directly from a target's brain, but damaging them if you don't allow them to lie to you.Very High
Cerulean WardAbjurationAzure Sorcery 2A swirling blue protection which offers an higher touch AC.High
Chain Solar BoltEvocationPaladin 3
Cleric 5
You fire a bolt of harmful positive energy that roast people alive and hurt undead a lot more. Arc to other targets.High
Challenging HandEvocationSorcerer/Wizard 0A sharp, resounding slap to challenge any opponent and get their attention while fazing them for a moment.High
Channeled FireballEvocationSorcerer/Wizard 3A channeled version of the fireball.High
Chantry of GoogConjuration
Cleric 4Summon an altar to the forgotten deity Goog, gaining divinations based on the public knowledge of others.High
Chaos Beam BlossomEvocationSorcerer/Wizard 3You spin around shooting lasers in all directions indiscriminately.High
Chaos BlazeEvocationSorcerer/Wizard 1
Wu Jen (Fire) 1
A highly random fire spell that can hurt a lot or barely do anything, who knows.High
Chaos DimensionConjurationDark Insight 5Impose the insanity of the Far Realm onto the material plane in an area.Unquantifiable
Chaos SpinnerIllusionBard 5
Sorcerer/Wizard 7
Entrap targets in spinning warped space, causing them to be forcefully moved, sickened, nauseated, or confused.Very High
Chapalu's Desert ControlTransmutationCleric 4
Druid 4
Manipulate sand to form waves and moving dunes that can attack, reposition, reshape, and bury.Unquantifiable
Charge of DarknessTransmutationCleric 9
Druid 9
Paladin 4
Sorcerer/Wizard 9
Charge at your enemy cross-country, encountering them harder than a Rhino.High
Charm of ApathyEnchantmentBard 0
Sorcerer/Wizard 0
Makes one person apathetic to you.High
Chicken ScratchConjurationSorcerer/Wizard 7By uttering the ancient chant, you unleash the wrath of a terrible being upon your enemy... "Cock a doodle DAMN YOU!"Very High
Chill HordeConjurationSorcerer/Wizard 4
Druid 4
Summon several Small Ice elementals to freeze something or someone.
Chill ObjectTransmutationCleric 4
Druid 2
Sorcerer/Wizard 3
Can chill cloth, wood, metal, stone, water, earth, air - and fire.High
Choking DeathNecromancySorcerer/Wizard 7
Druid 8
With a curl of your tail, you cause your victim to gasp for air, their lungs and stomach being crushed to a pulp.High
ClockstopperTransmutationSorcerer/Wizard 6Stop time as long as you focus on it. Your options are limited, but it lets you gather your surroundings, and durations continue to run.Very High
CloisterAbjurationCleric 9
Druid 9
Family 9
Sorcerer/Wizard 9
Keep out most magical travel and ward creatures except those of a designated type.Very High
Cloth ShapeTransmutationBard 1
Druid 1
Artifice 1
Cleric 2
Sorcerer/Wizard 2
Like wood shape but for cloth objects.High
Clothes SwapConjurationBard 0Enchant a set of clothing so you can switch quickly between outfits.Moderate
CloudshapeTransmutationAir 3
Bard 3
Cleric 4
Druid 3
Shugenja (Air) 3
Sorcerer/Wizard 3
Wu Jen (Water) 3
Become a fogHigh
Cocoon of Quick RestEvocationBard 2
Cleric 3
Druid 3
Ranger 1
Shugenja 3
Sorcerer/Wizard 3
Wu Jen 3
By manipulating quantum energy you infuse the bed with accelaration that is released into the body of who sleeps in it, allowing a rapid and restful sleep.High
Cold ComfortConjurationDruid 4Seal yourself in a protective layer of ice which heals you, but leaves you helpless.High
Cold GemEvocationSorcerer/Wizard 4
Sylvan Occultist 4
Gem radiates progressively stronger waves of cold.High
Cold IntoleranceIllusionSorcerer/Wizard 3Affected creatures are convinced they are freezing to death, taking Dex damage and perhaps dying.High
Cold TouchTransmutationSorcerer/Wizard 0
Duskblade 0
Cause pain to a touched creature with a cold touch.High
Collect CrystalConjurationSorcerer/Wizard 5Create auracrystalModerate
Collect HumidityTransmutationDruid 1Leech the humidity from an area, making it less humid and making water.Moderate
Color SprayIllusionSorcerer/Wizard 1A re-balanced version of color spray.High
Color Spray, EijiIllusionSorcerer/Wizard 1Another re-balanced version of color spray.High
ColorizeTransmutationSorcerer/Wizard 0Change the color of something using a material pigment.Moderate
Colors TrapEnchantmentBard 3
Sorcerer/Wizard 4
Conjures painted symbols of various colours that affect creatures in all sorts of different ways.High
Comet FlightEvocationSorcerer/Wizard 9
Shugenja (Fire) 8
Wu Jen (Fire) 9
Ki Master 9
You turn into a freaking comet of spellfire.Very High
Command Will of the ForestEnchantmentDruid 4Cause a number of animals to take on your will and personality, though it does not impart direct control.Unquantifiable
Commune with SpiritsDivinationWu Jen 3A replacement for the wu jen spell commune with lesser spirits, it lets you speak to the world around you (or to things classified as spirits) and learn new things.High
Communication TransmissionEvocation
Sorcerer/Wizard 5Pull a Matrix and move through communication channels, both mundane phone lines and magical spell effects.High
Compelling ScriptEnchantmentSorcerer/Wizard 9
Rune 9
Affected writing is obeyed by all who read it.Very High
Complete HypnotismEnchantment
Mesmerist 5
Sorcerer/Wizard 7
Witch 7
Gain control of the target's every sense.Very High
Complete RestorationConjurationCleric 9Removes all damage and negative effects from a creature.
Concealing SphereIllusionAssassin 3
Bard 3
Blackguard 3
Sorcerer/Wizard 4
Create a bubble where the events inside are unseen by those on the outside.High
Concordant StreamConjurationSky 9You summon an air stream with a will of it own under your control.Very High
Concussive BlastEvocationCleric 2
Paladin 2
Sorcerer/Wizard 3
Ki Master 2
Create a shockwave that knocks targets away.Moderate
Condemning SmiteEvocationCleric 1
Druid 1
Paladin 1
You condemn someone to be smote, and smote they shall be if you can hit them.High
ConditionDivinationCleric 3
Favored Soul 3
Combines the effects of Status and DeathwatchModerate
Conductor of StormsAbjuration
Druid 5
Bard 4
Surround yourself in a protective shield as you rain lightning from above.High
Cone of Cold, LesserEvocationSorcerer/Wizard 1The little brother of cone of cold, a reliable spell for low-level casters.High
Cone of Melted ButterConjuration
Sorcerer/Wizard 1
Gastronomy 1
Exactly what it says on the the tin.Very High
Cone of PebblesEvocationDruid 1
Cleric 2
Fire pebbles at your foesModerate
Cone of RubbleConjurationDruid 3
Sorcerer/Wizard 4
Create a blast of rubble that stays behind as difficult terrain.High
Cone of RustTransmutationWizard 5
Sorcerer 5
Druid 5
Create a cone of rust to destroy metalHigh
Cone of Searing WaxConjuration
Patron Witch 2
Sorcerer/Wizard 2
Fire a cone of searing wax to damage your opponents and immobilize them.Moderate
Cone of SteamConjurationDruid 3
Sorcerer/Wizard 3
Release a burst of superheated steam, leaving a cloud of mist in its wake.High
Congealing ConsumptionNecromancySorcerer/Wizard 2Creatures within the area of effect become nauseated.Very High
Conjure AnvilConjurationSorcerer/Wizard 5Summon an anvil, either for its traditional use or to drop upon the heads of your enemies.High
Conjure Ghostly KamikazeNecromancyDeath Knight 3
Hairbinder 4
Ki Master 6
You create a bunch of explosive ghosts.Very High
Conjure ToolsConjurationSorcerer/Wizard 1Summon a masterwork tool for your purposes.Moderate
Constant LightningEvocationDruid 6This acts like call lightning, but uncapped and without need for actions to focus on.Moderate
Constant Lightning StormEvocationDruid 8This acts like call lightning storm, but uncapped and without need for actions to focus on.Moderate
Consumptive FieldNecromancyCleric 6
Greed 6
Sorcerer/Wizard 6
You radiate an aura that kills wounded people and harvests their souls.Very High
Consumptive Field, GreaterNecromancyCleric 8
Greed 8
Sorcerer/Wizard 8
As consumptive field, but works even out of turn.Very High
Contagion, GreaterNecromancyCleric 6
Sorcerer/Wizard 6
Druid 5
Infection 4
Paladette 6
Sylvan Occultist 5
Like contagion, but more spells to choose from.
Contagious FireballEvocationSorcerer/Wizard 7Those hit by this fireball become explosive, and can detonate into other fireballs as well.High
Contingency OtherEvocationSylvan Occultist 4
Sorcerer/Wizard 7
You set up a spell to be cast as though cast by the target when some trigger occurs.Very High
Continual ShadeEvocationCleric 3
Sorcerer/Wizard 2
A black continual flame which radiates darkness.Moderate
ContractNecromancySylvan Occultist 2
Paladette 2
You write up a contract, and anyone who breaks it feels very guilty.
Contract SealAbjurationCleric 4
Druid 5
Paladin 3
Sorcerer/Wizard 5
Touched creature immediately loses all contracts with called creatures.High
Contract of the Completed FateEnchantment
Druid 7
Sorcerer/Wizard 7
Bind a magical contract with a creature you want.Unquantifiable
Control Undead, GT VariantNecromancyCleric 7
Sorcerer/Wizard 7
Controlling undead is not, not, NOT LAME!High
CookEvocationBard 0
Cleric 0
Ranger 1
Sorcerer/Wizard 0
Shugenja (Fire) 0
Wu Jen (Fire) 0
Druid 0
Cook food to make a delicious meal.Moderate
Corporeal FissionNecromancySorcerer/Wizard 5This spell causes the target's body to divide violently, dealing damage and debilitating the target.High
Corpse BombNecromancySorcerer/Wizard 3A nearby corpse or corpse creature explodes for 1d8 damage/caster level.High
Corpse PatrolNecromancyAssassin 2
Bard 2
Blackguard 2
With a few silent gestures, the corpse of the guard you just quietly dispatched gets up and resumes his rounds, fooling casual onlookers into thinking everything's normal.Moderate
Corpse PuppetNecromancyCleric 1
Sorcerer/Wizard 1
Dread Necromancer 1
Briefly make a skeleton or zombie under your control. Cheaper than animate dead, but only for a short time.Moderate
Corpse ReanimationNecromancyCleric 4
Death Knight 3
Sorcerer/Wizard 5
Dread Necromancer 4
Death Delver 3
A cheaper necromantic raise dead.High
CountdownUniversalBlackguard 4
Cleric 6
Sorcerer/Wizard 6
You mark your words, all your opponents will be dead within 1 minute, so help you...High
Covert TranspositionConjuration
Assassin 2
Bard 2
Sorcerer/Wizard 2
Two target creatures swap positions and assume each other's likenesses at the same time.High
Coward's ReprieveConjurationSorcerer/Wizard 3Escape into extradimensional maze.
Cramping DoomTransmutationBard 1
Sorcerer 2
Wizard 2
Gotta go, gotta go, gotta go right now...Moderate
Crashing LightningEvocationDruid 7A massive lightning bolt cracks down, dealing massive electrical damage and a subsequent deafening sonic shockwave.High
Crawl Away HeadTransmutationCleric 7
Sorcerer/Wizard 7
This spell causes the target's head to detach and grow limbs.High
Create Alchemical ItemsConjurationChemist 1Create mundane alchemical items which last 24 hours.Unquantifiable
Create Anchor SigilUniversalSorcerer/Wizard 4Create or strengthen an anchor sigil more quickly than if you used the normal ritualHigh
Create CorpseConjurationAssassin 2
Bard 3
Sorcerer/Wizard 4
Creates a fake corpse of a pre-existing creature, which can fool others who do not make the Disguise check.Moderate
Create HypercubeConjurationGeometry 3
Sylvan Occultist 3
Create a cube of rock that exists on multiple planes.High
Create JellyConjurationJelly 1
Sorcerer/Wizard 0
You create enough jelly to feed one person for one meal, the jelly can have any flavor that you want.
Create LifeNecromancyDruid 9
Organic 9
Fleshcraft 9
You have finally achieved it, the power to create true life through magic.High
Create Plague KansenTransmutationDruid 3
Disease 3
Transform a disease into a rampaging, malicious spirit.High
Create ShrineConjurationCleric 1This creates a shrine dedicated to your god, which you can use for other things.Moderate
Create Synthetic SoulNecromancyCleric 9
Sorcerer/Wizard 9
Creates a Synthetic Soul for use within a base creature.Very High
Create ThrallEnchantmentBard 3
Sorcerer/Wizard 4
Take over the minds of weaker individuals who are obviously possessed by your influence.Very High
Create Ultimate UndeadNecromancyCleric 9
Sorcerer/Wizard 9
Make basically any undead creature. Then allow it access to its own portion undead followers.Very High
Create Undead, GT VariantNecromancyCleric 6
Death 6
Evil 6
Sorcerer/Wizard 6
Create Wooden DoorConjurationSorcerer/Wizard 2Create a wooden door fit for a hallway, or up against a wall.Moderate
Creeping ChillsEvocationHellrime 6
Sorcerer/Wizard 6
You curse your foe with a slow-killing cold that spreads throughout their body.Very High
Creeping DarknessIllusionBard 2
Blackguard 1
Cleric 2
Sorcerer/Wizard 2
Muffle your presence, and phase out within the darkness.Moderate
Crippling BlowNecromancyCleric 8
Sorcerer/Wizard 8
Reduce a target to 1 hp with extreme vile damage.Very High
Cross ExplosionEvocationSorcerer/Wizard 4This spell causes an explosion which creates two lines, damaging foes and knocking them away and off their feet.High
Crush WillEnchantmentBard 4
Blackguard 3
Sorcerer/Wizard 5
You deliver a crushing monologue which affect your opponent based on how many hit points they have.High
Crushing SphereEvocationSorcerer/Wizard 8A horrifying version of resilient sphere.Very High
CryosprayConjurationDruid 2
Sorcerer/Wizard 2
Release a constant stream of freezing cold which can ice over your opponents.High
CryostasisNecromancyCleric 5
Sorcerer/Wizard 5
Freeze a creature into a state of stasis. It can be used for utility, or offensively.High
Crystal ShapeTransmutationSorcerer/Wizard 7
Artifice 6
Druid 6
Gem 7
Shape glass and precious stones.Very High
Crystalline BeamEvocationDruid 4
Gem 4
You invoke the power of a gem to create a line of force.Moderate
Cull UndeadNecromancyGrim 1Deal the grim cost to undead creatures.High
Curative TouchConjuration
Bard 1
Cleric 1
Druid 1
Healing 1
Paladin 1
Ranger 2
A rework of cure spells, designed to be more effective in and out of combat.High
Cure Deadly WoundsConjurationCleric 5Fifth level Cure Wounds spell; can heal post-deathHigh
Cure Extended WoundsConjurationBard 5
Cleric 5
Druid 6
Healer 5
Cures 5d8 damage +1/level (max +25).Moderate
Cure Fatal WoundsConjurationBard 8
Cleric 8
Druid 9
Healer 8
Cures 8d8 damage +1/level (max +40).Moderate
Cure Friendly FireConjurationCleric 1
Paladin 1
Paladette 1
Salvation 1
Heal the target of friendly fire damage incurred since the previous round.
Cure Light Magic MissileConjurationBard 2
Cleric 2
What is magic missile was positive energy instead?Moderate
Cure Massive WoundsConjurationBard 6
Cleric 6
Druid 7
Healer 6
Cures 6d8 damage +1/level (max +30).Moderate
Cure Surgical WoundsConjurationBard 7
Cleric 7
Druid 8
Healer 7
Cures 7d8 damage +1/level (max +35).Moderate
Cure WoundsNecromancyBard 1
Cleric 1
Druid 2
Paladin 1
Repair hp damage with a touch. Designed to replace the cure series of spells.High
Cure Wounds - Zhen VariantTransmutationBard 0
Cleric 0
Druid 0
Sorcerer/Wizard 0
Bard 1
Cleric 1
Druid 1
Ranger 1
Paladin 1
Sorcerer/Wizard 1
Bard 2
Cleric 2
Druid 2
Ranger 2
Paladin 2
Sorcerer/Wizard 2
Bard 3
Cleric 3
Druid 3
Ranger 3
Paladin 3
Sorcerer/Wizard 3
Bard 4
Cleric 4
Druid 4
Ranger 4
Paladin 4
Sorcerer/Wizard 4
Bard 5
Cleric 5
Druid 5
Sorcerer/Wizard 5
Bard 6
Cleric 6
Druid 6
Sorcerer/Wizard 6
Cleric 7
Druid 7
Sorcerer/Wizard 7
Cleric 8
Druid 8
Sorcerer/Wizard 8
Cleric 9
Druid 9
Sorcerer/Wizard 9
Very High
Curse Fruit TreeEnchantmentCleric 0
Druid 0
Just like Jesus, you doom a tree to never bear fruit again.Low
Curse ObjectNecromancyCleric 4
Sorcerer/Wizard 5
Curse an object (or a track of land). Those who touch said object are subject to bestow curse.Very High
Curse TransferAbjurationCleric 6
Druid 6
Sorcerer/Wizard 7
You extract a curse from a creature and cast it on another creatureHigh
Curse of Acting ManuallyNecromancyBard 2
Cleric 3
Sorcerer/Wizard 3
Curse your opponent with incompetence, so that they cannot focus on seeing and walking or other multiple tasks at the same time.High
Curse of AeonsTransmutationSorcerer/Wizard 6You accelerate a creature's passage through time, causing its body to rapidly age and decay.
Curse of Cacophonous ChorusIllusionBard 2
Cleric 4
Sorcerer/Wizard 3
You curse the target to be hounded by a terrible noise almost 24/7. They simply cannot concentrate.High
Curse of IneptitudeNecromancyCleric 3
Sorcerer 4
Wizard 4
Instead of a penalty to your rolls, this spell forces you to roll smaller dice.Moderate
Curse of MisfortuneDivination
Blackguard 3
Cleric 4
Sorcerer/Wizard 5
You force the target of this spell to reroll many dices andHigh
Curse of QwopNecromancySorcerer/Wizard 4
Screwball 2
You make the target unable to control their body right. They will need extreme dexterity just to walk right again.Very High
Curse of Spell AllergyNecromancySorcerer/Wizard 4Those affected go into sneezing and coughing fits when around magic.High
Curse of the Annoying Speech ImpedimentNecromancySylvan Occultist 3
Paladette 3
Dream Lord 3
You doom someone to speak in an annoying way.Very High
Curse of the Burned HandsTransmutationCleric 3
Sorcerer/Wizard 4
A curse that makes the hands of the cursed one hot if he touches metal.High
Curse of the Dust BodyNecromancyCleric 5
Sorcerer/Wizard 6
The body of the target vanishes of fine dust as the time past.High
Curse of the KenderConjurationBard 4
Cleric 6
Druid 5
Sorcerer/Wizard 6
Screwball 6
You curse a creature to the most miserable experience of all time: living with a kender.Unquantifiable
Curse of the SilentTransmutationAssassin 4
Bard 3
Cleric 4
Ranger 4
Paladin 4
Sorcerer/Wizard 4
knowledge 4
repose 4
trickery 4
madness 4
The target will lose hp and spells until it casts a spell.Very High
Curse of the Tortured SleepEnchantmentCleric 4
Sorcerer/Wizard 5
Cursed OneDivinationBard 6
Blackguard 4
Cleric 9
Sorcerer/Wizard 9
The target is struck with a terrible streak of bad luck that will never end.High
Cuttlefish Hypnotic CamouflageEnchantment
Druid 2
Ranger 2
You take the camouflaging properties of a cuttlefish.High
Cyclonic BlastEvocationPsychic 9A fire a blast of air which damage opponents and reposition them.Very High
Damnation of the EarthNecromancyCleric 9Through an intense rapture, you save the soul of good-aligned creature, punish evil-aligned one and them into walking corpses.Very High
Dampen ImpactAbjurationPsychic 1
Sorcerer/Wizard 1
Gain DR 10/magic and reduce impact damage by 10 per caster level.High
Dangerous DivinationDivinationSorcerer/Wizard 6An arcane divination which is dangerous for the user.High
Dark ChaserNecromancyCleric 3Release a line of negative energy that chases down opponents for 3 rounds.High
Dark EdgeIllusionAssassin 2You imbue your weapon with shadow magic, making it deal more damage and allowing it to strike incorporeal creatures.High
Dark HealingConjurationDark Insight 1Use your dark insight for a powerful burst of healing.High
Dark ReckoningEvocationCleric 9A massive emanation of purest darkness blinds, deafens and destroys all that you consider as infidels.
Dark Scholar's InsightDivinationDark Insight 1Gain a massive bonus to knowledge or dark insight at the cost of your sanity.Moderate
Dark SeekerConjuration
Blackguard 2
Cleric 3
Conjure a unliving mass of negative energy to chase your opponent down.High
Dark ShadowsEvocationAssassin 1
Blackguard 1
Bard 0
Cleric 0
Druid 0
Sorcerer 0
Wizard 0
A basic darkness spell that creates non-magical darkness.Moderate
Dark SymmetryNecromancySorcerer/Wizard 2Subject becomes unable to move, unless mimicking caster's movements when the caster desires.High
DarkstormEvocationShadow Bard 3Fire a mote of darkness which damage creature and darken the area.High
Data FormTransmutationSorcerer/Wizard 9Turn into a incorporeal form of yourself made of pure information. You cannot die from hit point damage while in this state.High
Data MineEnchantmentBard 3
Sorcerer/Wizard 3
The more you knoooow.... the more this spell will hurt.High
Daunting RayEnchantmentBard 4
Cleric 4
Paladin 4
A ray which breaks your opponent's will to fight.Very High
Daze DragonsEnchantmentBard 4
Sorcerer/Wizard 5
Your magic can give even the most mighty monsters pause, if only for a moment.Very High
Dazzle WardAbjurationBard 0
Cleric 0
Sorcerer/Wizard 0
Ward against bright light with some cool eye protection.High
Dead King's DanceNecromancyBard 4
Sorcerer/Wizard 6
Perform a magical song and dance that mindless undead join along with.Very High
Death FieldNecromancyCleric 9
Druid 9
A pulsating zone of negative energy deals 3d6 + CL damage to everyone in a 30 ft radius around you for multiple rounds.Moderate
Death MetalEnchantmentBard 2Your music creates a destructive darkness in your allies hearts.
Death RayNecromancySorcerer/Wizard 3
Witch 3
A ray that deals negative energy damage, can be concentrated on, and prevent stabilization.High
Death ThroesNecromancySorcerer/Wizard 5Make a creature explode when it dies for 1d10 damage/level.Very High
Death by SleepEnchantmentCleric 8
Sorcerer/Wizard 8
The target falls asleep, only to die by nightmares.High
Death's CloakIllusionGrim 2You become transparent.High
Death's DoorNecromancyCleric 1
Sorcerer/Wizard 1
Touched creature can survive at up to –20 hit points.High
DeathballNecromancyCleric 6
Ki Master 8
Sorcerer/Wizard 7
This is a powerful blast of negative energy that animates the creatures that die as the result of this spellModerate
Sorcerer/Wizard 9You summon an armageddon of flaming skulls to crash down unto your enemies.Very High
DecalificationTransmutationSorcerer/Wizard 5Gives target instant and severe calcium deficiency.Moderate
Decaying TouchNecromancyDruid 3
Sorcerer/Wizard 4
With a single touch you cause decay and destruction.Very High
DecencyIllusionCleric 0
Sorcerer/Wizard 0
Adept 0
Willing target sees veil over nude creatures.Low
DefianceAbjurationCleric 3
Sorcerer/Wizard 3
Paladin 2
Harden your body against foes, or make them regret outnumbering you.Very High
Deform BodyTransmutationCleric 2Acquire the benefits of a Deformity feat you qualify for, ignoring the Willing Deformity requirement.High
Defuse HostilitiesEnchantmentBard 5
Salvation 6
Peace 6
Peace out, dude.
DegenerateNecromancyBlackguard 4
Cleric 7
Harming 7
Druid 9
With a touch you cause a body to start eating away at itself.High
Dehydrating RayTransmutationSorcerer/Wizard 5A spell which dehydrate a creature into powder which can be hydrated to bring back the creature.Very High
Deific LightConjuration
Paladin 3
Cleric 4
You call beams of light from the heaven, allowing you to heal or damage creatures.High
Delilah's Dispersal CurrentEvocationSorcerer/Wizard 8
Voltage 8
A massive blast of electricity that cannot be contained by a single target, either spreading to others or causing debilitating side effects.Very High
DementiaEnchantmentDementation 6
Sorcerer/Wizard 7
Target creature's wisdom is reduced to 1.
Demise UnseenNecromancy
Cleric 9
Evil 9
Sorcerer/Wizard 9
Trickery 9
Undeath 9
Destroy a creature and transform it into a controlled ghoul.Very High
Demonic MegiddoEvocationBlighter 9
Cleric 9
Sorcerer/Wizard 9
Warmage 9
Nuke your surroundings with raw darkness.Very High
DenialAbjurationBard 4
Cleric 5
Sorcerer/Wizard 5
Assassin 2
You deny a creature use of its special abilities, or deny an object its intended function.Unquantifiable
Dense WeaponTransmutationRanger 1
Shugenja (Earth) 2
Sorcerer/Wizard 2
Duskblade 1
Make a weapon very dense, increasing damage but making you unbalanced after attacks.High
DensityTransmutationDruid 3
Sorcerer/Wizard 3
Either enlarge and weaken an object, or shrink and harden.High
Density ControlTransmutationDruid 4
Sorcerer/Wizard 4
Increase or decrease the density and size of an object.Unquantifiable
Desaturated SprayEvocationCleric 7
Sorcerer/Wizard 7
A spray of beams bursts forth, ranging in value from white to black, but having no saturation. Each value has a different effect on targets.High
DesiccateTransmutationDruid 9You destroy plants and dessicate soil within the area of effect.
DesolateEvocationAssassin 4
Bard 4
Blackguard 4
Cleric 4
Druid 4
Ranger 4
Sorcerer/Wizard 4
Desolate, GreaterEvocationCleric 8
Blighter 8
Sorcerer/Wizard 8
Death 8
Evil 8
Madness 8
Repose 8
Enchant a weapon to do increased damage to creatures without any allies.Very High
Desolate, LesserEvocationAssassin 1
Bard 1
Blackguard 1
Cleric 1
Druid 1
Ranger 1
Paladin 1
Sorcerer/Wizard 1
Destructive BarkEvocationSorcerer/Wizard 3You slam your tail downwards, smack the ground, and bark, destroying and deafening all in your path.Moderate
Destructive DisruptionAbjurationSorcerer/Wizard 4
Psychic 4
Dispel magic doesn't make things explode. This does. Obviously the superior option.High
Destructive TeleportConjuration
Sorcerer/Wizard 9You teleport and cause incredible destruction upon arrival.High
Destructo DiscConjurationKi Master 6A golden buzzsaw attacks all targets in a line, potentially decapitating them.High
Detect AlignmentDivinationCleric 1All the alignment detection spells rolled into one.Very High
Detect DiseaseDivinationCleric 0
Druid 0
Paladin 1
Ranger 1
Sorcerer/Wizard 0
You determine whether a creature, object, or area is diseased.
Detect Evil, VariantDivinationCleric 2You detect the evil inside a creature, divining it strength and possibly exposing evil intentions.Very High
Detect HeatDivinationDruid 1
Ranger 1
Sorcerer/Wizard 1
Cleric 1
You detect heat sources visually.
Detect LawsDivinationCleric 1
Sorcerer/Wizard 1
Paladin 1
Determine the rules in the nearest settlement.High
Detect LifeforceDivinationCleric 1
Life 1
See hit dice/hit points of people viewedModerate
Detect MineralDivinationDruid 0
Ranger 1
Shugenja (Earth) 0
Sorcerer/Wizard 0
Wu Jen (Earth) 0
Detect a particular mineral or element in the ground.High
Detect ParentageDivinationBard 1
Cleric 1
Druid 1
Paladin 1
Sorcerer/Wizard 1
Disc determines if subjects are parent and child.
Detect Perfect GiftDivinationBard 1
` Cleric 1
You detect the perfect gift for a creature.Moderate
Detect Power LevelDivinationBard 1
Blackguard 1
Cleric 1
Paladin 1
Ranger 1
Sorcerer/Wizard 1
You sense the presence of life force in an area.High
Detect RadiationDivinationBard 0
Cleric 0
Sorcerer/Wizard 0
Detect radioactive material at range.High
Detect SurvivorsDivinationCleric 3
Sorcerer/Wizard 4
Genocide 3
Paladette 3
You hunt down those pesky little survivors that try to hide from you.High
Detect VirginDivinationCleric 0
Paladin 1
Sorcerer/Wizard 0
A favorite of princess-kidnapping dragons, suspicious kings with princesses, evil cultists looking for sacrifices, and juvenile wizards in school. Detects if a creature is a virgin.Low
Detect VoltageDivinationDruid 0
Ranger 1
Shugenja (Air) 0
Sorcerer/Wizard 0
Wu Jen (Metal) 0
You can detect the electrical networks around you.Moderate
Detonating GraspEvocationKi Master 9
Sorcerer/Wizard 9
A grasping hand that injures those it grabs, it has high mobility and ultimately explodes at the end.Very High
Detonation of BloodNecromancySorcerer/Wizard 7You raise the blood pressure of a creature, turning them into an explosive bomb.Very High
Devastation InhalationEvocationGluttony 3
Sorcerer/Wizard 3
With a gigantic breath, you release an earth-shaking belch and a gout of acidic gas.Very High
Devil's PactConjurationCleric 4
Sorcerer/Wizard 4
You bargain with a powerful devil to bring a fallen companion back to life.
Devilish SpewEvocationCleric 1
Sorcerer/Wizard 1
You breath a cone of fire and brimstone all over the place.High
Devitron BeamEvocation
Psychic 8A terrible spell which warps reality and tears opponents apart.Very High
Devolve PersonTransmutationObliteration 5
Sorcerer/Wizard 5
You send a creature back through its evolutionary history until it becomes a blob of bacteria that dissolves into cellular components.High
Devour SoulNecromancyGluttony 9
Obliteration 9
Sorcerer/Wizard 9
You literally eat your opponent's soul.Very High
Diamond BodyTransmutationDruid 7
Sorcerer/Wizard 6
Wu Jen (Earth) 6
Ki Master 6
Gem 7
You turn your body into raw diamonds.Very High
DibonationDivinationCleric 3
Sorcerer/Wizard 3
Lets you critical hit or sneak attack creatures normally immune to such.High
Dig Your Own GraveEnchantmentBard 3
Sorcerer/Wizard 4
You command the opponent to dig their own grave, and they do so. If permitted to complete the task, they shall soon die.High
Digestive FluidsTransmutationDruid 4
Ranger 2
The creature's bite attack drips with acid which persists after the bite has been made.High
Dimension PathwayConjurationBard 6
Sorcerer/Wizard 6
Lesser teleportation circle, with the range of dimension door.High
Dimension PopConjurationBard 2
Sorcerer/Wizard 2
A low-level teleportation spell that is quick, but short-ranged and dangerous to use.Very High
Dimension ShiftConjurationBard 3
Sorcerer/Wizard 3
Close-range noncombat teleport
Dimensional TransferenceConjurationSorcerer/Wizard 1The target's weapons go through portals to make attacking more or less efficient, depending on your desires.Very High
Diode of ForceEvocationSorcerer/Wizard 8As wall of force, but only one way.Very High
Dire WoundIllusionBard 2
Sorcerer/Wizard 2
The affected target appears to be much worse off than they think, causing them to change their tactics.Unquantifiable
Directional ShieldingAbjurationCleric 2
Paladin 2
Sorcerer/Wizard 3
Duskblade 2
Ki Master 2
A six sided barrier appears around you, ablating damage and providing protection against flankers.High
Disable VehicleTransmutationDruid 4
Sorcerer/Wizard 4
Disable to use of one or more powered vehicles for the duration.Very High
Disappointing RunesAbjurationSorcerer/Wizard 1Minor rune goes off with a plip of daunting disappointment.Moderate
Discern AncestryDivinationBard 2
Sorcerer/Wizard 3
Determine if a creature has a specific ancestor.
Discern BirthdaysDivinationAdept 0
Bard 0
Cleric 0
Druid 0
Paladin 1
Ranger 1
Sorcerer/Wizard 0
Reveals birthdays
Discern Lighting LevelDivinationBard 0
Cleric 0
Druid 0
Sorcerer/Wizard 0
Determine how bright of light is shining on you
Discern Portal DestinationDivinationBard 1
Cleric 1
Elementalist 1
Sorcerer/Wizard 1
Summoner 1
Find the destination of a portal
DisenchantAbjurationSylvan Occultist 3You attempt to remove or counter a spell.High
Disguise FormTransmutationTransmogrification 1This spell transforms the target's minor physical qualities at the caster's choosing, with some risk.High
Disintegrating BurstTransmutationSorcerer/Wizard 9
Ki Master 9
Area suffers effects of disintegrationHigh
Dispater's TowerConjurationBlackguard 2
Cleric 2
Sorcerer/Wizard 2
Surround yourself with protective iron walls, even though it hampers your own ability to attack.High
Disruption SphereNecromancyCleric 3An explosion of holy energy which injures undead.Moderate
Disruptive InterferenceDivination3 Sorcrerer/WizardHigher level magic may be used to interfere with your enemies.Very High
Disturbing VisageTransmutationBlackguard 1
Cleric 1
You grow a hideous cancer upon you which is so horrifying opponents cannot take aim at your hideousness.High
Dividing DriverTransmutationDruid 9
Ki Master 9
Split the skies, divide the earth, and rip your foes asunder with a single slash of a vorpal weapon.Very High
Divine BrandEvocationCleric 1
Paladin 1
Your holy symbol burns the impure.Moderate
Divine ChantEvocationCleric 3Chant and unleash a powerful wave of energy after it charged.Very High
Divine LightningEvocationCleric 6
Druid 5
Call upon a divine bolt of lightning, which can stun foes.High
Divine MountConjurationCleric 2
Paladin 1
Summons a steed from the outer planes to serve as your mount.High
Divine RetributionEvocationCleric 9A massive column of divine light descends to judge everyone and everything you consider to be an enemy.
Divine ShieldAbjurationPaladin 4The Paladin shields himself from everything.High
Divine Spear FragmentsEvocationCleric 3
Inquisitor 2
A incomplete version of the divine spears spell, this spell fires spearheads made of light.High
Divine SpearsEvocationCleric 4
Inquisitor 3
You summon a row of divine spears which pierce from the ground, impaling your foes.High
Divine Swords StormEvocationCleric 4You summon a hail of swords made of light, which damage foes and can be used as a weapon.High
Diving Spider's BubbleAbjurationDruid 1
Ranger 1
Create a bubble of air on your head to breathe underwater.Moderate
Dominating DogmaEnchantmentCleric 5Alter the alignment of a target to that of your own. It may spell atonement for the creature, or rebellion.Very High
Dopple ArmsConjurationCleric 6
Sorcerer/Wizard 5
Ki Master 5
You gain an extra pair of arms.High
Dragon FormTransmutationSorcerer/Wizard 6The target assumes the form of a huge dragon.
Dragon RoarEvocationBard 2
Sorcerer/Wizard 3
Roar with the might of a dragon, instilling fear in your weaker foes.High
Dragon's BreathEvocationDragon 4
Druid 4
Sorcerer/Wizard 4
You bequeath upon a target the breath of a dragon.Very High
Dragon's Breath, NWEvocationSorcerer/Wizard 2You breathe out a blast of energy.High
Drain Critical EnergyConjurationCleric 4Pull positive energy from your target.Moderate
Drain EnergyNecromancyCleric 1
Sorcerer/Wizard 1
Absorb health from a target, and transfer fatigue and exhaustion.Moderate
Drain Light EnergyConjurationCleric 1Pull positive energy from your target.Moderate
Drain Moderate EnergyConjurationCleric 2Pull positive energy from your target.Moderate
Drain Serious EnergyConjurationCleric 3Pull positive energy from your target.Moderate
Dreadful AfflictionNecromancyCleric 5
Sorcerer/Wizard 5
You inflict permanent massive ability penalties to all ability scores of the target.High
Dream ConjurationEnchantmentImproved Oneiromancy 4You conjure a creature, object or force made of dreamstuff.Very High
Dream Conjuration, GreaterEnchantmentImproved Oneiromancy 7You conjure a creature, object or force made of dreamstuff.Very High
Dream EvocationEnchantmentImproved Oneiromancy 5You replicate an evocation spell using dreamstuff.Very High
Dream Evocation, GreaterEnchantmentImproved Oneiromancy 8You replicate an evocation spell using dreamstuff.Very High
Dream HypnosisEnchantmentBard 2
Mesmerist 2
Sorcerer/Wizard 2
Witch 2
You enter a creature's dream and attempt to alter their disposition.High
Drillbeam CannonEvocationCleric 3
Psychic 3
A powerful ray of ki, which is capable of going through multiple creatures.High
... further results

Epic Spells

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